Happy Keith:
‘…I am a conservative voter … the only party that will get us back on track … You don’t hear any of the other leaders denying that fact…’
That’s not a fact - it’s a hopeless stab at maintaining tribalist nonsense of the pro-EU, bed-wetting Four.
The ‘…other leaders…’ are simply followers of Brussels orders who remain mute at the undemocratic and useless DCPC as it tramples us without a proper and not even half-professional UK Transport Industry Needs Analysis being done for it.
‘…Yes ukip are very popular at the moment, riding a wave of anti immigration policies that appeal to the unhappy masses…’
Another smoke & mirrors attempt to divert the shared Lib-Lab-Con-Green ownership of having captained a sinking ship into this storm of expensive, too diverse, foreign inspired & unwanted dictatorship? eg:
1. The desire for an island nation to rule itself isn’t anti-immigration - so that flimsy soundbite wins ye nowt 
2. The ‘…unhappy masses…’ are biting back democratically - having been denied that liberty by the EU. Yes, UK society is an unhappy mass - having been utterly disenfranchised by Lib-Lab-Con-Green endorsed, Euro DCPC garbage that is only one example of them all abusing us all in their insideous onslaught upon, not least, my industry.
The Lib-Lab-Con-Greens are a gullible, one-trick, pro-EU Pony that is due the Knackers Yard 
By " other leaders" I did count your messiah in there, what are ukips plans for the economy btw?
They’re not anti immigration! What exactly do those new posters mean then? You know the ones about millions of foreigners coming for your jobs.
As far as one trick pony goes I think you’ve stuck your straw hat on one. What else do ukip bang on about other than “get us out of Europe” I’m still waiting for an answer to my question about the benefits to the working man of getting out. You appear to think we will be part of a brave new world where we won’t have to follow rules, no more WTD, no more DCPC, no more Tacho rules etc. Bosses will put wages up beyond belief because all those nasty foreigners have been sent home, fuel prices will drop, you will pick & choose what work you will do & when. Total bollix of course. I’m afraid you’re in for a shock, in or out we will still have to abide by euro rules if we want to trade with them, still require DCPC if you want to drive there etc. The only difference would be that we would be sat on the outside looking in as they make their rules up & us having no say or veto.
Still, I’m sure Nigel & his happy band will have a plan for us, they just don’t know what it is yet.
Now then, instead of just having a go at the party leaders we have let us know your version of what we will get as a benefit of getting out.
Olog Hai:
No, politics in this country is fuelled by propaganda via a bought and paid for media, it is totally discredited and a national disgrace, postal vote rigging that makes Zimbabwe look like an epicentre of democracy.
Big allegation, that. Proof please.
Two random hits from umpteen on any search engine of your choice, its the BBC so no bias of course.
news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west … 406575.stm
birminghammail.co.uk/news/mi … es-6799753
LOL. In one post you tell us that the media is “bought and paid for” and distributes “propaganda”. Then you use the exact same media in an attempt to back up another claim!!
In any case, one of your links is from 10 years ago; the other proves nothing, especially in view of your claim that vote rigging in this coutry is on a similar scale that it makes Zimbabwe look like “an epicentre of democracy.”
The second one is a demand from a Tory MP, so again impeccable credentials.

Stick to telling us how much of a better lorry driver you are than anybody else. And moaning.
Anybody able to defend this?
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … ction.html
Thought not! 
Anybody able to defend this?
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … ction.html
Thought not! 
Think you’re supposed to give people at least the chance to reply.
Nothing new in here, we all know it’s a gravy train, why do you think Nigel & his chums are desperate to get on it? As it states in the last paragraph though, it’s changing because of the British stance on things. If we aren’t there we can’t do anything about it can we, but our business interests & trade with Europe will still be subject to the rules they make.
theguardian.com/politics/201 … tweet-ukip
Can anyone defend this? Go on I’ll give you the chance.
Anybody able to defend this?
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … ction.html
Thought not! 
“Think you’re supposed to give people at least the chance to reply.
Nothing new in here, we all know it’s a gravy train.”
So you continue to defend the indefensible
“why do you think Nigel & his chums are desperate to get on it?”
In case you hadn’t noticed they are already on it, I suggest you view some of Farage’s speeches, you will then see what his position is, if you read carefully they want out
“As it states in the last paragraph though, it’s changing because of the British stance on things.”
Well it’s about time
“If we aren’t there we can’t do anything about it can we”
We have been there for a long time and haven’t been able to do much about it have we?, the bigger the EU gets the LESS influence we have
“but our business interests & trade with Europe will still be subject to the rules they make.”
So what? They already are anyway.
“Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | UK Independence party (Ukip) | The Guardian
Can anyone defend this? Go on I’ll give you the chance.”
No idea what that’s about
Olog Hai:
Olog Hai:
No, politics in this country is fuelled by propaganda via a bought and paid for media, it is totally discredited and a national disgrace, postal vote rigging that makes Zimbabwe look like an epicentre of democracy.
Big allegation, that. Proof please.
Two random hits from umpteen on any search engine of your choice, its the BBC so no bias of course.
news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west … 406575.stm
birminghammail.co.uk/news/mi … es-6799753
LOL. In one post you tell us that the media is “bought and paid for” and distributes “propaganda”. Then you use the exact same media in an attempt to back up another claim!!
In any case, one of your links is from 10 years ago; the other proves nothing, especially in view of your claim that vote rigging in this coutry is on a similar scale that it makes Zimbabwe look like “an epicentre of democracy.”
The second one is a demand from a Tory MP, so again impeccable credentials.

Stick to telling us how much of a better lorry driver you are than anybody else. And moaning.
You don’t do subtle or irony do you, so we’ll do it the other way.
From the second link i gave you…birminghammail.co.uk/news/mi … ds-6686582
That if you care to read it tells you all about a report about vote rigging from really surprising areas all round the country, its from the electoral commission.
As for the personal jibe, us Kippers get used to it from the three cheeks of the same arse party and their acolytes, water off a ducks back old son, have a nice evening.
Anybody able to defend this?
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … ction.html
Thought not! 
“Think you’re supposed to give people at least the chance to reply.
Nothing new in here, we all know it’s a gravy train.”
So you continue to defend the indefensible
Not defending it, just stating what we already know.
“why do you think Nigel & his chums are desperate to get on it?”
In case you hadn’t noticed they are already on it, I suggest you view some of Farage’s speeches, you will then see what his position is, if you read carefully they want out
If they really want out then they should get into our parliament not theirs where they can do nothing other than keep their snouts in the trough.
“As it states in the last paragraph though, it’s changing because of the British stance on things.”
Well it’s about time
Better late than never. Ukip rarely turn up for discussions or voting so how do they help?
“If we aren’t there we can’t do anything about it can we”
We have been there for a long time and haven’t been able to do much about it have we?, the bigger the EU gets the LESS influence we have
“but our business interests & trade with Europe will still be subject to the rules they make.”
So what? They already are anyway. Exactly, so what difference will getting out do?
“Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | UK Independence party (Ukip) | The Guardian
Can anyone defend this? Go on I’ll give you the chance.”
No idea what that’s about
Try reading it, it’s about a ukip councillor getting upset because someone questioned the “facts” they put in their manifesto, proved them wrong & put it on social media. Imagine how it would be if they got into power.
Anybody able to defend this?
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … ction.html
Thought not! 
“Think you’re supposed to give people at least the chance to reply.
Nothing new in here, we all know it’s a gravy train.”
So you continue to defend the indefensible
Not defending it, just stating what we already know.
“why do you think Nigel & his chums are desperate to get on it?”
In case you hadn’t noticed they are already on it, I suggest you view some of Farage’s speeches, you will then see what his position is, if you read carefully they want out
If they really want out then they should get into our parliament not theirs where they can do nothing other than keep their snouts in the trough.
“As it states in the last paragraph though, it’s changing because of the British stance on things.”
Well it’s about time
Better late than never. Ukip rarely turn up for discussions or voting so how do they help?
“If we aren’t there we can’t do anything about it can we”
We have been there for a long time and haven’t been able to do much about it have we?, the bigger the EU gets the LESS influence we have
“but our business interests & trade with Europe will still be subject to the rules they make.”
So what? They already are anyway. Exactly, so what difference will getting out do?
“Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | UK Independence party (Ukip) | The Guardian
Can anyone defend this? Go on I’ll give you the chance.”
No idea what that’s about
Try reading it, it’s about a ukip councillor getting upset because someone questioned the “facts” they put in their manifesto, proved them wrong & put it on social media. Imagine how it would be if they got into power.
As I said, don’t know what that’s about.
Now can we have some answers to the other points that you have raised and I have refuted?
Anybody able to defend this?
telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … ction.html
Thought not! 
“Think you’re supposed to give people at least the chance to reply.
Nothing new in here, we all know it’s a gravy train.”
So you continue to defend the indefensible
Not defending it, just stating what we already know.
“why do you think Nigel & his chums are desperate to get on it?”
In case you hadn’t noticed they are already on it, I suggest you view some of Farage’s speeches, you will then see what his position is, if you read carefully they want out
If they really want out then they should get into our parliament not theirs where they can do nothing other than keep their snouts in the trough.
“As it states in the last paragraph though, it’s changing because of the British stance on things.”
Well it’s about time
Better late than never. Ukip rarely turn up for discussions or voting so how do they help?
“If we aren’t there we can’t do anything about it can we”
We have been there for a long time and haven’t been able to do much about it have we?, the bigger the EU gets the LESS influence we have
“but our business interests & trade with Europe will still be subject to the rules they make.”
So what? They already are anyway. Exactly, so what difference will getting out do?
“Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | UK Independence party (Ukip) | The Guardian
Can anyone defend this? Go on I’ll give you the chance.”
No idea what that’s about
Try reading it, it’s about a ukip councillor getting upset because someone questioned the “facts” they put in their manifesto, proved them wrong & put it on social media. Imagine how it would be if they got into power.
As I said, don’t know what that’s about.
Now can we have some answers to the other points that you have raised and I have refuted?
Answers are right in front of you, all you have to do is look. If you read it & don’t find anything wrong with it then fine. How would you feel if the police came to your house to ask you to remove a post from this thread? You ok with that?
I know this is a trucking website, so come on lads the two main parties have ruined the country between them over the years,and you know it, the transport industry is just getting silly with the rules and regs, so just for our industry lets vote ukip and tell Brussels to get stuffed,
As my mother used to say, not as long as my arse points south. You can all stop your party election broadcasts now, I’ve complete my postal vote, and it wasn’t for Nigel’s crew.
As a matter of interest what rules and regs do you consider silly, and why do you think voting ukip will change that?
Just so you know, the upcoming election is voting for people to be MEPs, to sit in the European Parliament. Current ukip MEPs have some of the worst voting & attendance records in the parliament. What do you expect them to do this time around?
There are many on here telling me what my present preferred party can’t do or wont do, but nothing about what their preferred parties would do, will do, or can do to make my life easier, I could never vote labour as I’m working man and they certainly have never done anything for me quiet the opposite, a few years back when I was on a very low wage ( my choice at the time ) I did for my sins vote labour they promptly repaid me by doubling my tax from 10% to 20% thank you Mr Brown, that I can never forgive them for. The present incumbents are plain ordinary liars, they lied to me for my vote promising a referendum and like a fool I fell for it, now I’m being promised a referendum but only if they can renegotiate favourable terms, why are they not negotiating now? not after the next election, I don’t do liars so that’s them out the door all the others are non runners, that just leaves me UKIP I’ll have to put up with being shouted down by all these fascists as that is what they are but cant see it, calling me a racist, homophobe little Englander and what ever else they can think up, at least they have offered me a referendum that’ll do me, I’ll give them a try and see how they can do, if it don’t work out I’ll be back to voting for “non of the above”, but for all my trying they never seem to do any good, As for the DCPC, even if we come out of the EU I cant see any government pulling out of that even if we would not need it over here, only if we went into Europe, it’s to nicer little earner for them and keeps a few people in work.
As my mother used to say, not as long as my arse points south. You can all stop your party election broadcasts now, I’ve complete my postal vote, and it wasn’t for Nigel’s crew.
Billy, you’ve made your position clear. You are a Conservative, and you show the same loyalty to your party that a football supporter shows to his team, sticking with them through thick and thin.
Politics isn’t like that. The Conservative Party may once have represented the man on the street, but they certainly don’t now. They had a chance to undo the mess created by the Blair/Brown Government, but instead they just seem hell-bent on re-inflating the house price bubble in order to create a temporary “feel-good” factor among simple-minded folk incapable of seeing beyond the immediate future (*), in order to gain power at next year’s General Election. After that, the whole house of cards will come crashing down.
(*) No offence, obviously. 
i laugh when i read posts that tell me we will not have any future if we are not in Europe etc
just one question how did we ever manage to live when we wasn’t in Europe ?
i can remember when bin lorry’s had teams of 6 men on them all crafting for there money this was well before we went into Europe, just how on earth could we afford to pay a team of 6 mens wages and yet not be in Europe just to collect rubbish ■■?
since those days we have seen huge changes to life in this country and now its got to the point were even our towns and city’s are losing there identity’s, our kids or there kids are going to find it near impossible to find work buy a home of there own etc simply because we are letting more and more people into the country that we dont need. we should be like Australia who only let people in who they need. if we need drs or nurses or even hgv drivers as there is a shortage etc then there can be no argument to let people into the country to work. that seems to be impossible to do for all our main party politicians and the man on the street the one who has just lost a job because a polish worker has taken his is mighty ■■■■■■ off over it all and every family around has at least one member of there family that is affected, and its going to get worse a lot worse
so ukip are growing bigger and all that shows is that people are fed up with nothing getting done over this issue 0 hour contracts are now getting to be the norm as employers can pick and choose. i just wish my bills would except a zero hours pay packet or rent but they have to be paid and the worse part is if your promised work and you dont get any as company’s cancel you at the last moment etc
so please tell me how we could be any worse off without Europe ? as i started this post using bin men as a show of how many jobs people had years ago without Europe and now we are so much more better off ■■?
i think we was far better off when we wasn’t in Europe myself and we can do it again its time for a real change in this country as we have had the same governments doing the same things ever since i can remember and the worse mistake they ever made was to go into the common market and devalue and change our money over. i dont see how if we continue the way we are how anyone will make a living we will all end up working for less and less and having to do more and more until it finally bursts
If RM Scotland have cast their lot with the “No” Scottish campaign, then it would be interesting indeed if we, the trucking universe decided en-masse to make “Voting Ukip” our thing. 
Why are wages stagnant/lower than 20 years ago?
Why is there an ever-higher mountain of bull to climb, especially for newly trained drivers who’ve done it at their own expense?
Why are we paying ever more to Brussels while ever less of our NIcs/Pension Contributions/Taxes actually go towards our Pensions, NHS, & other public services?
Why don’t the three main parties give a ■■■■ about it?
As: They’re all on the payroll. They look to their paymasters rather than their electorate for advancement. They believe they “cannot be removed” because there will never be enough of a swing to unseat them with our antiquated “first past the post” election system. They don’t recognise the transport industry as being THE most important industry any country can have - the difference between being a starving third-world basket case and (once) a thriving member of the G7, OPEC, and the hub of the Commonwealth.
since those days we have seen huge changes to life in this country and now its got to the point were even our towns and city’s are losing there identity’s, our kids or there kids are going to find it near impossible to find work buy a home of there own etc simply because we are letting more and more people into the country that we dont need.
It may well be that it’s harder for young people to get themselves on the property ladder nowadays, but to blame this solely on immigrants is simplistic in the extreme. And to say “[British] towns and city’s [sic] are losing there [sic] identity’s [sic]” is just hysterical cobblers.
we should be like Australia who only let people in who they need.
This is funny. Australia - other than the Aboriginies - is made up entirely of immigrants. A bit like England, in fact, including, incidentally, one N. Farage, whose name is of French Hugenot origin.
On a different note … telegraph.co.uk/news/politic … -Ukip.html
Slackbladder, you cant have seen the latest polls for the UKIP, they are the only party mentioning what most people want, controlled immigration to start with and out of the EU as well, the polls have put them way up to where they used to be, they are going to get a really good showing, unfortunately i dont think they will get in but if people are fed up with their present party why not vote for a change, if at least to give the present govt a fright, i will be voting UKIP, and every group im in on Facebook etc the amount of support they are getting from other truckers is quite promising.
Truckyboy, Scotland off your backs, think of how much scotland contributes to the economy before you think we are a burden, the oil that great britain produces is from Scotland, so as for us getting huge sums of cash from the government what about all the cash that scotland pays in to the government. And free uni places which english students can apply to go on as well, free prescriptions, that isnt only scotland that gets them, the whole country of britain can get free prescriptions not just scotland, i support UKIP i dont want independence from the rest of britain, i am scottish born but british thru and thru, but the more i look into it Scotland wud be a very rich country if it gained independence and i dont want it but the more we see our brothers in england wanting scotland out and thinking we are a burden the more i wud like it to see happen to prove that we arent a burden, but i will be voting against independence
Why is it that so many UKIP supporters display such a poor standard of written English? Surely you should be proud enough of your country to learn to write its language properly, especially as so many of you seem to insist that if immigrants must come here they should have a decent grasp of the language first.
Well the bin man thing is fairly easy, machinery has been invented to allow a couple of men to do the job it used to take six to do, I think they call it progress.
Harry, it’s not about blindly sticking with the same team, nobody on here has come on and given any explanation as to what ukip will do for us after getting out of Europe. I’m sorry but it’s not good enough to say " these buggers have cocked it up for long enough, let’s give someone else a go" I’d like to know how they intend to go on once we are out. You cannot seriously believe everything will change for the better for drivers. We are a cash cow and nobody, even ukip, will give that up. Im just not willing to give my vote to a party that has no viable policies for this country post Europe. I’m still waiting for answers.