Ok, so can anyone explain how ukip, once they’ve swept the board & won all the MEPs seat, would go about getting us out of Europe. I know I’ve asked before but I got nil punkt. Also, harking back to the main point of the thread, how long will they fill their seats in Brussels before they wield their massive power and get the DCPC cancelled? I think these are valid questions given the current incumbents lack of attendance at voting time.
Also I’m still waiting to hear of the benefits to me getting out of Europe will bring.

Ok, so can anyone explain how ukip, once they’ve swept the board & won all the MEPs seat, would go about getting us out of Europe. I know I’ve asked before but I got nil punkt.

Probably because the answer is so obvious that people thought you were trolling. If you don’t want to be a member of a club any more, you just tell the club that you have decided to resign.

If nothing else, it’s always worth voting for the party that everyone else says you can’t vote for, AND has an actual chance of winning some seats, unlike the Monster Raving Loony party, who do not. :wink:

I get a feeling that the often vehement anti-UKIP scaremongering on here is rooted in a blinkered fear of change. Some rather bold, negative predictions are offered up that would rival Nostradamus best efforts. I will be casting my vote (UKIP) to hopefully give the "gang of three" some food for thought regarding the electorates widespread disillusionment over the whole EU debacle.
They may all be creaking a little these days, but I still have balls and a backbone. A vote for an endless continuation of the same old ***t, or a vote for the possibility of a gradual return of self governance. Choose the latter, or s.t.f.u. when you get what you blindly asked for.

The biggest shock the Lib Dems got when finally entering into Goverment after donkeys years of never having a hope of been elected is they had entered the real world and had to start reneging on the policies they had been promising,and as for Red Ed,he’s promising anything regardless and if he gets lucky and ends up in Downing street he will have achieved his,and his union paymasters,first objective then he will just duck and dive and be full of bollox as to the reasons why he can’t deliver on his pre-election promises,but the main thing being he will have have got himself into No 10 for 5 years which will be more than enough time for him and that ■■■■■■ Balls to ■■■■ the country up again.The same goes for Cameron,he’s begging the electorate to vote him in as he’s promising to re-negotiate our EU membership and the give us an in/out referendum in 2017,what a lying ■■■■ he is,he’s another who wants to get into No.10 then the ■■■■ will duck and dive and come up with a thousand reasons why we can’t have a referendum,he’s done it once and won’t think twice about stuffing us again.What is wrong with Cameron saying “Vote me in and I will give you a referendum in the first 3 months of entering No.10 or I would resign if I didn’t/couldn’t”.Clegg is just a ■■■■ and I think he could possibly lose his seat in Sheffield at the general election.Vote UKIP to shake the ■■■■■■■■ rigid,Cheers Bewick.

The biggest shock the Lib Dems got when finally entering into Goverment after donkeys years of never having a hope of been elected is they had entered the real world and had to start reneging on the policies they had been promising …

What makes you think anything will be different if UKIP eventually achieve real power?

Harry Monk:

Rhythm Thief:
The scientific illiteracy is not merely about green issues (although as a trained environmental scientist their denial of anthropomorphic climate change does colour my opinion of them). .

“Anthropormism” has only one meaning, endowing human qualities to something which is not human, e.g. Tom hitting Jerry with a frying pan, Donald Duck wearing shorts etc. Do you mean anthropogenic?

Yes, I did, sorry. That’s where typing in a hurry gets you :blush: . Although the thing about Donald Duck was that he never wore trousers or shorts of any sort. Strikes me as a bit weird, that …

Rhythm Thief:

The biggest shock the Lib Dems got when finally entering into Goverment after donkeys years of never having a hope of been elected is they had entered the real world and had to start reneging on the policies they had been promising …

What makes you think anything will be different if UKIP eventually achieve real power?

I just want to see the long standing status quo turned upside down and the only way to do it at this time is by voting UKIP at least a vote for Nige is better than having to scrawl “none of the above” on your ballot paper. Bewick.

Harry Monk:
You’re obviously in favour of “more of the same”. Well, that’s fine, but I’m not.

I’m not, as it happens. I’m as much up for a protest vote as anyone. It’s just that UKIP is not the party I’d choose to vote for …

Rhythm Thief:
What makes you think anything will be different if UKIP eventually achieve real power?

Because we won’t have yet more waves of immigrant labour driving down our wages and pushing up housing costs, Turks, Ukrainians, then in 10 years time Azeris, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs etc. UKIP are the only party saying “OK, that’s enough, we’re full now”.

You strike me as being one of the most sensible posters on TruckNet, but you really have got it seriously wrong here. Uncontrolled immigration has done nothing but harm people like you and me, and as it carries on it will inevitably harm our children too.

Rhythm Thief:

Harry Monk:
You’re obviously in favour of “more of the same”. Well, that’s fine, but I’m not.

I’m not, as it happens. I’m as much up for a protest vote as anyone. It’s just that UKIP is not the party I’d choose to vote for …

That’s fair enough but, don’t vote for anyone in that case or vote for the greens.

I suspect though, when push comes to shove, you’ll vote Lib Dem because you maybe believe a little too much in the system and propaganda like ‘if you don’t vote you can’t complain’.

Harry Monk:

Ok, so can anyone explain how ukip, once they’ve swept the board & won all the MEPs seat, would go about getting us out of Europe. I know I’ve asked before but I got nil punkt.

Probably because the answer is so obvious that people thought you were trolling. If you don’t want to be a member of a club any more, you just tell the club that you have decided to resign.

IF anyone from any party in a position of authority in this country actually said “Right. Referendum result is IN, and we’re now OUT of Europe”.
First thing that would happen is the EU would say “That’s illegal, because only a referendum among the rest of Europeans would be a result WE in Brussels would recognise.” moving the goalposts ever further way. Thus, whoever makes the bold step of actually taking us out of Europe DESPITE such a decree from the continent would have to do it initially by decree, and later follow it up with (1) Freezing further payments to Brussels (2) Declaring all European courts as “not recognised by the UK” meaning that the EU can declare illegal, fine us, declare us Nazis, or whatever as much as they like, all the while attempting to “keep us hanging on” by telling us a few lies about the “far future downside” to boot. America would probably object at the government level as well to us “leaving the EU” perhaps because more of them are originally immigrants from the continent than from this country.

The only perceived grip we have on the US in modern times is the fact they use our language, creating the illusion that we have any kind of influence over them. Well, the EU uses English as it’s language too, and look how much influence we have over them! - So little that most of us here on the ground want out, because there’s little in it for rank and file workers apart from some admin benefits for firms, politicians, and other high-ups.
The US declared independence from the UK in the first place because we were taxing them too much, getting them involved in foreign wars too much, and giving hardly anything back in terms of London-run policies that had a long term “good” effect for the colonies. “Out of sight, out of mind” was very much the British policy towards the colonies right upto the time the US walked away from the British Empire. The EU have not given we Brits right here on our own ground ANY large Brussels policy benefit that we don’t dearly pay for elsewhere. Lower wages, lax laws, bureaucratic bull, whilst retaining some air of “our independence” by continuing to let us drive on the left, use our own currency, and other illusions (as opposed to “DElusions”) of grandeur.
Big Deal. I’d rather see wages grow according to supply and demand. Our kids get top-notch education places based on their ability, rather than the size of daddy’s wad. Our old folk looked after in old age free at point of sale, and newcomers being expected to live with a job instead of benefits, and pay emergency taxes rather than get any allowances whatsoever. Economic migrancy that isn’t allowed to turn our own land into a foreign country, whilst our own craft and traditions are kept alive through recognition rather than back-looking shame on our own culture.

It might be a dream all this, but Ukip are closer to pushing the envelope on such a dream more than any other party, hence why they’ve got my vote today. :wink: :sunglasses:

Probably because the answer is so obvious that people thought you were trolling. If you don’t want to be a member of a club any more, you just tell the club that you have decided to resign.
The EU have not given we Brits right here on our own ground ANY large Brussels policy benefit that we don’t dearly pay for elsewhere. Lower wages, lax laws, bureaucratic bull, whilst retaining some air of “our independence” by continuing to let us drive on the left, use our own currency, and other illusions (as opposed to “DElusions”) of grandeur.
Big Deal. I’d rather see wages grow according to supply and demand. Our kids get top-notch education places based on their ability, rather than the size of daddy’s wad. Our old folk looked after in old age free at point of sale, and newcomers being expected to live with a job instead of benefits, and pay emergency taxes rather than get any allowances whatsoever. Economic migrancy that isn’t allowed to turn our own land into a foreign country, whilst our own craft and traditions are kept alive through recognition rather than back-looking shame on our own culture.
It might be a dream all this, but Ukip are closer to pushing the envelope on such a dream more than any other party, hence why they’ve got my vote today. :wink: :sunglasses:

There’s a lot of truth in what you say, more and more people are feeing the same way. UKIP for me as well.

Own Account Driver:

Rhythm Thief:

Harry Monk:
You’re obviously in favour of “more of the same”. Well, that’s fine, but I’m not.

I’m not, as it happens. I’m as much up for a protest vote as anyone. It’s just that UKIP is not the party I’d choose to vote for …

That’s fair enough but, don’t vote for anyone in that case or vote for the greens.

I suspect though, when push comes to shove, you’ll vote Lib Dem because you maybe believe a little too much in the system and propaganda like ‘if you don’t vote you can’t complain’.

No, certainly not. I voted Lib Dem for years as a genuine protest vote, and when they finally got in to some sort of power, they were an enormous disappointment (though I’m willing to concede that they’ve diluted the worst excesses of the Tories). I’ll probably be voting Green next time around, if that option’s open to me.

Harry Monk:

Rhythm Thief:
What makes you think anything will be different if UKIP eventually achieve real power?

Because we won’t have yet more waves of immigrant labour driving down our wages and pushing up housing costs, Turks, Ukrainians, then in 10 years time Azeris, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs etc. UKIP are the only party saying “OK, that’s enough, we’re full now”.

You strike me as being one of the most sensible posters on TruckNet, but you really have got it seriously wrong here. Uncontrolled immigration has done nothing but harm people like you and me, and as it carries on it will inevitably harm our children too.

Thing is though harry they aren’t saying we are full,go away have a watch of last weeks question time , good old nige was on the panel BBC One - Question Time, 08/05/2014 What they are infact saying is that they are going to become selective based on the skills the migrants posess, not put a stop to it & close our borders, I would like to see how this would play out though, probably wouldn’t make any difference

I made the mistake of voting LibDem at the last general election because I could see the party coming in third place getting to be kingmaker. This of course meant Cleggy, but little did I know he’d go back on student fees so quickly… As stated above, I feel quite passionate about bright but poor kids getting the big chance at a good education that has been completely cocked up by government ministers past and present who think of nothing else but hammering us all down to “comprehensive” type levels. Go to a place like Surrey, and there’s a shortage of Grammar school places, because so many kids from this prosperous area pass the 11-plus. Around my way, there are far fewer bright kids, but more than enough Grammar schools: - Net result? A better education at a school near you for those kids in my area at least. Now THAT should be the case nationwide - BUT read the so-called Ofstead report on all schools in question and what do we see? - “Good. Could have been Excellent if it hadn’t been in a deprived area.” WTF? What toffee-nosed twit wrote THAT? What loony leftist counsellor thought of slagging off the very bottom-of-society kids they are supposed to be ‘elevating out of the slums’ ffs?

I’ve come to regret voting LibDem. I won’t make that mistake again. I won’t be voting Tory again until they stop feathering the nests of the wealthy with tax cuts funded by public service routs - all in the name of “Labour squandered borrowed money on jobs, we’ll waste it on tax cuts for the rich.” Bugger that. Best make sure future Tories are Grammar school kids like Michael Howard instead of upper class twit of the year like Cameron & Osbourne! They might yet become electable again if they do… Cameron isn’t present in 2016 in this timeline I think. :smiling_imp:

Then Labour… I have never voted labour, because Political Correctness in our education system started with Labour-run councils back in the 70’s. Abolish the cane? - Spare the rod and spoil the child I say. We never used to have problems with things like “Knife Crime” or “boyfriend Trouble” back in the days when you could expect “Six of the Best” for not handing your homework in for the third week running, swearing at Sir, or nicking stuff. Sure, we used to live in fear of our strict teachers back then - but that’s better than the teachers being scared of the pupils like they are now! :imp:

Bringing back corporal punishment will become possible once we’re out of the Eurozone “human rights” crap. It’s very much an “all or nothing” game once one starts thinking beyond leaving the EU. It would be amusing if UKIP could win just enough seats next year to keep forcing votes of no confidence every time Labour or Tory decide “Nope, we’ll go it alone - no coalition with him!” - only to be brought down at the very first ■■■■-up/scandal down the line, which are plentiful enough to see a year of “5 elections” I wouldn’t be surprised… By doing this of course, the main parties will prove themselves unworthy of holding ANY public office - because of the damage such weak government does to the country. Do the deal with Farage on the other hand, and we could be out of the EU by the end of next year, and cracking down on Law & Order (once a Tory cornerstone!) so hard that foreigners will resume “coming to England to see the sights” like you or I might go as a tourist to Washington DC, Moscow, Cairo, or Dehli. We don’t go to those places to get treated well by their benefit systems, nor left alone by their security, nor even get a job! - Then, perhaps the “invasion of the jobsnatchers” might run the other way, and we can get back some of our finite space again. This isn’t a Volcanic Island. Last time I looked, the edges of Britain were falling into the sea - not being added to by spreading plates! We should hoard our finite space - not give it away to foreign interests, because we seem apparently too ashamed to invest in ourselves, and set social policy (NOT ‘socialist’ policy) to look after those first that pay the highest percentages in tax, and were born here. It ain’t Xenophobic - It’s common sense. A harsher tax & law environment would see to it - but only if we get away from the shackles of EU legal directives from WTD all the way to Human Rights Charter.

Make it so! :sunglasses:

Harry Monk:

Ok, so can anyone explain how ukip, once they’ve swept the board & won all the MEPs seat, would go about getting us out of Europe. I know I’ve asked before but I got nil punkt.

Probably because the answer is so obvious that people thought you were trolling. If you don’t want to be a member of a club any more, you just tell the club that you have decided to resign.

Oh right, I ask a basic question and I’m trolling. I may be wrong but I just think the answer might be a little bit more complex than that. I would like to see that happen though, all those ukip MEPs putting themselves on the dole would be hilarious. If they did decide to walk away then you would just have 80 odd spare seats in the euro parliament, which is only a few more than we get now given the ukip attendance record.

Have you ever thought that the day the UK pulls out of Europe, the EU might not decide to instantly sack all MEP’s, especially when most of them are already going to be Ukip by this point? - If the EU were to burn that final bridge, then there wouldn’t ever be a way for the EU to get back into the UK if you like… Perhaps it will happen anyway as a knee-jerk reaction if nothing else. Pragmatism would suggest though that the EU will leave the door ajar, and continue to fund our MEPs even though we’re “out” already. This would actually be a bit of a poser for Ukip holding those seats, because if they are not kicked out by the EU as we exit, - are they going to walk to the turkey slaughterhouse themselves, and resign when they didn’t have to at the end of the day? :confused: :bulb:

‘…I am a conservative voter … the only party that will get us back on track … You don’t hear any of the other leaders denying that fact…’

That’s not a fact - it’s a hopeless stab at maintaining tribalist nonsense of the pro-EU, bed-wetting Four.

The ‘…other leaders…’ are simply followers of Brussels orders who remain mute at the undemocratic and useless DCPC as it tramples us without a proper and not even half-professional UK Transport Industry Needs Analysis being done for it.

‘…Yes ukip are very popular at the moment, riding a wave of anti immigration policies that appeal to the unhappy masses…’

Another smoke & mirrors attempt to divert the shared Lib-Lab-Con-Green ownership of having captained a sinking ship into this storm of expensive, too diverse, foreign inspired & unwanted dictatorship? eg:

1. The desire for an island nation to rule itself isn’t anti-immigration - so that flimsy soundbite wins ye nowt :unamused:

2. The ‘…unhappy masses…’ are biting back democratically - having been denied that liberty by the EU. Yes, UK society is an unhappy mass - having been utterly disenfranchised by Lib-Lab-Con-Green endorsed, Euro DCPC garbage that is only one example of them all abusing us all in their insideous onslaught upon, not least, my industry.

The Lib-Lab-Con-Greens are a gullible, one-trick, pro-EU Pony that is due the Knackers Yard :smiley:



I am just wondering if UKIP get in if they will abolish the DCPC; not that they will be elected.

I heard about that Party.
Just ask if they step in if all Driver stay behind them.
The other Thing,…We also may lose all the illegal Immigrants, Woman will lose there Pants,and,well,…didnt read everything last when it was said in Metro they are expected on a 30% of UK’s EU-Vote