well those two on the right might as well keep their gags on for what they are offering, as for all the lorry drivers who don’t support ukip wake up and smell the bacon if your interested in your job, labour ruined british transport with a little help from eddie, and the cons are no better we are british not Europeans, you can try and call yourself European if you want but if your born in britain your british, so lets cut all the eu crap and get back to reality, log books and cheap diesel vote ukip on the 22nd cant be any worse than the other lot
Nonsense farage is just the same as the other self serving scum that proport to work in our interests , Of course they all know what it’s like to be poor in the north west of england, or what it’s like to have your legs blown off whilst fighting wars based on lies ,
Non of them give a dam, about the people of this country, thats the truth, so a vote for any of them is a waste of your time, And farage, i wouldn’t trust him at all, the word weasle springs to my mind , if they got elected in 2015 things would get much worse for some, poverty would increase as would the number of people needing to use food banks to exist ,
It’s time for change alright but no more ex public shcool boys, that know nothing about real life and lack common sense
sorry tommy your not listening, the main parties have ruined the country between them, and you mentioned servicemen getting their legs blown off and then not voting, troops fought so you could vote, remember hitler , how do you know farage is what you say he is,youve been brainwashed by leftwing newspapers im afraid, each to their own ,
Happy Keith:
‘…Norway has adopted the DCPC…’Within which there are caveats not necessarily equating with them being wholly subordinate to outsiders - which is what UK MP’s must always ensure UK drivers are to be
That evidences that Norwegians are running themselves - and good on them too - which is surely better than being subordinate dis-enfranchisees to unelected outsiders
My reply was simply in reference to your comment about Norway that:
Happy Keith:
I’m imaging their transport (Norway. SIC) industries surviving alright without the compulsory & crippling DCPC that I’m avoiding research on it in case my envy makes me cry with jealousy.
and the simple fact that not only have they adopted the DCPC, but that if you read in detail the link I provided, they have adopted it wholeheartedly, with rules as stringent as here in France. I have no idea what caveats you are talking about.
Just be thankful that the UK adopted less stringent criteria, making it as easy as possible to get a DCPC.
Quite, and how do we know that he would be any different, The rhetoric that farage has spouted on national TV doesn’t make me think we would fare any better with ukip in power, it in fact may be worse than we have now ,if that’s possible, They certainly aren’t going to help the poor and sick , they could possibly create further hardship for those groups, As for jobs, i don’t see much improving on that front either, as once the cheap labour has depleated those who employed them will just employ less people in order to pay a proper wage
UKIP won’t change anything. They’re nothing without Farage, and Farage knows that he can promise us the moon on a stick, safe in the knowledge that he’ll never have to deliver on that promise.
Rhythm Thief:
UKIP won’t change anything. They’re nothing without Farage, and Farage knows that he can promise us the moon on a stick, safe in the knowledge that he’ll never have to deliver on that promise.
Oh well, we might as well vote for the same cabal of chumps traitors thieves liars wide boys and con men as before then, but again should we expect a different result or are we now conditioned to bending over the day after votes are cast, shall we don our turkey costumes when we vote and act surprised when Christmas day arrives again, shall we call it groundhog day and repeat for ever.
You accept defeat if you want, me i’m never voting for traitors.
Sensationalist language won’t change anything either. Most MPs are decent people who genuinely do get into the job in order to serve the public. If you don’t believe this, that’s fine - I appreciate some MPs make it very difficult to believe! - but you shouldn’t kid yourself that Farage’s motley gang are going to be any different. Give them a sniff of real power and five years and they’ll be creaming it off the top with the best of 'em.
Vote for UKIP by all means, but do it with your eyes open and don’t let yourself be fooled by Farage’s “man of the people ■■■ & pint” routine. He’s a multi millionaire who’s about as in touch with the people as Cameron is.
Rhythm Thief:
Sensationalist language won’t change anything either. Most MPs are decent people who genuinely do get into the job in order to serve the public. If you don’t believe this, that’s fine - I appreciate some MPs make it very difficult to believe! - but you shouldn’t kid yourself that Farage’s motley gang are going to be any different. Give them a sniff of real power and five years and they’ll be creaming it off the top with the best of 'em.
Vote for UKIP by all means, but do it with your eyes open and don’t let yourself be fooled by Farage’s “man of the people ■■■ & pint” routine. He’s a multi millionaire who’s about as in touch with the people as Cameron is.
The sole purpose of mass immigration is to drive down wages for the working class, for the sole benefit of the landowner/ factory owner/ rentier class, and this also has the effect of driving up housing costs for ordinary working people. UKIP are the only party which acknowledges this.
By all means, carry on voting for the “three cheeks of the same arse” if you want, but please don’t suggest that anyone who doesn’t is “racist” or “fascist”.
Rhythm Thief:
Most MPs are decent people who genuinely do get into the job in order to serve the public.
We’ve a great MP (Luciana Berger). She wanted to help us so much she came all the way from London to do it !!
Why are people so aggressive with UKIP and creating false reasons to vote? Wouldn’t it be better to invest your time and energy in making your own parties better electable? Isn’t that the way democracy’s supposed to work or am I being naive?Ossie
No, the whole system needs a total factory reset and purge of the brainwashed oxford PPE and LSE graduates that so studiously, either consciously or not, pursue the interests of a largely hidden elite.
Farage is more of the same and don’t ever forget UKIP came from Jimmy Goldsmith’s referendum party, who was very much a member of the elite. I suspect UKIP, much like the EDL, is a deliberately designed safety valve to occupy and control a dissenting minority. I don’t think it was part of the plan they would ever garner significant support.
The point with a UKIP vote is it forces the hand of the power behind the curtain. There’s no way they’ll allow us to leave Europe and then the rotten nature of the West’s faux-democracy, which it enjoys installing elsewhere by force, is exposed.
Farage made his money by actually working for a living, thats a bit odd in the current political spectrum.
As i’ve tried so often to say, none of us voting for Farage thinks he wears his underpants on the outside, none of us think that he avearge Kipper is going to be any better than the current alternatives, however most of them have actually had jobs outside politics so they mat just remember whats its like not to be able to walk on water.
The reason i’m voting UKIP again, is that they are the only party with any chance of getting a foot in the door who actually wants us out of the EU, thats basically what this has come down to.
My own hope is not to see UKIP taking enough seats to form a government, if that were ever to happen its a generation away at least, and Farage if he’s still the gaffer will have met with another accident, a worse one, by then if he becomes too much of a danger to those who own our country…but anyway thats pie in the sky…i want to see UKIP sweep the board at these the european elections…then with a bit of luck, and another 12 months of own goals by the three main party’s and their media acolytes shouting Waycist every few seconds and making mountains out of mole hills…they might just, with a bit of luck, get enough seats to hold the balance of power, much like the two faced lib dems did this time.
If UKIP can force a hung parliament, they might just be able to force that referendum promised by our best mate Dave, the one he has no intention of honouring otherwise, again.
Harry Monk:
By all means, carry on voting for the “three cheeks of the same arse” if you want, but please don’t suggest that anyone who doesn’t is “racist” or “fascist”.
I haven’t, and nor would I. It’s not (all of) their supporters I have a problem with, it’s some of the party members. UKIP manage to convince people that they’re racist - and homophobic, sexist and scientifically illiterate - all by themselves. See rationalwiki.org/wiki/United_Kin … te_note-25 for examples.
Rhythm Thief:
Harry Monk:
By all means, carry on voting for the “three cheeks of the same arse” if you want, but please don’t suggest that anyone who doesn’t is “racist” or “fascist”.I haven’t, and nor would I. It’s not (all of) their supporters I have a problem with, it’s some of the party members. UKIP manage to convince people that they’re racist - and homophobic, sexist and scientifically illiterate - all by themselves. See rationalwiki.org/wiki/United_Kin … te_note-25 for examples.
You may not have, but the mainstream Tory press certainly do.
It’s not racist to suggest that eu membership has had a massively detrimental effect on working class people- ask anybody who was a “continental truck driver” before the 2004 eu expansion.
Homophobic? Well, UKIP oppose gay adoption but then if I was adopted then I would prefer to be adopted by a Mum and a Dad rather than two Mums or two Dads- wouldn’t everybody?
s for “sexist” or “scientifically illiterate” then I’m afraid you’ll have to expand on this with specific examples.
You’re obviously in favour of “more of the same”. Well, that’s fine, but I’m not.
I bet if the grubby papers get stuck into her background, they would find something to lie about, best thing is don’t buy newspapers, lying bunch of story makers, blimey this is a popular topic by the time ive typed my bit its moved to another page
[quote=“Rhythm Thief”
I haven’t, and nor would I. It’s not (all of) their supporters I have a problem with, it’s some of the party members. UKIP manage to convince people that they’re racist - and homophobic, sexist and scientifically illiterate - all by themselves. See [rationalwiki.org/wiki/United_Kin … te_note-25]
(United Kingdom Independence Party - RationalWiki) for examples.
Well I am sick and tired of being told what to think by the main parties. People raise questions about uncontrolled immigration that they never voted for and they are rascists. People object to gay marriage that they didn’t vote for and they are homophobic. People are sick of paying green levies so they are scientifically illiterate. We keep hearing about the “benefits of being in the eu”, usually from someone with a vested interest in us staying in.
People would really like a vote on europe, that is the real reason for UKIP’s success
I am not bothered by UKIP’s lack of policies. The other parties make it up as they go along depending where they are in the polls and the electoral cycle.
They do not stand by their manifestos and make more and more wild claims about the UKIP party. This is a sure sign that they are really worried.
“rationalwiki” seems to be a contradiction in terms, “far left” blurb more like
Well I am sick and tired of being told what to think by the main parties. People raise questions about uncontrolled immigration that they never voted for and they are rascists. People object to gay marriage that they didn’t vote for and they are homophobic. People are sick of paying green levies so they are scientifically illiterate.
Well said.
The scientific illiteracy is not merely about green issues (although as a trained environmental scientist their denial of anthropogenic climate change does colour my opinion of them). Their support for homeopathic medicine is worrying too. As for the quotes purporting to be from UKIP members which show them to be homophobic, racist and anti - disabled people, that’s less to do with left wing bias in the media which reports the quotes and more to do with some UKIP representatives not only being objectionable, but also being a little too stupid to realise that there are times when you should keep your objectionable opinions to yourself when you’re in the public eye. In short, these people are either objectionable or rather stupid, and I don’t want to vote for either.
Edited to correct a word.
Rhythm Thief:
The scientific illiteracy is not merely about green issues (although as a trained environmental scientist their denial of anthropomorphic climate change does colour my opinion of them). Their support for homeopathic medicine is worrying too. As for the quotes purporting to be from UKIP members which show them to be homophobic, racist and anti - disabled people, that’s less to do with left wing bias in the media which reports the quotes and more to do with some UKIP representatives not only being objectionable, but also being a little too stupid to realise that there are times when you should keep your objectionable opinions to yourself when you’re in the public eye. In short, these people are either objectionable or rather stupid, and I don’t want to vote for either.
Rhythm Thief:
The scientific illiteracy is not merely about green issues (although as a trained environmental scientist their denial of anthropomorphic climate change does colour my opinion of them). .
“Anthropormism” has only one meaning, endowing human qualities to something which is not human, e.g. Tom hitting Jerry with a frying pan, Donald Duck wearing shorts etc. Do you mean anthropogenic?