Two truck crash M6



Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

As a man in his 50’s, until very recently I had no problem with ‘water from the tap.’
But the wife saw some video on fb about all the chemicals added and insisted we got a water filter jug thingy. Now, after 2 months of using it, I can’t face drinking from the tap. I have to have it from the jug, even in the kettle. It’s nothing to do with the quality of the water, just the psychological aspect of thinking it’s better.

If the wife doesn’t like chemicals in the water, what she needs is raw water :laughing:

I think she’ll give the diluted ‘animal poop’ a miss!!! :open_mouth: