Two truck crash M6


You know what?..I neither know nor care what ‘‘XL rating’’ is, :unamused:
I’m assuming it’s just more sound bite jargon ■■■■■■■■ no doubt.
I just make a decision about each individual load and what it needs, and consciously don’t drive like a ■■■■. …
Christ, I even strap up cardboard nowadays ffs, (but only to ‘‘please’’ those that know [zb] all about the job, but who make the rules, and just to stop getting robbed by fine.

XL rating is what you see plastered on curtains usually in yellow boxes. It’s a load rating system which when used and certain criteria are met then it should prevent forwards, backwards and sideways movement of a load.

It’s often referred to as XL curtains and some seem to think that just having a sticker on them suddenly turns a curtain from a flexible curtain into an impenetrable fence of steel that no load can rip through :unamused:

The premise is that the curtain are reinforced normally with webbing built into them so that should hold some load, and the internals themselves (which would have strengthened roof support) would also do their bit plus with the load being a ‘positive fit’ (ie, no space between load curtain - this load of water would have been a positive fit) it would all combine to stop the load moving.

So basically, a TRAILER only becomes XL rated when it carries the XL number/label, internals are used, and the load is a positive fit. Miss one of them and its just a bog standard trailer.

Cheers for that mate, I was being my usual flippant self tbh :blush:
I did have a fair idea what it meant…
I did say ‘‘I didn’t care’’ but thanks for clarifying anyway. :laughing:

“Strap it like you’re going to race it and drive it like it isn’t strapped” [emoji106]

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Nice way of putting it, :smiley: .that will work with every type of load .

Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

You know what?..I neither know nor care what ‘‘XL rating’’ is, :unamused:


I hear about XL rating but have no idea what it really is.

Another failure of the Dcpc.

Can the mods shrink the pictures please?

Thank you nice mods. :smiley:

Your welcome! :smiley: Colingl

Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

Agreed, crazy.
I took (with other stuff) a pallet of “Fiji Water” that had been flown into Heathrow, down to Nice for someone’s yacht…
And re XL rated Tautliners we use them. Properly wrapped square-ish pallets get a cross on the back. Badly wrapped pallets, I use internals. Other goods might get strapped with internals or ratchets.

Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

Ha, when I’m at parties, or wherever, and people ask what I do, I tell them I’m an HGV driver. They usually ask what I carry, so I make myself sound a bit key-worker-ish and say “I’m in the food supply chain - I worked right through the pandemic you know!”. What I don’t tell them is that 95% of the time that food is crisps, chocolate, bottled water, loads of fizzy drinks, pot noodles etc. I rarely carry anything that’s good, wholesome food.

Tbh I couldnt give a ■■■■ what’s on my trailer as long as it’s legal and I’m getting paid for hauling it. :neutral_face:
Got more important things to concern myself with.

Anyone else wondering why they crashed?

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Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

Ha, when I’m at parties, or wherever, and people ask what I do, I tell them I’m an HGV driver. They usually ask what I carry, so I make myself sound a bit key-worker-ish and say “I’m in the food supply chain - I worked right through the pandemic you know!”. What I don’t tell them is that 95% of the time that food is crisps, chocolate, bottled water, loads of fizzy drinks, pot noodles etc. I rarely carry anything that’s good, wholesome food.

Good one![emoji106]

A tipper driver (truck) involved in a crash - no way, I don’t believe my eyes!

That DAF doesn’t look good, I hope the driver is ok.

If I am to die on the road one day (or rather night) I know it’s going to be a tipper/bulker that’s going to take me out in a head-on collision on one of the A-roads I frequent

The tipper driver was actually on the hard shoulder broken down.

Bloody hell , took the last picture to work out how the cab had ended up like it was , 1 of your nine lives gone there , hopefully he’s ok

Whole new meaning to “Right off”. Jeez.

The tipper driver was actually on the hard shoulder broken down.
Looks like tipper was empty, which was lucky for the Daf driver.

Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

As a man in his 50’s, until very recently I had no problem with ‘water from the tap.’
But the wife saw some video on fb about all the chemicals added and insisted we got a water filter jug thingy. Now, after 2 months of using it, I can’t face drinking from the tap. I have to have it from the jug, even in the kettle. It’s nothing to do with the quality of the water, just the psychological aspect of thinking it’s better.


I’ve never seen this clip, but love, love, love Peter Sellers!
Very odd indeed! :open_mouth:


Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

As a man in his 50’s, until very recently I had no problem with ‘water from the tap.’
But the wife saw some video on fb about all the chemicals added and insisted we got a water filter jug thingy. Now, after 2 months of using it, I can’t face drinking from the tap. I have to have it from the jug, even in the kettle. It’s nothing to do with the quality of the water, just the psychological aspect of thinking it’s better.

Absolutely! How many filters could you have gotten on that truck? How long would they have lasted?

Old John:

The tipper driver was actually on the hard shoulder broken down.

Looks like tipper was empty, which was lucky for the Daf driver.

Oh dear the Daily Fail et al can’t blame that one on smart motorways, but they’ll try somehow.
Maybe they’ll say one of the drivers ‘thought’ they were on a hard shoulder/running lane.


Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

As a man in his 50’s, until very recently I had no problem with ‘water from the tap.’
But the wife saw some video on fb about all the chemicals added and insisted we got a water filter jug thingy. Now, after 2 months of using it, I can’t face drinking from the tap. I have to have it from the jug, even in the kettle. It’s nothing to do with the quality of the water, just the psychological aspect of thinking it’s better.

If the wife doesn’t like chemicals in the water, what she needs is raw water :laughing:

A tipper driver (truck) involved in a crash - no way, I don’t believe my eyes!

That DAF doesn’t look good, I hope the driver is ok.

If I am to die on the road one day (or rather night) I know it’s going to be a tipper/bulker that’s going to take me out in a head-on collision on one of the A-roads I frequent

Same here, there are lots of bulkers in Hereford (animal feed mill and quarries) they come haring around bends or pull out in front of you!!!


Bottled water…now there’s a product that doesn’t need to exist, never mind risking your life over. Does anyone have principles over what they will or will not carry?
I am getting into driving because of the shortage, to help out to some degree, but the first job advert getting rammed down my throat was to deliver krispy kreme donuts. ffs

As a man in his 50’s, until very recently I had no problem with ‘water from the tap.’
But the wife saw some video on fb about all the chemicals added and insisted we got a water filter jug thingy. Now, after 2 months of using it, I can’t face drinking from the tap. I have to have it from the jug, even in the kettle. It’s nothing to do with the quality of the water, just the psychological aspect of thinking it’s better.

I’ve delivered chemicals to water treatment plants and its frightening how much is put in the water that we drink, I rarely drink straight from the tap, we also have a filter jug and drink bottled water!!