Trucking....Do you love it?...or is it just a job?



I like driving them most of the time , but to be treated like a child or chased around by some skinny little mouthy [zb] office nerd killed the dream for me.Im not just a delivery boy,I have more to worry about than a poxy time slot …Besides you know where we are with the bloody trackers…:

Simple remedy to that one mate, just don’t allow them to treat you like that.
They only do it because you let them, and they only get away with it because you allow then to…proven fact. :bulb:
You are an employee not a bloody sevant or slave,.and as you said yourself, not a delivery boy either, but a professional HGV driver.
I really can not see why many drivers
A.can not see that
B. Do not nip it in the bud from day1.

I hear you Rob ,
In interviews when asked any questions ,I always ask them straight are they hectic chasers or do they respect grafters ,And tell them , I will not be taking multiple calls while driving.I prefer to be left to get on With it etc…
You get the best out of me that way .
It still happens and believe me I have had some snivelling calls after I return the keys to the planner .
Then tell the TM i will not be back ,but make sure I’m payed :wink:
This has happened a right few times now.And I’m starting to wonder if I will ever find the right gig.

I am to old to be getting into unneeded disputes, my temper is short enough :laughing:
Where is the mutial respect these days … :neutral_face:

Thing is they are just used to guys rolling over and they are not sure how to deal with the minority who are not prepared to do so.

Speaking personally, that respect you mention comes about when you hang on in there, then they discover you are not a militant troublemaker as they first thought, for refusing to be treat like a twunt but a driver who not only refuses to be spoon fed, but also does not NEED to be, they also see you are capable of managing by your initiative on your own, or by at least minimal guidance, and at the end of the day it is less work for them. :bulb:

I aint saying I am a cut above or something, cos I aint, (well maybe a little :laughing: )… it’s just how we all used to work once over pre tracker/cabphone/sat nav/ camera days. :bulb:
I managed this with the Dutch ffs, who are masters at trying to obtain that last drop of blood, so it DOES work.

I would think this would be harder to achieve with one of these up their own arse brainwasher Stobbie DHL type co.s :unamused: , but there is not a chance in hell that I would even consider working at one of those type of ‘‘Modern logistic’’ outfits, anyway, and tbf I do not think they would employ me anyway. :smiley: …(boasting not complaining :laughing: )
So I would just suggest if it’s due respect you crave, stand your ground, let the rest of em join the pushed to the limit club, and look after numer uno.




I like driving them most of the time , but to be treated like a child or chased around by some skinny little mouthy [zb] office nerd killed the dream for me.Im not just a delivery boy,I have more to worry about than a poxy time slot …Besides you know where we are with the bloody trackers…:

Simple remedy to that one mate, just don’t allow them to treat you like that.
They only do it because you let them, and they only get away with it because you allow then to…proven fact. :bulb:
You are an employee not a bloody sevant or slave,.and as you said yourself, not a delivery boy either, but a professional HGV driver.
I really can not see why many drivers
A.can not see that
B. Do not nip it in the bud from day1.

I hear you Rob ,
In interviews when asked any questions ,I always ask them straight are they hectic chasers or do they respect grafters ,And tell them , I will not be taking multiple calls while driving.I prefer to be left to get on With it etc…
You get the best out of me that way .
It still happens and believe me I have had some snivelling calls after I return the keys to the planner .
Then tell the TM i will not be back ,but make sure I’m payed :wink:
This has happened a right few times now.And I’m starting to wonder if I will ever find the right gig.

I am to old to be getting into unneeded disputes, my temper is short enough :laughing:
Where is the mutial respect these days … :neutral_face:

Thing is they are just used to guys rolling over and they are not sure how to deal with the minority who are not prepared to do so.

Speaking personally, that respect you mention comes about when you hang on in there, then they discover you are not a militant troublemaker as they first thought, for refusing to be treat like a twunt but a driver who not only refuses to be spoon fed, but also does not NEED to be, they also see you are capable of managing by your initiative on your own, or by at least minimal guidance, and at the end of the day it is less work for them. :bulb:

I aint saying I am a cut above or something, cos I aint, (well maybe a little :laughing: )… it’s just how we all used to work once over pre tracker/cabphone/sat nav/ camera days. :bulb:
I managed this with the Dutch ffs, who are masters at trying to obtain that last drop of blood, so it DOES work.

I would think this would be harder to achieve with one of these up their own arse brainwasher Stobbie DHL type co.s :unamused: , but there is not a chance in hell that I would even consider working at one of those type of ‘‘Modern logistic’’ outfits, anyway, and tbf I do not think they would employ me anyway. :smiley: …(boasting not complaining :laughing: )
So I would just suggest if it’s due respect you crave, stand your ground, let the rest of em join the pushed to the limit club, and look after numer uno.

I gave most of them more than an inch of rope .I don’t stay if I feel it’s a waste of my time,I give them three or four weeks, if it is obviously not my cuppa tea i move on .I just need the right firm ,And after 7 in the last 14 months it’s not looking like a career I’m staying in.

All my previous employment has been long term .And long term self employment has not helped my contempt for these arrogant pee takers :laughing:

I gave most of them more than an inch of rope .I don’t stay if I feel it’s a waste of my time,I give them three or four weeks, if it is obviously not my cuppa tea i move on .I just need the right firm ,And after 7 in the last 14 months it’s not looking like a career I’m staying in.

Bloody hell mate, and I thought I had no patience. :smiley:
That averages 1 job every 8 weeks, take off the weekends and that is 40 days or just over 5 weeks to make a name for yourself (in a good way)
I was made redundant from a job I loved,.I.then started a job I discovered that I hated in comparison, for a lot of reasons including some of the ones you pointed out.
I stuck at it, let them see I would not be treated like most of the others.
I tactfully and politely answered back, and set my own pace and parameters…I have now been there over 8 years, after sorting myself a nice little niche job within that firm,.and I’m fairly content with it now.

Not being funny mate, and not meaning any offence here, but if I had done it your way I would now be on my 48 th job by now. :smiley:
Just don’t let the bastds win or get to you, and stand your ground.

I stand my ground… I’m nearly 50 and will not settle for some Bollox chancers B.s .My life’s to short for that .Start as you mean to go on is my moto …I have seen how ■■■■ haulage is after some fantastic previous career choices .It’s not just me pal …

love it, Been driving HGV1 fulltime since I was 24 now nearly 53 I still keen as mustard before each shift. Also like the rest of you, i’m a bit of a loser on my day off on trucknet reading about truckers and their stories about work. Wife tells me we are a bunch of sado’s :slight_smile:

elsa Lad:
love it, Been driving HGV1 fulltime since I was 24 now nearly 53 I still keen as mustard before each shift. Also like the rest of you, i’m a bit of a loser on my day off on trucknet reading about truckers and their stories about work. Wife tells me we are a bunch of sado’s :slight_smile:

Much the same with time off. Still out tonight of all nights but its no big deal to me. The missus used to rib me cleaning and polishing but since shes done a couple of runs for me recently her artistry has been put on the back burner a little and has joined the sado crew doing possibly one week a month…suits me… :smiley:

My wife usually throws the sulks when i’m on trucknet and goes and sits with son number 2 while he plays x-box in the bedroom, ahh peace :wink:

elsa Lad:
love it, Been driving HGV1 fulltime since I was 24 now nearly 53 I still keen as mustard before each shift. Also like the rest of you, i’m a bit of a loser on my day off on trucknet reading about truckers and their stories about work. Wife tells me we are a bunch of sado’s :slight_smile:

You and I sound similar :blush:

bald bloke:

elsa Lad:
love it, Been driving HGV1 fulltime since I was 24 now nearly 53 I still keen as mustard before each shift. Also like the rest of you, i’m a bit of a loser on my day off on trucknet reading about truckers and their stories about work. Wife tells me we are a bunch of sado’s :slight_smile:

You and I sound similar :blush:

Yes I think there is a lot on trucknet like us, Think we may need help :blush: :blush:

I stand my ground… I’m nearly 50 and will not settle for some Bollox chancers B.s .My life’s to short for that .Start as you mean to go on is my moto …I have seen how [zb] haulage is after some fantastic previous career choices .It’s not just me pal …

I came into the transport industry around age 50 also. I’ve only ever (apart from a couple of weeks early on when I was on the Agency) driven for “Blue Chip Logistics” companies, which according to many here are the worst for micro-managing bullshine. But I’ve been doing it over 10 years now and simply don’t get any of it - I turn up in the morning, pick up notes and keys and simply go do the day’s run. No-one ever rings or hassles me unless there’s a very good reason. No-one tells me what route to take, the runs are pretty much always easily doable in 10 hours or less (sometimes quite a bit less!) which suits me fine as I’m salaried.


I stand my ground… I’m nearly 50 and will not settle for some Bollox chancers B.s .My life’s to short for that .Start as you mean to go on is my moto …I have seen how [zb] haulage is after some fantastic previous career choices .It’s not just me pal …

I came into the transport industry around age 50 also. I’ve only ever (apart from a couple of weeks early on when I was on the Agency) driven for “Blue Chip Logistics” companies, which according to many here are the worst for micro-managing bullshine. But I’ve been doing it over 10 years now and simply don’t get any of it - I turn up in the morning, pick up notes and keys and simply go do the day’s run. No-one ever rings or hassles me unless there’s a very good reason. No-one tells me what route to take, the runs are pretty much always easily doable in 10 hours or less (sometimes quite a bit less!) which suits me fine as I’m salaried.

Lucky you.I seem to have had a run of proper Gob ■■■■■■■

elsa Lad:

bald bloke:

elsa Lad:
love it, Been driving HGV1 fulltime since I was 24 now nearly 53 I still keen as mustard before each shift. Also like the rest of you, i’m a bit of a loser on my day off on trucknet reading about truckers and their stories about work. Wife tells me we are a bunch of sado’s :slight_smile:

You and I sound similar :blush:

Yes I think there is a lot on trucknet like us, Think we may need help :blush: :blush:

No we don’t need help nothing to be ashamed of I call it true professionalism but some will differ no doubt.

I still enjoy the job.

Must do I’m sat on a bay at 01.30 on New Year’s Day loading.

I think the basic job is still great.

I pull my hair out at some of the crap that surrounds the industry and certain ways that some firms and drivers operate but I think half the reason it annoys me is because I take a bit of pride in what we do and think standards and conditions have got to improve or more people will either walk away from the job or just never take it up in the first place.

I think we all have days where we could lob the keys over the desk and walk away wishing to never set foot in a cab again but then I look at soul destroying office or factory work and know deep down I couldn’t hack it whatever the money.

I find it ironic that there are people frequenting this forum that claim to have no interest in lorries or the transport industry, yet here they are on trucknetuk, a forum about lorries and the transport industry. It’s unlikely to be a mistake either, the name trucknetuk is not really confusing, it’s not going to be a forum about nets or the UK. Then you have to register to become a member and post/reply, but they claim to have no interest in anything lorry related…

Now to the question, I love what I do, I’m 4th generation lorry driver and used to go out with my Dad as soon as I was out of nappies, since then I’ve worked in various sectors of the industry, driving everything from a Transit to an A-Train, I’ve driven on four continents and seen some breathtaking sights. I’ve run my own small fleet, been a transport manager for a 200 lorry company, had a very brief time as a TM for an agency ('kin parasites) sold new and used lorries, been a road tester and writer for a magazine (TRUCK) had articles published in all the other lorry mags, currently write a monthly column and features for a Canadian title. I’m a moderator on this here forum and currently an owner driver with a second truck. Apart from painting them, I’ve done almost everything lorry related that pays a wage, including fixing the bloody things.

So I guess that puts me in the “liking” category.

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Happy New Year Mark , calm down fella :laughing: . Means to an end for me , like the job but ■■■■■■ off with all the technology nowadays depriving us of the “freedom” . Will carry on banging out the miles because the job itself is a good’n with an excellent shift 4/4, suitable lifestyle so why rock the boat etc . Certainly don’t love it , hey ho . Edit , not a saddo but working tomorrow and waiting to hit the sheets but my driving partner has hydraulic issues which may curtail my run so sat here getting bored waiting for news :unamused: Edit2 PTO is borked so Edmonton bound rather than Thompson , gets my vote .

Calm down you say, never in the history of the world has telling someone to calm down actually made them calm down lol

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Absolutely loved distance Euro work was a great life style . Now that all is left is mundain channel hopping or local to medium distance uk work it was just a job

That’s the thing, the job has changed enormously over the last 30 years or so and the demise of continental transport is a major factor in that, for me anyway. I used to love doing a trip to Rome, or Kiev, or Istanbul or wherever on the roadshows, it’s hard to get quite as animated about taking 26 pallets of baked beans to Tesco at Thurrock, especially when you did the same thing yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that…

I still drive a truck in preference to office or factory work, but is definitely far more of a means to an end nowadays.


I gave most of them more than an inch of rope .I don’t stay if I feel it’s a waste of my time,I give them three or four weeks, if it is obviously not my cuppa tea i move on .I just need the right firm ,And after 7 in the last 14 months it’s not looking like a career I’m staying in.

Bloody hell mate, and I thought I had no patience. :smiley:
That averages 1 job every 8 weeks, take off the weekends and that is 40 days or just over 5 weeks to make a name for yourself (in a good way)
I was made redundant from a job I loved,.I.then started a job I discovered that I hated in comparison, for a lot of reasons including some of the ones you pointed out.
I stuck at it, let them see I would not be treated like most of the others.
I tactfully and politely answered back, and set my own pace and parameters…I have now been there over 8 years, after sorting myself a nice little niche job within that firm,.and I’m fairly content with it now.

Not being funny mate, and not meaning any offence here, but if I had done it your way I would now be on my 48 th job by now. :smiley:
Just don’t let the bastds win or get to you, and stand your ground.

Have you considered how getting through that many jobs looks to a new employer? It doesn’t look like your the kind to stick around or maybe don’t for a reason?

I would never tell anyone to stay in a job they don’t want or like but I’m not sure your giving them a chance.

I can understand 1 or 2 dodgey jobs but 7 starts to sound like your the issue. That or your applying to the wrong places. I would suggest giving them a bit longer to settle down.

I only started driving in August and in my first couple of weeks on my own I got a couple of calls how am I getting on/when will I be there. After a couple of weeks when they can see I can get on without being checked on they leave me alone and only call if my collection changes.

Maybe your “reputation” makes them want to chase/check on you a bit more and if you gave it a little more time they would stop?

He might have made the fatal error of repeatedly applying for jobs at blue chip firms which are in fact all the same…

I only started driving in August and in my first couple of weeks on my own I got a couple of calls how am I getting on/when will I be there. After a couple of weeks when they can see I can get on without being checked on they leave me alone and only call if my collection changes.

Maybe your “reputation” makes them want to chase/check on you a bit more and if you gave it a little more time they would stop?

Yeh agreed, that’s the case always.
Any firm is going to check more on a new driver until they get used with him.
It’s what happens after the settling in period, and how you react and deal with it, that determines if you have either a reasonably easy work life or a stressed to hell one. :bulb: