Trucking....Do you love it?...or is it just a job?

1975 at 11 years old, fell into the way of life by accident as a Saturday van boy. Loved the travel, the noise, the smell and the freedom.

The 80’s came along with my car licence and started driving 7.5 tonners, and thought I was the dogs danglies. Went everywhere and started to really fall in love with the job.

Along came the 90’s and the class 2 licence was here first, soon followed by the class 1 licence, and saying as I knew nothing else by this time, plodded on.

A big accident in February 2000 saw me change my perception of the job, and by now I started to dislike it. As time went on, I then became loathesome of it, and still do to this day and only see it as a means to an end.

Where I currently work is a lad that is self employed and he has just been given the keys to a 14 plate FH by the gaffer while both me and the other lad are running around in 12 year old similar models, but do you know, I couldn’t give 2 hoots, because it isn’t mine, and it isn’t my name on the O licence, so therefore I am not into the bling and shiney bits, and to be honest, never have been. As long as it is legal, and the heater and radio work, and it’s clean and tidy inside, then that is good enough for me. I have only ever been to 2 Truckfests, and the 2nd time was only because I got free tickets.

Never did Euro work, but would jump at the chance of 1 trip, just to say I had done it, but don’t think that will happen now.

At 53 though, I feel like I have wasted my life in the job, and if I had have followed my other dream, I would have been building top spec engines by now, had a better social life, (I still have a good one as I only work Monday to Friday on day runs.) and might not have nearly been killed 18 years ago.


I really loved it, all I ever wanted to do, but reading numerous negative posts on this forum puts me off ever going back to it even though I’m still licenced. :confused: Will always be interested in trucks though, mostly classic ones from times past. I might go up ‘Dan’s mountain’ and help him build a shepherds hut or two, at least there will be something to kip in when its finished! :laughing:


Always loved the driving and travel apart from city centers , traversing the channel ports .
Most of the people you meet are ok it’s just the awkward gits that you remember, office bods or normally next to useless .
I have been to some great places and been paid to do it .
Sitting on the deck of a Mediterranean ferry surrounded by loads of barely dressed young ladies is a crappy job but you just have to put up with it .

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Just a job. Thought I might of liked it before I got my licences now I don’t really enjoy it.
That may change I might give EU/tramping a go; doing local work atm and don’t really enjoy it.

Once you find a good job that pays well and suits you everything is easy.


Punchy Dan:
My only problem with the job at the mow is having to part with the money I have for a new lorry just because of the emissions rip off zones .

This Emission zone bull crap aint real, anybody with a brain knows it’s true agenda is like every bloody thing else in this country…money making related. :smiling_imp:

What do they charge Dan everytime you go in there with your motor, is it more economical just to bear it and put it against your tax, or buy a new/newer truck, I suppose that depends on how often you go in there eh?

If you do go down the new truck route, what are you fancying?

It was £200 :imp: ,but I am not welcome in London since the 3.5 tonne safer zone as I refuse to fit side gaurds or adhere to all the other crap ,I dropped out of Fors ,I don’t want cameras either ,I’ve been looking at new lorries and got it down to Volvo fm12 or Daf 85 low roof perhaps a rear steer :laughing:

I absolutely still love it after all these years although I don’t much excitement now as I work for a supermarket but needs must.

I really loved it, all I ever wanted to do, but reading numerous negative posts on this forum puts me off ever going back to it even though I’m still licenced. :confused: Will always be interested in trucks though, mostly classic ones from times past. I might go up ‘Dan’s mountain’ and help him build a shepherds hut or two, at least there will be something to kip in when its finished! :laughing:


Where were you today when I was building up 6 of the tightest Avon 1100’s ever !

Punchy Dan:

I really loved it, all I ever wanted to do, but reading numerous negative posts on this forum puts me off ever going back to it even though I’m still licenced. :confused: Will always be interested in trucks though, mostly classic ones from times past. I might go up ‘Dan’s mountain’ and help him build a shepherds hut or two, at least there will be something to kip in when its finished! :laughing:


Where were you today when I was building up 6 of the tightest Avon 1100’s ever !

Sitting by the phone awaiting your call Dan! :unamused: Actually I’m not well at the moment, not been outside since Christmas Eve and still not right which is why I’m posting all the crap on here to stop boredom creeping in. :blush: I’m sure that young Mrs Punchard was an adequate replacement for me though! :laughing:


Punchy Dan:
It was £200 :imp: ,but I am not welcome in London since the 3.5 tonne safer zone as I refuse to fit side gaurds or adhere to all the other crap ,I dropped out of Fors ,I don’t want cameras either ,I’ve been looking at new lorries and got it down to Volvo fm12 or Daf 85 low roof perhaps a rear steer :laughing:

I could build you up a Gardner 180 engined S39 cabbed Foden Dan, that would confuse Mr Kahn’s cameras! :open_mouth: :laughing:

It is a load of crap though (the rulings, not the Foden! :wink: ) and the rates in the capital must be fantastic for those willing to spend a fortune on upgrades which change almost every year? :unamused:


Sorry to hear That Pete ,the in laws been the same ,you need some ■■■■■■■ transparent fumes up you :laughing:

Used to absolutely love anything to do with trucks and trucking when I first started, keen as mustard.

Later on managed to own my own and expand to a few.
Somebody mentioned bling…I had all the bling on some of mine, but no way in hell I would buy it for a truck that did not belong to me :unamused: (apart from in cab functionals)
I know of definite examples where bosses just see it as a licence to take the ■■■■, as they know these guys who spend half their wages on their truck 9 times out of 10 are deluded, and will do any old thing asked, so they take full advantage of it…that’s fine when it does not affect me but when it does I do get a bit ■■■■■■ with some drivers who tend to [zb] up the job a bit.

Nowadays cynicism and seeing the true picture has set in with experience, so now it’s a job…end of.
Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy it to a point, and it’s better than factory work.
I preferred running Euro for the foreigners, but now I like the little number I have sorted for myself with my UK only firm, but I aint too keen on the firm it’s self, due to their cynicism towards their drivers, (although my local depot aint too bad tbf) so I have to juggle that with trying to do the job to the best of my ability…which I manage.

I try and make the best of things by not getting stressed out or succumbing to pressure, so I tend to be left alone unlike some of my colleagues.
No 15 hr days/9s off unless it suits me (you don’t HAVE to do them despite what they may tell you) but lately I’ve done one a week to ensure an eary finish on a Saturday or something similar.

I also try and get a bit of social life out of the job when parked up, that definitely helps, but not every night (yeh shock horror, not everybody parks in msa.s or [zb] lay bys. :open_mouth: ) but maybe a couple of nights a week if I meet up with mates.

If I had to do the tramping job like some do on here, a rush around work/sleep pattern endurance excercise :unamused: , I’d simply jack, it would just ■■■■ me right off within a week.

So on the whole I still kind of enjoy it, but I don’t have the rosy specs anymore and see things beyond official lines and crap.
That has just come about by past experiences both good and bad, but tbf mostly good on the whole.

Contrary to what many day drivers think, trampers don’t get worked up and just get on with their job at a pace that suits them, I don’t get flustered cause I’m away 12 days at a time and I’m in no rush til it’s time to head home. I like to view my job as a caravanning holiday with work attached, best way to describe it cause it’s certainly not endurance and I don’t rush things

Also yes to answer the OP I do love the job, I like the variety of work, the variety of destinations and I like the on the go lifestyle and independence uk/euro tramping allows

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I actually enjoy my job. As a relative newbie, I may just be in the honeymoon period, but I consider myself lucky to have found a half decent company. Pays decent, no pressure, when things go pear shaped it’s someone else’s problem and when I finish my shift, I go home and forget all about work.
Completely different to the life I’m used to and I wish I’d done it years ago.

I’m more in the love it camp to the point of still being cab happy.

Not in the league of tank polishing, frillies, bling etc but wouldn’t say no to a truck with all the toys, providing it was a V8 throbber obviously and if the tank was polished I would keep it that way.

Current steed is a fleet spec Renault T460, love it a nice ride and comfy inside.

She may be basic but has enough toys for me to enjoy, pulls ok up hill and for the job I do she really fits the bill.

Yes there’s better trucks out there but where ever in the week i rome I’m happy to call her my home.

Love being a box jockey pulling a skelly, would I do anything else not on your nelly, what other job allows me to watch so much telly…

I love trucking and I love to truck, etc…

I suppose that for me it was more than just sitting behind a wheel all day but, being on tippers, I was going to different destinations and meeting a variety of people as well. Some you never wanted meet again of course, as in life in general, but you got to know the various surfacing gangs by name and they would make you a brew sometimes if you had to wait with them. Private customers could be interesting, those who wanted just 20 tonne of stone or tarmac for their drive etc. The lady of the house would make a drink or a sandwich sometimes, one youngish chap near Grantham once showed me his 1920’s Buggatti Grand Prix car which he was rebuilding the engine of, a straight eight cylinder unit with just two main bearings and you could balance a coin on it while it was running! :open_mouth: It was valued at almost half a million quid then (1990’s) so being cheeky I asked what he did for a living! He sat at home designing supermarket car parks which another chap took the credit for but gave this guy a percentage of the fee, he reckoned that he only needed to do one a month and it would only take him a couple of days. Easy money. :laughing:

So that was what I enjoyed about the job, I have always been a ‘people person’ and possibly would have hated this RDC work that many of you do, somehow I don’t think I could have fitted easily into that side of driving?


How can anyone love trucking in 2017 with the horrid congestion and the pathetic fines threatening us from all angles ? I dont , I did my licences after years of pondering it all,It looked a good choice for my later years .Overall ,I Cannot believe how poorly drivers are treated!Especially in some of the bigger distribution hubs :confused: .I actually regret not doing my Swivel Dumper or telehandler tickets/ licences ’
Some days I feel i wasted my hard earned cash" , I wish I looked closer before I started spending .

I like driving them most of the time , but to be treated like a child or chased around by some skinny little mouthy ■■■■■■■■ office nerd killed the dream for me.Im not just a delivery boy,I have more to worry about than a poxy time slot …Besides you know where we are with the bloody trackers…

So it is just a job that pays bills for me .I do like driving all over, But now prefer my van .
It will never improve while the country is over populated as it is now in any case .
As for the people who pay to ponce up the bosses trucks ,Really wtaf are you on :unamused:

I like driving them most of the time , but to be treated like a child or chased around by some skinny little mouthy [zb] office nerd killed the dream for me.Im not just a delivery boy,I have more to worry about than a poxy time slot …Besides you know where we are with the bloody trackers…:

Simple remedy to that one mate, just don’t allow them to treat you like that.
They only do it because you let them, and they only get away with it because you allow then to…proven fact. :bulb:
You are an employee not a bloody sevant or slave,.and as you said yourself, not a delivery boy either, but a professional HGV driver.
I really can not see why many drivers
A.can not see that
B. Do not nip it in the bud from day1.


I like driving them most of the time , but to be treated like a child or chased around by some skinny little mouthy [zb] office nerd killed the dream for me.Im not just a delivery boy,I have more to worry about than a poxy time slot …Besides you know where we are with the bloody trackers…:

Simple remedy to that one mate, just don’t allow them to treat you like that.
They only do it because you let them, and they only get away with it because you allow then to…proven fact. :bulb:
You are an employee not a bloody sevant or slave,.and as you said yourself, not a delivery boy either, but a professional HGV driver.
I really can not see why many drivers
A.can not see that
B. Do not nip it in the bud from day1.

I hear you Rob ,
In interviews when asked any questions ,I always ask them straight are they hectic chasers or do they respect grafters ,And tell them , I will not be taking multiple calls while driving.I prefer to be left to get on With it etc…
You get the best out of me that way .
It still happens and believe me I have had some snivelling calls after I return the keys to the planner .
Then tell the TM i will not be back ,but make sure I’m payed :wink:
This has happened a right few times now.And I’m starting to wonder if I will ever find the right gig.

I am to old to be getting into unneeded disputes, my temper is short enough :laughing:
Where is the mutial respect these days … :neutral_face:

Still love it, despite everyone telling me if grow to hate it in 1/5/10/15 years. 20 years now and still love going to work.