Well I’ve managed to watch the first 10 minutes and what a load of crap so I’m now watching Educating Yorkshire
Perhaps, after youve watched that, you may understand Truckers a bit more! haha.
Well I’ve managed to watch the first 10 minutes and what a load of crap so I’m now watching Educating Yorkshire
Perhaps, after youve watched that, you may understand Truckers a bit more! haha.
Mr Skinnylegs:
The cast were supposed to have worked hard on their Nottingham accents.
They failed miserably me duck
I agree mi duck I’m from Nottingham and not once did I hear em say gi orr orse yall koppit or gerron korsi or gerrit ya sen I fluent in Nottingamese
Well I’ve managed to watch the first 10 minutes and what a load of crap so I’m now watching Educating YorkshirePerhaps, after youve watched that, you may understand Truckers a bit more! haha.
well I’m a bit more mature to watch a so called drama about the haulage industry and the title says it all so if this programme amuses your small mind then your just one of the reasons this industry has gone down the pan keep to the left
Well I’ve managed to watch the first 10 minutes and what a load of crap so I’m now watching Educating YorkshirePerhaps, after youve watched that, you may understand Truckers a bit more! haha.
well I’m a bit more mature to watch a so called drama about the haulage industry and the title says it all so if this programme amuses your small mind then your just one of the reasons this industry has gone down the pan keep to the left
Hmm, very interesting take on it all
Roger Breaker:
Well I’ve managed to watch the first 10 minutes and what a load of crap so I’m now watching Educating YorkshirePerhaps, after youve watched that, you may understand Truckers a bit more! haha.
well I’m a bit more mature to watch a so called drama about the haulage industry and the title says it all so if this programme amuses your small mind then your just one of the reasons this industry has gone down the pan keep to the left
Hmm, very interesting take on it all
No, we are all, as drivers to blame for this industry going down hill, but some of us live in the real world knowing sod all will ever get done about it.
So may as well have a sense of humour, because if you didnt laugh, you would cry, for what we have all done to screw it up!!
Bugger, the Joe public will have an even worse impression of truckers which is now my job and they already think those in my hobby are like this
I am sad in both accounts
I liked it better when i had bottle of wine and 3 brandys, made it easier to watch
I watched 5 minutes of it earlier before declaring “pub”. The programme is a load of old toss.
just watched it on I player was brill a very good laugh
I quite enjoyed it actually!!!
I quite enjoyed it actually!!!
So did I, it’s what it was meant to be, a comedy drama.
Was pretty good for some light hearted comedy drama, sure there where plenty of inaccuracies but it’s a tv programme so all you that slate it get yourselves a life & stop living in the dark ages of comedy…I guess a lot of you think all TV dramas, soaps & comedies are true to life !!
Suspect the moaners on here would love & rave about watching 60mins of dash cam footage instead
Was pretty good for some light hearted comedy drama, sure there where plenty of inaccuracies but it’s a tv programme so all you that slate it get yourselves a life & stop living in the dark ages of comedy…I guess a lot of you think all TV dramas, soaps & comedies are true to life !!Very true mate.
Some interesting posts, I gave it ten minutes, what absolute trash, Some comments were in favour and I concluded that perhaps these people were probably local shunters, how on earth can anyone with knowledge of trucking appreciate such a prog: where on earth did the makers get their technical details from ? There was a comment amongst the posts referring to (Quote) When is Stobarts coming back - Nice one pal. Sorry if I have offended anyone, Just my opinion.
Regards Fred
I can see what your saying Fred about the technical points, but I don’t think it’s meant to be about that. It’s just a light hearted comedy drama, not a documentary on trucking, can’t see anyone taking it as anything else to be honest. Ohh by the way sorry but I’m not a local shunter,
so you got that one wrong as well…
Some interesting posts, I gave it ten minutes, what absolute trash, Some comments were in favour and I concluded that perhaps these people were probably local shunters, how on earth can anyone with knowledge of trucking appreciate such a prog: where on earth did the makers get their technical details from ? There was a comment amongst the posts referring to (Quote) When is Stobarts coming back - Nice one pal. Sorry if I have offended anyone, Just my opinion.
Regards Fred
Do you actually understand the difference between tv programmes that are fictional, soaps, documentaries, series, drama etc etc
Based on your comment I assume you think programmes like Eastenders, CSI, Homeland, Emmerdale, Fireman Sam are all true to life in every way !!
As for the shunter comment that just shows us all how very small your IQ is, enjoy CBeebies my friend
Some interesting posts, I gave it ten minutes, what absolute trash, Some comments were in favour and I concluded that perhaps these people were probably local shunters, how on earth can anyone with knowledge of trucking appreciate such a prog: where on earth did the makers get their technical details from ? There was a comment amongst the posts referring to (Quote) When is Stobarts coming back - Nice one pal. Sorry if I have offended anyone, Just my opinion.
Regards FredDo you actually understand the difference between tv programmes that are fictional, soaps, documentaries, series, drama etc etc
Based on your comment I assume you think programmes like Eastenders, CSI, Homeland, Emmerdale, Fireman Sam are all true to life in every way !!
As for the shunter comment that just shows us all how very small your IQ is, enjoy CBeebies my friend
Thank you my friend very eloquently put…love it.
Some interesting posts, I gave it ten minutes, what absolute trash, Some comments were in favour and I concluded that perhaps these people were probably local shunters, how on earth can anyone with knowledge of trucking appreciate such a prog: where on earth did the makers get their technical details from ? There was a comment amongst the posts referring to (Quote) When is Stobarts coming back - Nice one pal. Sorry if I have offended anyone, Just my opinion.
Regards FredDo you actually understand the difference between tv programmes that are fictional, soaps, documentaries, series, drama etc etc
Based on your comment I assume you think programmes like Eastenders, CSI, Homeland, Emmerdale, Fireman Sam are all true to life in every way !!
As for the shunter comment that just shows us all how very small your IQ is, enjoy CBeebies my friend
I’m a Shunter I’ve been in road transport for over 35 years with many of these years trying to educate non transport people that not all lorry drivers ( I use the term lorry driver because that’s what I am not a trucker they live in America )that we don’t all eat fry ups yorkie bars and we don’t all murder prostitutes judging by some of the comments on here I bet some of these so called professional drivers ooops I meant "Truckers " are the ones that block the fuel pumps as they’re supping their amazon grown coffee without thinking of pulling forward so the next lorry can fill up or park in the middle of a lay by so nobody else can pull on and even park in the coach bays because they can’t be bothered to walk crap in carrier bags then chuck it out the window vandalise toilet and wash facilities at services and transport cafés so then you having to go without because your told there shut drive they been trashed again so I wouldn’t belittle shunters cos one day you’ll probably need them I respect most drivers what come in to our place because I’ve been there and done it and by the way I’m still learning
It aint a true depiction only a comedy drama if it was real trucking in the uk you would have some johnny foriegner,s driving them trucks about but there,s none so therfore not a true picture trucking in the uk.
It aint a true depiction only a comedy drama if it was real trucking in the uk you would have some johnny foriegner,s driving them trucks about but there,s none so therfore not a true picture trucking in the uk.
Very true mate.