Tobacco-allowance back to the UK

Not sure if people are aware the tobacco limit was changed on 01/10/11, you are now only allowed 1kg of tobacco. Luckily I went on friday night and brought 3kg back and was not challenged thank god(still have my car). Not seen this advertised anywhere I was just checking stuff yesterday and came across this link: … /DG_181092

You’d think they’d put signs up somewhere! No mention of the limit dropping at the point of sale either.

On anothrt note, I had plenty of time to spare before the shuttle so I thought I’d go and get some wine from Pidou’s. Got there and it looked to be shut or closed down, is it closed down? If not, since when did they stop opening 24/7? Even their website states it opens 24/7. Very disappointed, had aquick drive round and most places looked like they packed up. Anyway, never mind I thought theres always the shop just before you get on the shuttle, got there and that ■■■■■■ had closed as well! All in all a disappointing trip!

Just copied from the forty thieves web site, ie HMRC:-
Although there are no limits on the amount of alcohol and tobacco you can bring in from most EU countries, customs officers are more likely to ask you questions if you have more than the following:
800 ■■■■, 1kg baccy etc.
What happened to the Treaty of Rome which covers free movement of goods within the common market? or whatever name you wish to give the Brussels dictatorship :imp:

Your right mate

Those rejects of human procreation who are addressed as customs arm holes are worse than the bent coppers that are in abundance in this so called (haha) democracy.
A few years back the Brussels mafia stopped the duty free allowance for EU travellers but in international law the three mile territorial law still stands so how can they unilaterally override it?
Meanwhile all our thievin, lowlife MEPs are still allowed excessive tax free goods as well as all the other fiddles they partake in ‘legally’ as the accounts for the EU have never been signed off as correct.
We are told that the millions of ■■■■ imported illegally into the country is costing the exchequer millions upon millions in unpaid revenue, if they are dangerous counterfeit goods then fair enough but the ordinary bloke who bring in a just a few extra to give to his family at cost is not hurting the economy, well not in comparison to what its costing you and I to keep those murdering ■■■■■■■ scum in Belmarsh nick that wants to kill all us infidels. Now that is democracy workin well, human rights!!
Customs officers have more powers than the police, that would be OK in my book if they did not abuse those powers but they do all the time.
edit… the naughty word thingy just deleted the description of the tea towel wearing gentlemen and put in a ‘zb’, oops! democracy and the PC brigade working again.

And this bit flies in the face of … guilty until proved innocent,(sic)…If the UKBA is satisfied that the goods are for a commercial purpose it may seize them and any vehicle used to transport them, and may not return them to you …
What is the legal standing on this?
Where is the trial by your peers, as decreed by statute to determine guilt?
Give time another few years and posts like this will merit a midnight visit by the UK/EU KGB :frowning:
Goota go now, some ones hammerin on me front door :wink:

Those rejects of human procreation who are addressed as customs arm holes are worse than the bent coppers that are in abundance in this so called (haha) democracy.
A few years back the Brussels mafia stopped the duty free allowance for EU travellers but in international law the three mile territorial law still stands so how can they unilaterally override it?
Meanwhile all our thievin, lowlife MEPs are still allowed excessive tax free goods as well as all the other fiddles they partake in ‘legally’ as the accounts for the EU have never been signed off as correct.
We are told that the millions of ■■■■ imported illegally into the country is costing the exchequer millions upon millions in unpaid revenue, if they are dangerous counterfeit goods then fair enough but the ordinary bloke who bring in a just a few extra to give to his family at cost is not hurting the economy, well not in comparison to what its costing you and I to keep those murdering [zb] scum in Belmarsh nick that wants to kill all us infidels. Now that is democracy workin well, human rights!!
Customs officers have more powers than the police, that would be OK in my book if they did not abuse those powers but they do all the time.
edit… the naughty word thingy just deleted the description of the tea towel wearing gentlemen and put in a ‘zb’, oops! democracy and the PC brigade working again.

Happy Keith, is that you?

The Pidou at Transmark is open 24/7 , but the one by the elf garage shut’s at eight , unless it’s changed recently


Happy Keith, is that you?

No dont think so, last night I had my ‘angry’ head on and was having a rant, but this morning have another head on so might be :slight_smile:

So they think that doing this will help stop or decrease the amount of cigs & tobacco being brought back in to the country so smokers will buy more “Duty paid” goods? I seriously hope that they fail, and if the smoker should they end up faced with being ripped off buying within UK, Just give up smoking instead as i did more than 2 years ago, thieving government still get no tax,lol

The Pidou at Transmark is open 24/7 , but the one by the elf garage shut’s at eight , unless it’s changed recently

Dont sell baccy in either of them do they? ■■■■ buying it in France anyway!!

I am going to be TOBY here.

No ■■■ machines in the UK, no ■■■■ on display in the UK or France, so what has changed, it was like this as a kid.

Can you buy cigars in a pub? YES You can

In Holland and Belgium you need to buy a token, in Germany you need to prove your age.


The Pidou at Transmark is open 24/7 , but the one by the elf garage shut’s at eight , unless it’s changed recently

Dont sell baccy in either of them do they? [zb] buying it in France anyway!!

Unless you get it from that place on the border Steenvorde off the A25 or a local tobacconist You may as well buy them in the uk or on the Boat ect , as theres not much difference in the price ,

I didn’t mention buying tobacco in France, I said the limit had changed. I went to Belgium for the tobacco, I then called in to Pidous to buy beer/wine, everywhere was closed for beer/wine.

I didn’t mention buying tobacco in France, I said the limit had changed. I went to Belgium for the tobacco, I then called in to Pidous to buy beer/wine, everywhere was closed for beer/wine.

Unless they have got any offers on in Belge,you will get it cheaper in Asda(other supermarkets are available), the" booze cruise" days have long gone .

Which is your local Asda then if you can get tobacco cheaper their than in Belgium■■?

The only places I have been to that are more expensive than the UK is I believe Eire, and is Lux still the cheapest?

Which is your local Asda then if you can get tobacco cheaper their than in Belgium■■?

I think he means beer, hence using booze cruise.

Yes, the booze cruise days are over, Adinkerke is like a ghost town now, tumbleweed blowing down the streets, deserted shops with creaking doors hanging on one hinge, giant cobwebs etc…

The only place that does any trade is the first one, “Stop and Shop”, and tobacco is a third of the price in Belgium compared to the UK, tobacco is what UKBA are focussing on nowadays.

Saw an Irishman in there last week buying £960 worth of baccy which he took back to his truck in three carrier bags. I doubt he will get away with that for long.

it dosn’t have any effect on me. i know a man with plenty of stock. golden virgina.
i just can’t convince customs, that i have no need to smuggle anything. it’s already here. :laughing:

It is funny really as I remember the days we were exporting tobacco to Germany. We could buy 1000 /2000 Marlboro or Camel on the ferry and sell them in Germany for Deutschmark with a better exchange rate for us