Tnuk is dead lets bury it

The law is the law. I’d rather rely on my own initiative to gain the knowledge from an official site that I have studied rather than you link the exact same site to me added with your subjective tones. But thanks all the same.

Fair enough.
This has been a good opportunity for you to

So, it has’ t been a waste of time for any of us, has it?

Holy moly, well this thread is making up for the low post counts for the rest of the site.

Talk about getting wound up by trivial things it’s just the internet after all, even things on the www can be wrong unless it’s from an official source.

People really grt so uppity on the www. It’s just the tinterweb for goodness sake… :rofl:

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I didn’t realise that advising people that relevant information was a few clicks away was “puffing my chest feathers out” but hey ho. I will follow in your footsteps franglais, maybe I should post in Urdu, the information will be there for all to see but few will understand it. Just like your reasoning of official websites that you guide people to whilst acknowledging few understand.

How ironic that a thread entitled “ TNUK is dead let’s bury it “ appears to be turning into one of the most entertaining threads on the entire site . Keep it up lads , I for one think it’s great .

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Simcor now I thought I could be confrontational but truckpro & franglais are like a pair of fighting ■■■■’s, well remember franglais when I started the Brexit thread he was for staying in IIRC and me wanted out but discussion if you could call it that got very heated at times but in the end the vote was to come out with various result, on the bright side franglais can be very informative & factual on quite varied subjects if he gets his teeth into summit but find he does like an argument and in the end it can be a bit ■■■ for tat sort of thing, truckpro I know little of his history so wont comment further, I’ll get me tin hat, Buzzer

Well someone used that phrase first didn’t they? What did you use it for?
And with this super-duper new site all they have to do is click on the top right arrow of the quote to see exactly where you first used it.

“Puffing out your feathers” not merely by telling others how to obtain information for themselves, but rather by repeatedly telling us all how clever you yourself are, in not needing any assistance at all in finding the correct .gov site and understanding all that is written there. Presumably also checking your own comprehension, by setting yourself a test? And then marking your own answers?
I bet you scored 100%. :grinning:
Well done.

Utter subjective once again franglais.

Might be off to Bully’s Bar later? But that is one for the mods to decide.

Exactly the same as you judging that others “puff out their chests” etc.
So, where are you going with that point?

Are you, who first made the “puffy” comment saying it is a subjective judgment and should not be made?
Or it means nothing?
Or that you can make those sort of comments about others, but don’t want them made about you?

Wot !
Confrontational ? Moi?

The Brexit thread is still in Bully’s but it seems a bit lame and poorly at the moment…a bit like…
Nah, don’t tempt me. :grinning:

And one day I will get back that cup of tea you owe me, Buzzer.
Been over twenty years now, so it’ll be well stewed though.

So to be expected you have now stooped to the scenario of “you said this and you said that first”. It rather reminds me of my days at primary school.

BTW your posts are completely subjective. You keep peddling your chapter and verse links which by your own admission very few people understand, the question has to be why bother?

Are you denying that it was you that first started all this “puffing” nonsense?
And that you readily point the finger at others…without any proof that I can see…and then get all touchy and hurt when the same comments are directed at you?
All very primary school stuff? So what does that mean?
You feel entitled to pass a silly childish comment but feel that others should rise above it? Really? Well tough luck.

Wow! You contradict yourself in the space of two sentences!
My posts are simultaneously subjective and contain chapter and verse links!

If very few people understand them? Which I am not sure is true.
(Although you are convinced only one person possibly can understand all, and by now we all know who that is)
Then isn’t that a good reason for some of us to try to help those who have only just happened upon these rules and regs, to try to give hints, examples, and personal experience of them?

My experience, yes this is subjective, is that most drivers have a good grasp of the basics. But most come upon situations where they get pointed in the wrong direction, or misinterpret a rule or whatever and so need to see the raw facts, plus get the twists and turns explained in their own situation.

If any of us do give any help, then that seems a good reason “to bother”.

You are free to agree or disagree if you want.
I really ain’t bovvered about that at all.

And stooping to your level, I’m telling teacher on you tomorrow. You make assumptions after assumptions, get a grip old boy.

Please tell?

Assumptions/childish comments like my ability to fly a plane? My ability to mark my own questions? My superior intelligence? (I got 1 0 level and 4 CSE’s at school), hardly anything to brag about. If I could be bothered I could pick everything you say to pieces but I have a life away from trucknet, unlike some. I’m not really of the opinion that my “puff” comment aimed at you was childish as very few children will have heard the saying.

Don’t forget I’m telling teacher on you tomorrow.

How apt…that was clearly…

right over your head

No not right over my head, just one of your childish comparisons, but hey glad you spent the time searching for the clip to try and prove your point. That subjective opinion
rears it’s head again. Good form.

Yep, a whole 30mseconds to illustrate, rather than to prove, a point.
I can only imagine a www expert such as you would have done it even quicker!

But there we are, no longer a wage slave I can devote as much or as little time to TNUK as I wish.
Feel free to make all the assumptions you like about how many mates I do or don’t have.

The “subjective opinion” or “assumption” which you now denigrate? That is where we came in isn’t it?
Your first post about how some of us “puff up our chest feathers” and how you assume that everyone has your undoubted genius on the www.
That is all “subjective opinion” and “assumption” isn’t it?

And once again a load more time spent trying to prove your point, you keep hanging onto the “puff” comment I aimed at you like it’s your last hope to prove yourself correct yet seem to forget all of your assumptions aimed at me.

And stooping to your level I’m still telling teacher tomorrow.