Tnuk is dead lets bury it

Why so cryptic?
Just name em ffs
Got the first one btw, I’m assuming our traffic law expert who admits to sitting in judgement of others…Zac?.
Only ex traffic cop I can think of is the guy who tried to be clever with me on the old forum and made a complete prick of himself instead…name escapes me, not a scooby who the ‘F’ is though.

Edit : Bloody hell ! How tf could I not know :roll_eyes: …you mean my old mate Frangers?:grin:

its funny theres obviously a handful of posters who have some latent interest in the forum,maybe connected with an advertiser or forum owner-whatever it is they were on the gravy train -but the milks gone really sour and they know it.

I have to say that’s a bit odd from someone who’s been pushing another a forum that’s getting a lot less new posts than this one :astonished:

You have them all rr, the ex traffic cop goes by the name of ncooper00.

Nah there are obviously 2 ex traffic cops on here then.
The one I was on about told us he was ashamed to admit to people outside that he was now a driver.
A bit rich coming from an ex copper I thought.:roll_eyes:

You can’t keep a confirmed rogue down, Buzzer. :sunglasses:

im wanting the truck and bus forum to pick up cos its dead easy to use . Its a bit like im driving along in a new truck and the back brakes are binding but the mechanic says its fine its so new youll get used to it. Then i spot an old truck in the yard belonged to old charlie who retired at xmas nobodys using it and i go and find the keys turns out theyre kept under the sunvisor and i start it up roll her forward and theres no binding at all.

Ah, so some other members reply to your posts and some don’t? I wonder which annoy you the most?
Get RR to explain to you over a bumper breakfast how forums work.

But you still haven’t answered my query above.
You suggested that there was no need for anyone to ask anything on forums. I replied that many did need to discuss what they found on Google etc. Afterall there is good and bad info to be found there. Apart from a cryptic

We have heard nowt relevant.
Care to enlarge now?

What I said is in my opinion there are 3 fonts of all knowledge on here, who constantly quote chapter and verse from easily accessable information online.
I certainly have the ability to search information myself without having to ask complete strangers for important information when it is there after a few clicks. Forums are great to share viewpoints and banter but on the important things in life, I prefer to do my own research, thanks. Which bit are you having difficulty understanding franglais?

If you don`t feel the need to discuss what you research online, great. I understand that.

Not everyone is the same as you, hence there are discussions and explanations about what we find on line.

Maybe this explanation of how forums works is helpful to you? Maybe you are enjoying discussing what we find here on the www?


But once again, if the 3 fonts of knowledge just quote chapter and verse, word for word from official sites for example on driver’s hours, c&u, wtd and so on then surely where’s the need for members to ask other members when the information is there. It’s laughable really on such important matters. If I got stopped by the authorities I’d have much more clout if I said “I researched the information you are requesting from an official site” rather than saying “I asked some stranger on a forum to not only quote chapter and verse to information that is there for me but also listened to their subjective view”.

Many of us tend to read a bit of an official document and miss, or ignore, or misinterpret what is there. We may miss exceptions, and sub-clauses or use memories or older regs that have changed.
Many of us find discussion and explanation of official sites helpful. I certainly do.

If you don’t? Good for you.
Not everyone is the same.

Giving opinion without giving a source or reason for that opinion is [possibly harmful.
Complaining of having links provided, seems bizarre to me.
That way we can see whether any info provided is from an official site, or Bert Bloggs the Bluffer.

I personally can see nothing wrong with finding out info from a drivers forum,.there is a plethora of experience on here for new drivers to learn from,.and you are gaining that knowledge first hand through driving and general trucking experience, rather than from a general theoretical pov on a screen or handbook…you can also query and question it.
Then if they want, or feel the need, check out the official sources and cross reference the 2 to see if the advice matches, and it does, then crack on.

It’s just like everything else in this life work out yourself the facts and the truth and seperate it from all from the b/s.

(Note to Frangers first paragraph constructed over coffee and toast, my ‘bumper breakfasts’ are now rationed to about once a fortnight these days.)

I suspect Mrs RR will be glad to hear that! :grinning:

So my point was as to why people ask others for important information regarding the law and so on when all they need to do is go onto an official site and read it themselves.

Not everyone knows what is relevant to them until they ask.

How many know the ins’n’outs of ferry movement until they start doing ferry work?

Not many. It isn’t covered deeply in most training. And when they read the rules they often misinterpret those rules. And get bad out of date advice.
Yes, the correct info is there on the .gov site, and that should be the be-all and end-all reference point. But many do not understand it.

Driver hours: Many get mixed up over fixed weeks, and weekly rests. Confusion over 2x10 hr drives and reduced daily rests.
WTD errors on time at work and breaks required.

Should we just say “go and look it up yourself” and leave it at that?
I reckon not.

Maybe you are someone who can go immediately to the correct part of .gov and access all the relevant info, and understand it perfectly first time*.
Not many of us are that good, I certainly am not.

*Or maybe your ego is far, far, bigger than your understanding?

When it comes to the law, ignorance is no defence. Whilst forums can give valuable advice, interpretations, opinions these are often absolutely spot on and can last a full career, duff advice can also last a full career too, hence the horror stories at DCPC courses.

My ego is absolutely fine thanks franglais so is my understanding, why sidetrack from my point?

I apologise.

What is your current point?

I have said that info should be taken from official or .gov sites.

I accept what you have said that some extremely talented people might be able to go straight to all the bits of regulations relevant to their own situation and understand it all perfectly.I do not accept that everyone is that clever. And I would suggest that many who think they are that clever really aren`t. (Dunning Kruger)

I have said that opinions offered should be backed up by the linked gov sites.

So, what was your point?

That those who can’t find the relevant bit of WTD or Driver Hrs regs should be left hanging? That they should rely on those coffee room experts out there? That when some of us have looked at what they need to know recently and know where it is shouldn’t help them?
What of new driver being asked to sign up to an umbrella company? Where would someone new to employment know where to start looking? Until I read about these things on TNUK I had no idea about them and might well have thought that such schemes were the norm. I wouldn’t go on

What is your point?

So once again, my point is why would people consult a total stranger on such important issues? The very same official information you link in are just a few clicks away, so why ask you? Rather ironic that your first line of advice to people’s queries is a link to an official site yet you maintain people aren’t bright enough to even understand the official sites…great!

Using the www and understanding rules and laws is just like driving a lorry then?
Either just make a few clicks and read the words’
Just press the pedals and turn the wheel.

I’ll bet you would be a brilliant pilot too?
After all that is just pushing a few buttons on an autopilot now isn`t it?