Tnuk is dead lets bury it

Way I see this new site is there are 3 fonts of all knowledge on here, who quote chapter and verse, (by simply googling). Those asking for advice appear to not be able to google their queries themselves, thus giving the fonts of all knowledge a chance to puff their chest feathers out and revel in their perceived superiority, all to an audience of about 10.

Bring on the fonts of all knowledge!

Thanks, you just reminded me why I left last time.

Ah yes, the ex traffic cop turned cucumber delivery driver.

Most of us appropriate the help that those more knowledgeable souls have offered.
I fail to see how you came to the conclusion that they were ā€˜puffing out their chestā€™ and demonstrating a superior knowledge. I see decent blokes trying to help folk who are having difficulties. I sincerely thank them for the assistance. :+1:t4:


So like I said, those quoting chapter and verse from google. Surely anyone can search google and come up with the same chapter and verse.

Nice to see you back SDU thought all you lot down under were gone, Buzzer

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Thereā€™s nowt wrong with this siteā€™s format nor have I been on this type of format before, Iā€™m not a young gun either who knows about puters as Iā€™m long retired. All it takes is a bit of patience to find your way around instead of throwing in the towel, Nothing stays the same in life forever. It must have been a huge task & still ongoing to move everything away from the old clunky site. The features are head & shoulder above the old format & it runs smooth as silk so me likey. :slightly_smiling_face:


Attention Mods and Admins, I wish to register a complaint about the above post by Lancpudn, on the grounds that on 9th March 2024 he did:
(i) willfully and publicly display an excess of reasonableness, liable to cause distress and upset to doom mongers everywhere
(ii) showed an unlicenced gratuitious positivity towards the new forum format in direct contravention of the Haulage Employees Right to be Miserable and Discontended Act (1879)
(iii) With malice aforethought refused to conform to the requirement for all older drivers to reject all aspects of modernity and confine their opinions to appropriate subject matters, such as, but not confined to: roping and sheeting is superior to any other load securing process; anything without an Eaton Twin-Splitter transmission should be banned from UK roads; etc.

The Kangeroo Court of TN find him guilty of all charges and recommends that he be flogged until his morale assumes the appropriate condition.


LMAO. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And so the discussion (s) on the new format (and the sarcasm and backbitingšŸ™„) goes on.

Way I see it is this, the new format is not as easy, user friendly, nor as attractive as the old oneā€¦end of.
The certain few can say wtf they like, but the evidence is there, it sticks out like a bullldogā€™s ball ocks, adequately illustrated by the lack of interest in comparison to the old format and the more regular members of the old site who have apparentlly and evidently simply ā€¦effed off.


On the other hand, it is what it is,ā€¦ and if we want to continue using it,.we are stuck with it.

My first reaction was ā€˜f.this/cbaā€™ but even I am starting to get used to it.:flushed:

As I said before (and at the risk of offending a certain member to the extent of him telling me he is no longer going to interact with me,.as we have differing opinions :roll_eyes::joy:) ā€¦It is just like tacho rules to me, and the way I petsonally deal with themā€¦
No ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  intention of learning the infinite finer points and aspects, as I simply aint interested.
I am strictly on a ā€˜what I NEED to knowā€™ basis, and so far it is working for meā€¦as is this forum now.

So I can now post, I can view,.I can reply, I can edit, so that is enough for me.
Thw world is my lobster Terry. :sunglasses:

If I pick any ā€˜advanced technicalitiesā€™ up, even though I aint really interested in doing so, then so be itā€¦if I dont I dont.

So to those who are thinking of walking, or are of the same initial thoughts as I was, I would say stick with it,ā€¦just as we did with
Log booksā€¦ to tachos.

Freedomā€¦ to phones and trackers.

Manualsā€¦ to autos.
Simple to operate trucksā€¦
to electronic laden cluster ā– ā– ā– ā–  s.

SOā€¦If I can (of all people me,.aka Mr Nopatiencewithanything) you can.

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Not in the least bit true. Thereā€™s a lot of stuff I learnt in transport that I can find no trace of on the internet. That goes for all the other disciplines, employment, hobbies and interests Iā€™ve had over the years. So much so, that Iā€™ve started buying books online that I sold years ago because I thought it was all on the 'net. Well, it ainā€™t! I would also add that you appear to underestimate the vast body of knowledge and knowhow accumulated by some of our senior members. I can only think of a small number of posters on Old Timers who fall into the category you describe. :wink:

I think if you look on the internet, you will find on the internet. Asking on here what someone has in their sarnies for lunch will get a plethora of different answers, non of which having any real substance, where as asking for info on letā€™s say driverā€™s hours, C&U and so forth is easily assessable to EVERYONE via a few words typed into Google search.

I also stated there are 3 fonts of all knowledge on here, I in no way implied there were anymore.

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Yep see where youā€™re coming from :+1:. Probably more true of UK PROF forum then OLD TIMERS, as most our knowledge of those things is decades out of date :rofl:

No offence intended to the old timers, tbh until very recently I hadnā€™t even looked in on itšŸ‘

If that were all true, there would never be anyone on here asking about driverā€™s hours, licences, C&U, tax, WTD, O-Licences, etc would there?

There are people on here asking those thingsā€¦soā€¦

Erm, are you serious? Itā€™s all out there, not directed at you but ā€œopen your eyes and you will seeā€ springs to mind.

Hands up! You lost me.

Is everything available on the www?
Pretty much, yeah. It is full of good and bad info, and we all need help sorting out the good stuff from the crap.

Or are you talking about something else? As I say, Iā€™m lost.

Yeah yeah, but the main question here isā€¦

WHO are the ā€˜3 fonts of knowledgeā€™ here exactly??
Ok needless to say I am one :sunglasses: (joking btw) so who are they?.

Well thereā€™s the character that refuses to even acknowledge you and I lol, thereā€™s the character who came out of a highly paid, highly powered traffic cop career to deliver cucumbers at 2 o clock in the morning and then thereā€™s the one who constantly appears to pounce on everything I post, his name begins with f.