Tnuk is dead lets bury it

What I would like to know is how Dennis Javelin knows how long it takes for my morning crap?

Somebody posted it on here a while back :smiley: :smiley:

I thought it strange at the time but, after all, this is the internet.

TNUK is dead done with, no one in charge wants to sort the problem out so just put us all out of our pain and close the site down, surely I am not alone with this, Buzzer

give it a kiss of life

Dennis Javelin:
Thatā€™s it in a nutshell, everyone demands instant response to their actions. For those who canā€™t wait those extra few seconds (and thatā€™s all it is with me, donā€™t know about others) can I suggest that you simply stay logged in as it only seems to be the initial opening sequence thatā€™s the problem. Another alternative would be to log on and then go for your morning crap. Should be fine by the time you get back in front of the screen.

Most would have patience if it had only just started happening , but it hasnā€™t ! Itā€™s been going on for over a month and not for the 1st time but the 3rd time in the last 2 years :unamused: ,
Thatā€™s my 10p worth
Iā€™ll leave you lot to your crash twin split gearboxes , and rose tinted specs , supping warm beer and single malts , in Gods waiting room while I go out and pay my tax to pay your pension :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
Thatā€™s the solution right there. If the site irks you so much then donā€™t log on, pretend it closed down if you wish but donā€™t put yourself through the misery. For those of us who want to continue putting up with it then Iā€™m sure thatā€™s a cross we are prepared to bear.
I,m with you, the moans are indicative of the impatient world we live in & the older we get the more miserable we get but getting on myself.

For a free site I love it with & without glitches & always something interesting to be ground.

Yes could be better but pretty good for an industry the wider public have no interest in. Thanks.

Still no better, just what is causing this ?

Hit or miss at the moment.

Always straight in. No problem! I am sticking it out. Maybe the nā€™er do wells should move to North Suffolk. Jim.

Still no better, just what is causing this ?

Your question is a good question, but Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t know the answer. Anything I write here would be speculation, guesswork or just plain BS, neither of which Iā€™m very good at.

Earlier in this topic dieseldave:
There seems to be a split in opinions hereā€¦

To the optimistic few, I sayā€¦ thank you for your patience.

To the others I sayā€¦ Iā€™m disappointed that you havenā€™t posted your concerns in the Feedback Forum because thatā€™s the proper place for you to air those views and to get answers.

:bulb: If you were to have a look at the Feedback Forum, youā€™d see that the site slowdown is already being discussed. :wink:

For those of you whoā€™d have trouble navigating to a different forum, I provide a helpful link below and apologise in advance for the nosebleed that youā€™re about to experience. :laughing: :wink: :unamused: :laughing:

CLICKY :arrow_right: TNUK go slow / slow loading. [Merged] - FEEDBACK FORUM - Let Us Know! (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

To save you time, please check out my post called ā€œUpdate,ā€ then watch for an announcement as soon as I have something else to tell you.

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Iā€™m sorry, but I wish I had something concrete to tell you, but unfortunately for all of us, thereā€™s no news other than what Iā€™ve already written.

Well Dave, all I can say is the site is working well here in the Republic, itā€™s been OK for a few days nowā€¦normal service. :smiley:

Bugga and damnation, as soon as I posted the above the site has partially seized up again. I should learn to keep my mouth shut. BUGGA :imp: :imp: :imp:

Well TNUK is not dead but but the new version is hanging on by a thread, pardon the expression, I have managed to master posting pictures & comments but the new format is crap. So many of the folk who used to look in daily and post or comment are no longer present any more, the layout of threads is too spread out much different to the old style, a lot of the subjects are irrelevant and should be removed especially the mark 1 threads as there is no point in them being there, with the old style the most common used threads remained on the first page and were prevalent in there popularity, Surely we could revert to the old style format even with a new provider & cant imagine this would be rocket science, is there anyone else feeling the same way as me as for sure numbers will dwindle and folks just cannot be bothered, HELP or TNUK will surely die, Buzzer


The old format was more straight foreward


The site works well in a browser on a mobile. Give it some time - for the techies to fix/ optimise the user experience and for us to get used to it.

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Iā€™ve given it a while before posting any opinions as sometimes you need time to adjust to a new format. All in all, I prefered the old style. In particular:

  1. I could see about twenty topics on one page, so had an easy view of the posts, and, yes, they were sorted in latest post order, easy to catch up with whatā€™s new.
  2. You could hover over the icon next to the thread for a small preview of the post, saved me a lot of time going into the thread and realising Iā€™m not interested, then paging back.

Exit your first point is exactly what I was talking about, the most relevant subjects were always on the first page which was condensed top 40 odd threads but it was easy to go back and find a forgotten one and bring it back if you desired, Surely we could have a similar format now it was so much more useable, Buzzer

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Well, Iā€™ve given it a chance and my opinion has not changed, to whoever designed it (with the best will in the world) itā€™s not so good, it doesnā€™t even come near to the old site. ITā€™S TOO COMPLICATED.
Good luck with the site, but I fear youā€™ll have to manage without a lot of the old, loyal, members.

Maybe some of the ā€œolderā€ members would appreciate some sort of simple instruction menu, not sure if thatā€™s possible? I agree that the old forum was more straight forward to use, but I donā€™t think one needs a PhD in rocket science to figure out the new forumā€¦?

No it doesnā€™t, but generally it appears that many drivers struggle to cope with change of any kind. Thatā€™s why many are still driving around in Class 1ā€™s (not C+Eā€™s), watching out for Vosser (not DVSA) hoping they donā€™t get a GV9 (rather than a PG9) etc.

Historically people have enjoyed complaining about DCPC, saying how theyā€™re going to bin driving because of it, but never do; now people are complaining about the new forum and saying theyā€™re leaving, never to return, but they keep re-posting to complain a bit more and remind us how theyā€™re leaving :grinning:


The ā€œTNUK is dyingā€ thread has disappeared I wonder why that is ? when you look at the last activity on the far right collumb of the menu you only need to go 8 threads down to see the last activity was 5 days ago, thatā€™s how much inactivity there is on this new format of TNUK. one does not need to be a brilliant mathematician to see that this new version is just not working, for the sake of all interested partyā€™s revert back to the old style system else this site really will die, Buzzer

Well, someone was calling for the old site to be closed down last year.

Who was it now? Where and when was it?
In the very first post in this thread which started in Sept '23?

The first post on this ā€œmissingā€ thread.

That was about the old site which as I am sure you can remember had major problems, that having been said the format of the old site was fine so all that needed to happen here was to get a new supplier to use the same format which was far more compatible with most posters, Buzzer