Tnuk is dead lets bury it

Back on the naughty seat.

Just look at the action on this thread in just two days, not much posting on the other sites though, wonder why Buzzer

Yes Buzzer I log in and top of the topics is Tnuk is dead lets bury it and mostly loaded with inane stupid crapchat dear oh dear and to think we ostracised carryfastā€™s cleverer than thou attitude.
Like you say not much going on elsewhere where we post photos not knowing if anybody is interested the feedback isnā€™t there like in the past. I havenā€™t had a problem working this new format but more to to point our old buddies are not with us on this one unfortunately.

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But oiltreader, it did at least give you something to read on what is a very low posting site. Like the crapchat or not, the childish innuendo, it got your attention and upped the posts. Job done.

Yes Oily even I have mastered the art of the new site but as you say most of the old followers of which there were a great deal have vanished along with the inevitable craic & banter, sorry for not posting on your ā€œPast and presentā€ thread bit of a protest iā€™me afraid.
Truckpro would be far more interesting if you posted some pictures instead of back & forth slander with franglais, it is a tad tedious after a bit I know from experience Buzzer

Agreed buzzer, I arenā€™t really into posting pictures because the topics I have consistently posted on here over the last 10 plus years, (DCPC, IR35, MSC Legislation, Taxation, Landlord rules/regs and the crapchat ones) donā€™t really warrant photos! I tend to mostly post on topics I have experience of and maybe that comes across as I know it all. I donā€™t! But what I do know is that if I require information on an important subject that is relevant to me, I do the research myself and do not rely on a total stranger to provide me with information that I can acquire myself!

JFGOP was what we used to say back in the day ā€œJobs f**ck*d go on ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  see nought has changed as no one listens, Buzzer