Personally dont see a problem with helping to unload. Time is money and a little time and effort spent will see you away quicker which is what its about.Those who work for an employer paid hourly need to realise that its in their own interest to save time, it’ll earn the company more in the long term, the very place that pays their wage at the end of each month. Those that do that little extra for their money will also likely be kept on over a lazy arse [zb]. Exercise does no one any harm, handballing 12 tonnes of agg at a garden centre when the fork lift was out of action a few months back wasnt difficult, im sure moving a few cages or a pallet truck isnt out of the way even for a fat unfit driver…
Again Andrew your opinion is, and quite rightly so from an owner and/or employer’s perspective.
I have been there myself, so know exactly where you are coming from.
The post I made is from a different perspective, I will try and explain some of my points previously made, and answer yours.
The first point of your post…yeh ok, as I said broadly speaking, and in real terms I don’t really mind helping either, it’s excercise, and it’s usually better to get away quicker.
My answer to that is …Have a read of my last post rather than me re.writing it all and boring the arse (in a Carryfast style
) off everybody else. 
As for the ‘‘Paid hourly/saving time/making money for your employer realisation’’…OK yeh, again correct.
You are an employer, I am a driver, I am not a ''lazy arsed ■■■■ ‘’ type that you refer to, but what I am is a ‘‘reap what they sow’’ type driver, who will react to the way I am treated or looked upon by my employer.
If that makes me sound troublesome, I am not, I just look after myself and like fair treatment, and willinglly reciprocate to it.
To explain, I worked for a brilliant firm for 10 yrs who valued us as drivers, paid us fairly, and well…in return I was the model employee going that extra mile (literally and metaphoricallly) every day…no problem.
I now work somewhere different, it is ok on the whole really, the hourly rate aint TOO bad, but I am subject to a pathetic pay structure ie time at 50 hours + a few pence (literally) after that, also regular penny pinching, and every avenue of payment is biased on THEIR side.
So now I do the job to the best of my ability, and get NO complaints, so they must be satisfied.
As for anything extra…not interested
So to answer your other point…As for caring about extra profits to lost time ratio, to the ‘‘co that pays my wages’’ well I reckon that situation is well covered and cushioned by my pay structure.
So that situation, and the points mentioned in my last post, is why I have a problem with doing a multi million pound supermarket’s warehouse staff’s job for them after doing my own.
As for your garden centre helping out example, and my farmer and small business example, …like I said, no probs with that whatsoever, I do it every week on the job that makes me want to presently stay with the firm I am on for, despite the bad points mentioned.
Hope that clarifies my perspective on this.