
Coffeholic wrote

I only ever had the trailer or load interfered with once,

Its the driver that I wonder about :stuck_out_tongue:

How many people have had loads nicked while parked in the gay haunts? not many I bet :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
Coffeholic wrote

I only ever had the trailer or load interfered with once,

Its the driver that I wonder about :stuck_out_tongue:

The driver was interfered with less times than the load or trailer. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
How many people have had loads nicked while parked in the gay haunts? not many I bet :smiley:

As I’ve mentioned on here before I used to park in that big lay-by just before Brussels, heading to the channel, for that very reason, I called them the Pink Security Force. :smiley: :smiley: It was so busy in there with all the gay blokes in their cars that no one could have done anything to the trailer, and they certainly didn’t want anything happening that would have brought the very much unwanted attention of the police into the lay-by. A car or two would come cruising past to see if you were interested but you just ignored than and they got the message and left you alone. BTW, not all drivers of trucks ignored them, they did get some ‘business’ from various nationalities including Brits. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

In my opinion it was the safest place in Belgium to park, along with the one the other side of the motorway which was also used by the gays and was a good ■■■■■■■■■■■■ when heading to Germany, and parking there goes under the “Common Sense & Planning” column I think. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

after being gassed and robbed in luxembourg i immediately aquired a set of protekdor lokguards, when i went on holiday i left them for my boss to use and he was so impressed by the security factor they offered he kitted every truck out with them - bless him.

i very rarely parked in layby’s, i prefer to park where there are toilet facilities - sometimes it’s not possible but i preferred to have access to a sociably practical method of human waste recycling than the underside of the trailer or a bush.

in the years i have been driving abroad i have been gassed once, had my curtains slashed about 4 times and have had to turf out immigrants on at least a dozen occassions.
the most damage has been done by immigrants trying to get into the trailer, tir cords aren’t cheap, and roof repairs aren’t cheap.
a curtain ■■■■■ is a minor repair compared to a hole in the roof that 9 people have just climbed into.
it pays to be sensible even if it means cutting back on the distance you can travel, i always operated on the ability to cross to the uk, if i couldn’t make it to the uk then i wouldn’t go to calais - i always stopped at least 1 hour away and never came via brussels if i knew i would have to park up overnight somewhere in between there and calais unless i could make it to veurne truckstop.

what was the outcome then please? sure everyone else wants to know too

We will only find out tomorrow but your concern is quite touching. You nosy [zb]


Karen Thorburn x x x x

Language edit: If it needs stars to get past the auto censor then it’s not allowed!..Denis F

Coffeeholic You’re right about Pink Security. My local car park was full of gays & the trucks were never touched. Now its legal to be gay they have moved on,probably to a club. But their place has been taken by the hot-rod kids who do wheelies around the car park & get chased by the police,making it one of the safest places in UK to leave the truck… :smiley:

any news on operators licence i hope everything went well for them

it will be in A & D in a couple of weeks :wink:

Denis F:
it will be in A & D in a couple of weeks :wink:

whats that… a & d.

i think the silence says everything.

jessicas dad:
whats that… a & d.

Applications & Decisions

i think the silence says everything.

I hope it went ok for them, a public inquiry is an operators nightmare! I hope I never have to have one!!

To all those genuine and concerned people out there, thanks for all your support and best wishes.

For those others, go and find another industry to run down. As long as there are people like you in this industry, we will always be viewed upon as second class citizens.

Oh and by the way, we got our licence back

Cheers xxxxxxxxx


great news jeanette onwards and upwards then

Congratulations on getting your licence back and continued success to you…Perhaps common sense prevailed in the industry for once… :smiley: :wink:

wishing you the very best for the future

Well done and good luck,thank god the traffic taliban have seen some sense :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

To all those genuine and concerned people out there, thanks for all your support and best wishes.

For those others, go and find another industry to run down. As long as there are people like you in this industry, we will always be viewed upon as second class citizens.

Oh and by the way, we got our licence back

Cheers xxxxxxxxx


good post. and well done on license. :wink:

Excellent. I am truly pleased.
Have to say this though. It wasn’t nosiness.
Been through the mill myself and know how shoddy it feels.

Sorry Bob,

The nosy bar steward was directed to jj72 nobody else!

Well done Wally and Jeanette i know what its like as well don,t let the ■■■■■■■■ grind you down hope you havent gone the yellow plate way and you are still on a uk licence because some of the scotish hauliers on cloggy plates are now haveing big problems on the cabotage rules .
It will be nice to see the drivers and the livery on the road again as i use the same routes :smiley: GOOD LUCK :smiley:

well done, you really should take a chill pill as nowhere did i wish you any malice - my first post was aimed squarely at the people who were toadying around you, not you - and the second was pointing out how using safe parking reasons to run over hours was old hat and unlikely to fool the TC, but it did so good on you :sunglasses: