This Week's Diary (wiv Piccies!) Part 1

Monday morning, I arrive in the yard to take 9 cars to Scunthorpe…off to a flying start then! :laughing:

Once up and running with a nice new trailer tyre, I see this beast on the M18. I like big machines I do! Secretly, I’d love to have a go at machine movements or heavy haulage (or both! :wink:)

I arrive in Sunny Scunny without incident (we deliver here very regularly) and I take a picture of my magnificent steed…here’s a picture of my truck too :laughing:

5 down…4 to go…

OOOHHHHHH! like a roller coaster, only more dangerous! (depending on how fast you go down the top deck! :laughing:)

Right, cars off, decks up, ready to roll…

…a whole 500 yards, to here!

Billy does the best sausage, egg and tomato butty in Britain! :smiley:

With nothing to re-load on the “east side”, it was back to the yard empty and a quick local collection in the afternoon…easy life!

Tuesday was pretty unremarkable really…a local collection in the morning and another in the afternoon. There wasn’t anything of interest to photograph!

Wednesday saw me over Lancs/Manchester way with a drop in Preston, one in Manchester and a collection out of Bradford on the way back…

It rained on Wednesday…a lot!
I’ve been up that Kearsley road before, it was a devil of a road! :laughing:

Nothing moves fast (or even at all) on that M62 in the rain!

Dark, miserable day. Dark, miserable motorway.

I got a thorough soaking unloading in Bolton, another in Manchester, and as I was loading in Bradford…another frikkin soaking! The same cloud followed me all day. Here’s a bit of welcome respite…buttys and a coffee in the cab!

Crap innit!

Two things you can guarantee as a transporter driver is that 1) it will only rain if you get out of the cab to load/unload, and 2) it will stop raining the instant you have finished!

That’s it for now…part 2 (Thursday and Friday) to follow soon…

nice one shrek! im trying to get photobucket to upload some of my pictures but its having none of it, got a rubbish internet connection i feel

look forward to the next part!

Excellent diary there Shrek.

Was in your place on Thursday lunchtime to pick one bleeding car up. Had to park outside as the yard had 4 of your motors in. How many you got there?
Was looking out for you, thought you may have had a shrek plate in the window or something. Didnt want to randomly ask, “are you Shrek” in case I got a punch in the face!!! Saw the young lad with the blond hair, looked like he was training someone.

Great pics shrek …keep em coming m8 :sunglasses:

Excellent diary there Shrek.

Was in your place on Thursday lunchtime to pick one bleeding car up. Had to park outside as the yard had 4 of your motors in. How many you got there?
Was looking out for you, thought you may have had a shrek plate in the window or something. Didnt want to randomly ask, “are you Shrek” in case I got a punch in the face!!! Saw the young lad with the blond hair, looked like he was training someone.

Hey Chris…no I wasn’t in the yard at all on Thursday mate (apart from 06:00hrs to leave and 20:00hrs to get back!)…all will be revealed in part 2 of the diary!

We have 8 artics and 2 rigids based at the yard.

P.S. I’m not known as Shrek at work…but I’m the only one with a Shrek stood on the dash…check out the above piccies! :laughing: :wink: :sunglasses: :smiley:

Nice one Shrekkie, looking forward to part 2 :smiley:

P.S. I’m not known as Shrek at work…but I’m the only one with a Shrek stood on the dash…check out the above piccies! :laughing: :wink: :sunglasses: :smiley:

Thats why I didnt want to ask anyone!!! I will prowl around looking for the shrek next time, trying to be inconspicuous!!

I will be glad when they open that new link road, its a right pain to find when you arent there that often, with all the roadworks.

Thanks a good read with excellent pictures ,

Right, cars off, decks up, ready to roll…

…a whole 500 yards, to here!

Lazy [zb], you’ll be getting a job on containers next

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Two things you can guarantee as a transporter driver is that 1) it will only rain if you get out of the cab to load/unload, and 2) it will stop raining the instant you have finished!

Not just car transporter drivers… :cry: :cry: :cry:

Really good insight into a very different type of work to mine, and a type of work in which I’m sure I would cause so much damage on the first day that they wouldn’t invite me back for another go…

Great photos Shrek. How do those cars stay on there?? :open_mouth:

I’m in Scunny a lot & It looks like you must be delivering just off Warren Road.
Where is that butty van mate?

Lazy [zb], you’ll be getting a job on containers next

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


…been there, done that :wink:

Two things you can guarantee as a transporter driver is that 1) it will only rain if you get out of the cab to load/unload, and 2) it will stop raining the instant you have finished!

You’ll not be disappointed if you go for plant movement then, just dirtier.

Harry Monk:
Not just car transporter drivers… :cry: :cry: :cry:

Really good insight into a very different type of work to mine, and a type of work in which I’m sure I would cause so much damage on the first day that they wouldn’t invite me back for another go…

You’d love it Harry! You could get “Little H” to strap the cars on whilst you sat in the cab, drinkin’ tea! :laughing:

Great photos Shrek. How do those cars stay on there?? :open_mouth:

Magic! :laughing:

I’m in Scunny a lot & It looks like you must be delivering just off Warren Road.
Where is that butty van mate?

Right opposite BOC on Warren Road!

You’ll not be disappointed if you go for plant movement then, just dirtier.

…not by much though mate! :laughing:

Nice diary and piccys again Shrek:grimacing:
Do you work out of Brighouse auction by any chance?

You’d love it Harry! You could get “Little H” to strap the cars on whilst you sat in the cab, drinkin’ tea! :laughing:

Special Brew, surely?

Nice diary Shrek,didnt you used to drive a tanker or am i getting mixed up :question:

Nice diary and piccys again Shrek:grimacing:
Do you work out of Brighouse auction by any chance?

Not Brighouse Dave…we’re on Cross Green industrial estate in Leeds.