This forum

Is it just me but is it getting a bit tedious on here now?
I mean if its not every other posting Stobarts or Tesco, it’s fog lights etc.
At one point it used be quite an informative forum but now it’s full of kids changing jobs every 30 seconds and thinking their good at driving, it’s people asking the same questions in which a simple search using the SEARCH button would give you the answers…

Can i drive a solo unit on a cat c■■? :unamused: :laughing:

I know what you mean its the same old stuff, i still find myself looking everyday but in the same breath if it wasn’t for this forum i wouldn’t of have won the course.

ok what are the most repetative posts/questions on here
this for starters
what happens if i plug so and so into 24v socket

Is it just me but is it getting a bit tedious on here now?

Tedious like another post complaining that the site isn’t what it used to be :question:

You know the answer, get typing and post something that will provoke responses that do interest you :bulb:

ok what are the most repetative posts/questions on here
this for starters
what happens if i plug so and so into 24v socket

Dan posted one above you…
Then there’s “what do I need for a night out”, I mean ffs!!!

Is it just me but is it getting a bit tedious on here now?
I mean if its not every other posting Stobarts or Tesco, it’s fog lights etc.

Don’t forget the posts about how boring and tedious the site is nowadays; they’re pretty common too.

Oh the irony. :unamused:

changing jobs every 30 seconds

Pot, kettle, black ya mad idiot :laughing:


changing jobs every 30 seconds

Pot, kettle, black ya mad idiot :laughing:

But I’ve been driving longer than 2 months and don’t think im gods gift to driving…

Pot, kettle, black

This is also massively overused by the unimaginative folk on here. I prefer “people in glass houses”. :wink:

Is it just me but is it getting a bit tedious on here now?
I mean if its not every other posting Stobarts or Tesco, it’s fog lights etc.
At one point it used be quite an informative forum but now it’s full of kids changing jobs every 30 seconds and thinking their good at driving, it’s people asking the same questions in which a simple search using the SEARCH button would give you the answers…

You’re right :exclamation:
Everybody stop posting NOW :exclamation:


ok what are the most repetative posts/questions on here
this for starters
what happens if i plug so and so into 24v socket

Dan posted one above you…
Then there’s “what do I need for a night out”, I mean ffs!!!

pedantic posters who constantly state the obvious and pick out petty trivial mistakes can be extremely tedious too

It would solve a lot of problems if the IP’s of posters were listed alongside their usernames, this would shut down most of the sock puppets, the trolls, the agency infiltrators & the downright mentally insane.

It won’t happen because it will also expose the autopost software.

There is still a lot of unique & relevant postings on this forum, I truly believe it is the most popular UK lorry drivers voice on t’internet, but it has far too much fake traffic.

I think if it didn’t suffer the fake traffic, it could actually be very useful in solving a few of our problems !

Most of us are posting on the CSI board nowadays, which may look like the main boards are quiet. If you PM one of the moderators asking for a passcode to get access for this trucknet sub forum.

It would solve a lot of problems if the IP’s of posters were listed alongside their usernames, this would shut down most of the sock puppets, the trolls, the agency infiltrators & the downright mentally insane.

No it wouldn’t as IP addresses don’t mean diddly. IP addresses can easily be spoofed, changed or hidden, such as using TOR or setting up a VPN.



ok what are the most repetative posts/questions on here
this for starters
what happens if i plug so and so into 24v socket

Dan posted one above you…
Then there’s “what do I need for a night out”, I mean ffs!!!

pedantic posters who constantly state the obvious and pick out petty trivial mistakes can be extremely tedious too

You should have started that sentence with a capital “P” to be honest and then ending it with a full stop.

No it wouldn’t as IP addresses don’t mean diddly. IP addresses can easily be spoofed, changed or hidden, such as using TOR or setting up a VPN.

OK. If not summat as simple as an IP then lets go for the unique ID that an individual device stamps on the post.

Incidentally, this info is available to the site owner & whatever mods they allow to be ‘in on it’. Yes, the site owner knows what sock puppet post belongs to which username.

Never forget that this site exists because it generates traffic, sometimes it is profitable to generate traffic that doesn’t exist !

In 2 and a half years it has changed dynamically and dramatically. It’s just a shame that it hasn’t improved.

And for all those who say… Post something different and make a change. It would take more than just my post to change the dynamics back to being semi sensible.

Most of us are posting on the CSI board nowadays, which may look like the main boards are quiet. If you PM one of the moderators asking for a passcode to get access for this trucknet sub forum.

Nice one blabber mouth. The CSI board was supposed to be a secret, now all the waifs and strays will be in there. :angry:

2 and a half years? A bit specific! :open_mouth:

Is it just me but is it getting a bit tedious on here now?
I mean if its not every other posting Stobarts or Tesco, it’s fog lights etc.
At one point it used be quite an informative forum but now it’s full of kids changing jobs every 30 seconds and thinking their good at driving, it’s people asking the same questions in which a simple search using the SEARCH button would give you the answers…

No doubt you asked the same questions and once were in there shoes 55 jobs a go?