Thief, Wetherby Services Friday 14th Feb


he looks like a scouser, seriously, i dont know why but that was the first thing that came into my head when i looked at the picture

If that was the first thought that came into your head keep your thoughts to yourself you weapon :unamused:

chill out , i didnt mean i thought he was a scouser cos he was a thief, jesus mate i live in middlesbrough and theres probably more burgalars round here than anywhere in the country, the picture reminded me of that fella that commentates on the snooker so when i looked at the pic the voice just came to mind

John Parrott :open_mouth: :laughing:

Rhythm Thief:

Just an update. Police are going this morning to look at CCTV and APNR cameras although as you say if it’s a foreign motor don’t know if they will help. It’s had over 72000 shares on Facebook already.

Without wishing to belittle the theft of someone’s phone, it seems odd that the police are so interested. My experience when my house was broken into and all my guitars nicked was that they felt the whole thing was my fault for having too much valuable stuff.

Do you not think it is all about the fact they have a photo, time and place and cctv? If its an easy nick, I am sure it will look good on their figures.

If it is an iPhone, I guess he could use the Find My iPhone app and track it…I guess he would have this installed on such an expensive item, would he not?

John Parrott :open_mouth: :laughing:

thats the fella!, oh and before the snooker fans start having a go i,m not saying John Parott nicked this fellas phone either :stuck_out_tongue:

I have seen this as a reply on FB

Justin Heaton, Lorry Drivers Uk
Having Found a phone at Wetherby services I was unsure how to unlock it to locate the owner who left it on a table. The phone was constantly ringing but due to driving i was unable to answer it and If anybody knows the thick ■■■■ who left it behind can they contact him and tell him to ring 0161-872-5050 to arrange collection

I think that is just a wind up on FB :laughing:

There are other posts that suggest the OP is just trying to sell an app for an iphone and the like. Baron Munchhausen Syndrome :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
There are other posts that suggest the OP is just trying to sell an app for an iphone and the like. Baron Munchhausen Syndrome :stuck_out_tongue:

If that’s the case I like his selling style :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have seen this as a reply on FB

Justin Heaton, Lorry Drivers Uk
Having Found a phone at Wetherby services I was unsure how to unlock it to locate the owner who left it on a table. The phone was constantly ringing but due to driving i was unable to answer it and If anybody knows the thick [zb] who left it behind can they contact him and tell him to ring 0161-872-5050 to arrange collection

GMP local number

I think that is just a wind up on FB :laughing:

Maybe, I can’t work it out. He has a Facebook page, here which was opened in 2008, the profile picture is the same photo as the one under discussion here.


I have seen this as a reply on FB

Justin Heaton, Lorry Drivers Uk
Having Found a phone at Wetherby services I was unsure how to unlock it to locate the owner who left it on a table. The phone was constantly ringing but due to driving i was unable to answer it and If anybody knows the thick [zb] who left it behind can they contact him and tell him to ring 0161-872-5050 to arrange collection

GMP local number

Yup, the police number :laughing:



I have seen this as a reply on FB

Justin Heaton, Lorry Drivers Uk
Having Found a phone at Wetherby services I was unsure how to unlock it to locate the owner who left it on a table. The phone was constantly ringing but due to driving i was unable to answer it and If anybody knows the thick [zb] who left it behind can they contact him and tell him to ring 0161-872-5050 to arrange collection

GMP local number

Yup, the police number :laughing:

Maybe he has handed it in? :smiley:

Dan Punchard:
He looks a bit Eastern European to me .

Really? I think he has a typically Brit look actually. Not seeing the EE thing at all there?

Getting a bit off subject chaps. It’s had 117000 shares now.

Getting a bit off subject chaps. It’s had 117000 shares now.

Why have you not said how the phone was stolen even though at-least 2 people have asked ?

Well, I found an I-phone and an I-pad, in a bag with a ■■■■ load of cash, in Wetherby Services, I managed to disable, some sort of security device, that tried to take my picture, I am now taping over my number plate with duct tape, I am the going to ■■■■ off sharpish before the owner finds me, if it your brown bag, tough ■■■■, I’m off, see you on facebook.

I don’t know how the phone was stolen. Does it matter?

I don’t know how the phone was stolen. Does it matter?

I would say it matters that you’ve got people plastering this blokes picture all over the Internet branded as a thief without any apparent proof other than the say so of a friend.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong here, but if it was me I would have at-least satisfied myself that the phone had been stolen rather than lost or misplaced before posting pictures of someone and accusing him of stealing it, and yet you haven’t even bothered to ask about the circumstances of how the phone came to be missing.

It just seems odd to me … but maybe it’s just me who knows.