They are kidding!

Rang a company which has a depot in Immingham last week because I had heard they were after a night driver, they were and when could I start!! very keen thought I, whats the wages.

£6.49 per hour FOR Night’s o/t after 8 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

How much at weekends? same Say’s he.

Wonder who can guess what my reply was? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wonder who can guess which company? :laughing:

i done double manned down from glasgow to nottingham 5 nights,paid £1200 a month, then when we got stuck in traffic on the m6 & the like the boss never paid us o/t,i lasted 5mths. :sunglasses: 70hrs a wk sometimes.

Edward Teller:
Rang a company which has a depot in Immingham last week because I had heard they were after a night driver, they were and when could I start!! very keen thought I, whats the wages.

£6.49 per hour FOR Night’s o/t after 8 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

How much at weekends? same Say’s he.

Wonder who can guess what my reply was? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wonder who can guess which company? :laughing:

Ed,you should post the vacancy on here.
Orys and his mates would bite your hand off for that kind of money. :imp: :imp: :imp:

Edward Teller:
Rang a company which has a depot in Immingham last week because I had heard they were after a night driver, they were and when could I start!! very keen thought I, whats the wages.

£6.49 per hour FOR Night’s o/t after 8 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

How much at weekends? same Say’s he.

Wonder who can guess what my reply was? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wonder who can guess which company? :laughing:

The worst part of this is that they will probably get some-one to do it :frowning:

is it benton brothers.

guessing handtrans ■■

Bentons id bet. All flash no cash.

All who guessed BB well done. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

geez, is that the container boys?

Such a poor wage, more like 7.5 tonner rate on agengy!

But you get a shiny truck, what more do you want whinger. :smiley: :smiley:

rather has a truck that is old and gone round the clock and is a good workhorse and have the bigger pay :wink:

All Flash and no cash …

have you tried DSV

get better money working at maccy dees or toysrus

since when have benton been all flash any of th trucks hat are tarted up is done by the drver not the company if you wan big wageskeep dreaming itwot happen most compainies pay about that especially in linconshire. stop whinging about pay rates if itst bad get a job another sector ie ITor in asda or tesco stakingshelves most membe on this site will be on that kind ofhourly rate

Come on, £6.49 per hour for nights is siily in 2008 by any standard alix776,
I never mentioned tarted up trucks, thats the lowest pay I have been offered by £1 per hour round here, did you type that with your feet ? :smiley: :smiley:

My drivers are on £9 per hour and time and a half after 8 hours day rate and thats for a class two driver with a moffett .
Thats shocking for nights for this day and age :open_mouth:

I hope the firm gets the monkey they deserve for that pay.

Mind you, i reckon we’ll see more of that and worse in years to come.

I would say we’ll have put the clocks back about 30 years by the end of the decade, still, puts the working class back where we belong.

Go on have a go for that sentence, then think back in a few years and see which of us is right.

Ed,you should post the vacancy on here.
Orys and his mates would bite your hand off for that kind of money. :imp: :imp: :imp:

Sorry, I am not touching nothing less then 7.25 for class 2.

… benton been all flash any of th trucks hat are tarted up is done by the drver not the company

who woud spend there own cash on the gaffers trucks■■? :unamused:

And if it is that rate how can they afford it■■?

Worked once for some one years ago with a fleet of globetrotter f12s…

wanted me to come in at weekends unpaid to clean and polish trucks. also said if iu went and bought chrome bits they would fit them FOC
guess what??

. bye!!!


… benton been all flash any of th trucks hat are tarted up is done by the drver not the company

who woud spend there own cash on the gaffers trucks■■? :unamused:

And if it is that rate how can they afford it■■?

Worked once for some one years ago with a fleet of globetrotter f12s…

wanted me to come in at weekends unpaid to clean and polish trucks. also said if iu went and bought chrome bits they would fit them FOC
guess what??

. bye!!!

And if rumour control is correct driver pays and workshops fits all the toys but when driver leaves toys stay. Now thats a deal and a half aint it! LOL

£6.49 p/h for a class 1. Now add in todays cost of living morgage, fuel bills, council tax, running car, food on the up and figure how many hours you need at that ■■■■ poor rate to pay to live.
According to one poor sole I know who once worked there, they dont like you doing many hours either. Fortunatly for him he woke up and now drives well a shed for nearer £10 p/h.