They almost made it :( accident m25

passed that a accident on the m25, looked like a war zone. the top of the cab had snapped off and landed 100 meters away. to me looked like the truck driver tried to go into the alcove emergency area under rail way bridge but the truck mounted the dividing barrier and hit the bridge I stress that is just what it looked like to me :frowning: ā€¦ loses-m25/

Seems they didnā€™t make itā€¦
Another fatality :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

R.I.P Driverā€¦

I was on a course at the Thames Water site which is right by that section off the M25ā€¦We all heard the noiseā€¦my thoughts go out the drivers family.

Thoughts with the drivers family and friends

This brings back bad memories of a workmate of mine who was hooked up onto the crash barrier and then went into a bridge parapet on the A1 north some 15 + years ago when he swervered to aviod hitting 2 nurses in a car who had just finished a long night shift joining from a slip road unsafely ā€¦ still remember you Paul, RIP ā€¦

RIP DRIVE - no one should die simply trying to earn a crust :frowning: :cry: ā€¦ pport.html

It makes that crap run tomorrow not seem so badā€¦

RIP drive.

Chuffing heck that blows, another RIP, very sad.

The image of the drivers bag, boot and jacket almost brings a tear to the eye, never seen anything like that before thankfully.

R I P Driver our thoughts are with your family

Christ :cry:


Jeez, terrible! R.I.P
Not nice, poor sods life scattered over the motorway.
Someone comments on piston heads, ā€œI guess the driver fell asleep.ā€
Not jumping to conclusions then!

This story has not even made it on to the BBC website. Not important enough I guess.

RIP Drive.

Have to ask what sort of speed he was doing though? To get it that wrong on that stretch of road, followed by that much damage to the vehicle. Was he letting it free wheel down the hill and lost it?

As for PH, they never give the driver the benefit of the doubt. If they ainā€™t driving a 330d, preferably chipped, then they donā€™t qualify as a good driver apparently.

Probably the most disturbing pictures of any crash that I have ever seen :frowning:
RIP to the driver and strength to his loved ones, I only hope they don`t see the pictures.

On another note, some of the comments on the DM website are totally out of order, as I read them, I so wish we could get organised and withdraw our services from the industry, I wonder how they would moan then :imp: :imp: The public are in generalā€¦ cretins.

That boot photo is chilling. It reminds me of that famous photo of the Titanic wreck with the seamansā€™ boots still laying on the seabed.

I thought that the driver had gone for one of those concrete wall gaps on the left hand side of a bridge post, but didnā€™t realise that this particular bridge only has a 6 foot gap compared to the other 10ā€™ ones at other bridges like this?

That photo with the personal effects strewn about really does bring it home, how easy it is to die. If he did go up the armcor, and you hear of such things, there is nothing you can do. Terrible! Some of the same old unknowing and selfish anti-HGV comments on that website I see.

Probably the most disturbing pictures of any crash that I have ever seen :frowning:
RIP to the driver and strength to his loved ones, I only hope they don`t see the pictures.

On another note, some of the comments on the DM website are totally out of order, as I read them, I so wish we could get organised and withdraw our services from the industry, I wonder how they would moan then :imp: :imp: The public are in generalā€¦ cretins.

The daily mail ethos seems to be ā€œcensor anyone saying something that might be construed as ā€˜anti Daily Mail managementā€™ (thereby anti-semitic), but let any ā€˜trollā€™ comments get through if they only insult other readers that are not of that section of societyā€.

Iā€™ve had numerous automated emails supposedly from DM declaring that ā€œdue to the large number of complaints, your post has been removedā€ when in fact it was (1) never published in the first place (2) the automated complaint was at some time like 2am and could only be an automatic parsar rejection of keywords in my text (3) the ā€œnumerous complaintsā€ are therefore a complete and utter lie, since no one ever had chance to read it, let alone many.

The keywords that one must NOT put in DM posts are like ā€œBNPā€ or ā€œJewishā€ or ā€œMonied Crooksā€ or ā€œMurdochā€ etc etc.
On the other hand, the road is clear to slag off Cameron, Osbourne, and the Conservatives in general, since most of them so far have managed to stay outside the above keyworded groups.

This means unfortunately, that troll remarks from readers regarding this poor dead driver will always get through, because thereā€™s no suggestion that he too does not belong to one of the ā€œflagged groupsā€. Professional drivers are seen as a section of society that is anti-establishment, so the media has turned against us a long time since. ā€œLazyā€ strikers (merely objected to having our pay cut!) ā€œUseless drivers endangering lifeā€ (even if itā€™s due to fatigue, itā€™s not a driverā€™s fault if he has to work 15 hour shifts to pay the mortgage!).

Someoneā€™s Dad, Grandad, Brother, Uncle, and Friend didnā€™t come home last night. Thatā€™s what we take our hats off to.
RIP driver. :frowning:

I Take my hat off 2 you guys driving hgv s ,im glad im well out of the industry , i remember doing ashton in makerfield and back 2 fxt empty container in 1 hit , back in the 80s , used 2 nearly kill me! you should all be on a minumum wage of at least 20 pnds an hour! for wat you have 2 do , i still remember my truck now fl10 reg e 536 nml workin for ej podd fxt.

R.I.P drive :frowning: