They almost made it :( accident m25

Sincere condolences to this drivers family, a day never to be forgotten.

Pity the Derooy driver, seeing this unfold before him must have been deeply unpleasant and I am sure it will be a long time before his memories fade a little to bearable.

R.I.P Driver


Probably the most disturbing pictures of any crash that I have ever seen :frowning:
RIP to the driver and strength to his loved ones, I only hope they don`t see the pictures.

On another note, some of the comments on the DM website are totally out of order, as I read them, I so wish we could get organised and withdraw our services from the industry, I wonder how they would moan then :imp: :imp: The public are in general… cretins.

The daily mail ethos seems to be “censor anyone saying something that might be construed as ‘anti Daily Mail management’ (thereby anti-semitic), but let any ‘troll’ comments get through if they only insult other readers that are not of that section of society”.

I’ve had numerous automated emails supposedly from DM declaring that “due to the large number of complaints, your post has been removed” when in fact it was (1) never published in the first place (2) the automated complaint was at some time like 2am and could only be an automatic parsar rejection of keywords in my text (3) the “numerous complaints” are therefore a complete and utter lie, since no one ever had chance to read it, let alone many.

The keywords that one must NOT put in DM posts are like “BNP” or “Jewish” or “Monied Crooks” or “Murdoch” etc etc.
On the other hand, the road is clear to slag off Cameron, Osbourne, and the Conservatives in general, since most of them so far have managed to stay outside the above keyworded groups.

This means unfortunately, that troll remarks from readers regarding this poor dead driver will always get through, because there’s no suggestion that he too does not belong to one of the “flagged groups”. Professional drivers are seen as a section of society that is anti-establishment, so the media has turned against us a long time since. “Lazy” strikers (merely objected to having our pay cut!) “Useless drivers endangering life” (even if it’s due to fatigue, it’s not a driver’s fault if he has to work 15 hour shifts to pay the mortgage!).

Someone’s Dad, Grandad, Brother, Uncle, and Friend didn’t come home last night. That’s what we take our hats off to.
RIP driver. :frowning:

well said that man ditto throughout

Devastating to all involved.
Sincere condolences to all concerned, proof indeed that there is very little glamour in this job. :frowning:
Does anyone know whose wagon it was?

Was only a matter of time before one of those got hit, because they cost cut when widening the m25 by not building new bridges over the motorway there is no run off space, you get someone swerve towards you there and you try to take action to avoid it there is nowhere to go. A life “probably”* could have been saved had there been regular hard shoulder space there.

  • probably based on my opinion, not fact, and should it be established that I am incorrect in my opinion I will revaluate it.

Oh and ■■■■ off daily mail and its readers.

I haven’t read a newspaper in 25 years, wouldn’t give the ■■■■■■■ a penny of my hard earned wage, and I definately don’t need to be told what my opinion is.

Bunch of self important ■■■■■■■■■ making money out of our misery, just like bankers.

They want “free press” and “No political interference” and yet the public’s views are censored by them, and they do nothing but try and influence politics themselves. The “Sun Newspaper” for instance pushes the “rant” stories just like DM, but doesn’t push the stories that need some proper journalistic digging like we used to be able to expect of newspapers in the days of old. It’s all “Dig for filth, and if there is none, ignore it unless it makes us money”.
How come for instance, the press are not chasing the proper targets in this pedo thing, rather than “accidentally deliberately screwing up bigtime” by accusing completely the wrong person? It wasn’t just the BBC who screwed up, it was the rest of the media world for letting it get through, and then closing the lid on realistic investigative journalism now that screw-up has happened.

It’s not just DM - It’s all the mogul-owned media.

(Can’t say “Murdoch” or I’d not get published!) :confused:

This guy’s death on the road should raise debates over drivers meagre wages for over-long hours IF the press wants to push the “Idiot fell asleep at the wheel” arguments that offend us fellow drivers so much. To listen to them we’re all overtime loadsamoney greedy fanatics who earn £50k (according the the press about “lazy tanker drivers”) for sitting on our arses all day. Not even up to the standard of “blue collar workers” it seems.

I think I’d like to see the total death of mogul-owned media around the world even before this government’s demise - and that’s saying something for someone as diametrically opposite to Osbourne’s pillockhood running of the eocnomy as I have been since the prospect of him being chancellor became apparent!

It’s a shame the Leverson enquiry defendants cannot be remanded in custody as us ordinary plebs would be if WE were up on a custodial rap! :angry:

On the bright side, the posh toffs have their copy and we get to hear what Lord Justice Levenson said tomorrow. I bet the DM dicks are squirming tonight!

Often thought you sailed a bit too close to that bridge on the nearside as you go past. RIP. and yes, please give pees a chance.

I can’t believe someone would take the boot picture and that someone would publish it. Disgraceful.

I can’t believe someone would take the boot picture and that someone would publish it. Disgraceful.

Maybe so, but it makes you think and put things into perspective.

There seems an awful lot of engineering comments from Sir Francis Fox (■■■■■) about the construction of a bridge. :frowning:

No one should be second guessing what went wrong but for a vehicle to disintegrate like that it has certainly not been slowing down much.

Sad day for the drivers family and the authorities


I can’t believe someone would take the boot picture and that someone would publish it. Disgraceful.

Maybe so, but it makes you think and put things into perspective.

I actually agree with this, if it makes someone think tomorrow, the picture has worked.

KW and I had the same discussion when a couple of tankers from the same company were involved in an accident in Belgium. We posted the pictures and many disagreed about them being shown.

But they were allowed to stay after a vote.


RIP Driver just makes you think how vunerable you are, I once saw a crash test on a truck at M.I.R.A, (wont say make or model but is current) 4 wheeler 17ton gross fired into a bridge at 30mph could not believe the state of it engine ended on the floor behind the cab certainly makes you think , however if you did you would not do our job,Im sure we all know lads no longer with us,press will have a field day they always do big bad truck drivers, as already said Husband, daddy, we can only offer condolences to all concerned.

I think the boot is probably PPE from the side locker but the Mail has published it deliberately for maximum gawping impact regardless.

RIP Drive

Own Account Driver:
I think the boot is probably PPE from the side locker but the Mail has published it deliberately for maximum gawping impact regardless.

RIP Drive

I don’t think that is a bad thing if it makes people remember what is at stake when your out on the road, bloody good reminder IMHO.

Just hope the poor sod wasn’t trapped and in pain before he moved on to the other side :frowning:

Just hope the poor sod wasn’t trapped and in pain before he moved on to the other side :frowning:

I don’t there was any chance off that.