The war of Trump’s ear

Blimey Winseer and me are now in agreement.Don’t see any conspiracy theory in his conclusion.Labour’s 411 seats from less than 10 million votes is a fact.
Just like Sunak’s seamless handing over of the reigns.
Just like Trump’s known anti CCP, Russian compromise, stance matches that of JFKs.
Doubtful if the anti ‘Deep State’ ( anti CCP ) forces have any more chance of winning out as they did against Nixon’s appeasement line.
Of which just maybe 9/11 was then a warning shot to keep the whole WEF/CCP plan on track.Ukraine is obviously some sort of diversionary side show.
I’d be as shocked as I was by Labour’s seat count if Trump is allowed back anywhere near the White House just as JFK wasn’t.
As for those who support this unholy coup over the west, calling any opposition populist conspiracy theorists, be careful what you wish for.

The real acid test will now be the future of Ukraine.
If Labour decide to “Let it go” then the CCP will resume buying UK bonds, and interest rates will come down fast, making Labour more popular than ever…
If they DON’T though (and there IS a good chance they won’t, and instead continue this greatest folly of Boris Johnson here…) - Interest rates will actually move higher later this year, and once people start having their houses repossessed, people will quickly come to hate Labour as much as Tory voters turned against Major’s government after Black Wednesday, 1992 when over 4million people lost their houses to repossession, never being able to get a mortage again…
“Generation Rent” came into being at that time.

Labour will likely build loads of low-quality so-called “Affordable” housing these next five years, but the only people that will be living in them - will be benefit claimants, especially illegal immigrants.
The best thing the rest of us can do - is “Stay away” from such areas, which are now “No Go Areas” for the police, as we see going on right now in LEEDS.

The only thing to discern yesterday’s “Conspiracy Theory” and today’s “Facts” - is the DATE.

18 July |

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Blimey Winseer and me are now in agreement.Don’t see any conspiracy theory in his conclusion.Labour’s 411 seats from less than 10 million votes is a fact.
Just like Sunak’s seamless handing over of the reigns.
Just like Trump’s known anti CCP, Russian compromise, stance matches that of JFKs.
Doubtful if the anti ‘Deep State’ ( anti CCP ) forces have any more chance of winning out as they did against Nixon’s appeasement line.
Of which just maybe 9/11 was then a warning shot to keep the whole WEF/CCP plan on track.Ukraine is obviously some sort of diversionary side show.
I’d be as shocked as I was by Labour’s seat count if Trump is allowed back anywhere near the White House just as JFK wasn’t.
As for those who support this unholy coup over the west, calling any opposition populist conspiracy theorists, be careful what you wish for.

No wonder Trump and son were over-emphasing ‘he was shot by a bullet, he was shot by a bullet’, turns out he was nicked by a bit of plastic.

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Sound like a really good “Dr” wot wrote that report :wink:

Unfortunately the “medically administered ketamine to shut him up” didn’t work too well though.

Mind you I guess that “God’s chosen” are immune to drugs that work on we humans.

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The orange Manbaby’s lemmings are now sporting the latest fashion accessory:- a white ear patch. Beam me up Scotty!


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The ‘rebel’ in me hopes he gets back in.
.if only just to pi55 of a certain type of people.
A bit like when I briefly admired Farage …when I was bored.

Immature? Irresposible?..
Yep both of those but I dont care.:joy:

Except it’s not the definition of “being a rebel” to want some billionaire moron to have a mandate to (a) claim he is above the law and (b) that he is “chosen by God”.

A or B on their own are scary enough, putting both together in a man who wants to be in charge of arguably the most powerful nation on earth is a frankly terrifying prospect.


Ok…maybe rebel or rebellious was the wromg word…call it mischevious.:smiley:

Its like when people were geting soooo ott het up over Boris and his antics, I just found it amusing. :smiley:
I’ve told Frangers many times, politicians will do to us whatever tf they like, we to them are the great unwashed, the plebs, and there is zero, nada,.zilch sweet Fanny Adams we can do about it…sure you can eventually vote em out but you get much the same type of crap as the last one off the new one…check yer history.
So why increase your BP (not you personally) over something that you have no control over?..and especially in this case as the US is essentially a foreign country.

Bearing all that in mind,.way I see it is if we/they/you get some sort of maverick non standard non beige type character in charge,.well at least it is entertainment guaranteed. :smile:
Yep as I said immature and maybe irresponsible, but it is what it is.

I would much rather concentrate on my direct affairs,…and as for politics only the things that can and do affect me and mine…(which is why I keep banging on about illegal immigrant pond life,.and the different episodes thereof with my 2 girls and grandaughters.)

Could imagine you in the Crusades Rob.
I’m an atheist I’m here to fix everything and bring peace to the Middle East and then fix Spain and Yugoslavia and Constantinople.
I’ll stick with good old fashioned Anglo Saxon Christianity thanks.

FFS… It was the Christians who wanted the Crusades, with all the murder, r-ape and assorted pillage that went with it.

Nero had the right idea, Christians as human candles for his imperial BBQs

‘Rob The Lionheart’ kinda appeals to me.:sunglasses: :joy:

Got to ask though…
Why do you feel the NEED to '‘stick with’ ANY type of religion?
It aint compulsory you know.

Rob not being aware that Dickie Cœur de Lion is now seen as “a friend of Dorothy”, hence he left no heirs…

I didnt know that tbh…so he was a butch one then.
Ah what the hell I’ll take the title anyway…I’m secure enough in my S exuality. :grin:

Another innocent word targeted by the ridiculous censor…apparentlly. :roll_eyes:

Whilst agreeing with the bulk of your post, I feel you were correct with your first assessment, in the post below. :wink:

A religion started in the Middle East and imported here by foreigners.
Not an Anglo-Saxon religion at all, although an English King did start his own cult.

He was also son of an immigrant mother, and a father descended from immigrants, sent most of “his earnings” abroad, probably spoke French/Occitaine and maybe poor or no English.

Maybe cult is not the correct term?
Maybe sect is a better one to describe the C of E?

quote : 'Franglais …
‘‘Maybe CULT is the wrong term’’.

Jeez Frangers… for a moment there I thought you.were about to have a pop at ME. :joy:

Poe-tay-toe, poe-tar-toe, toe-may-toe , toe-mar-toe…

They’re all variants of the same kind of delusion to me.
Like Lennon sang “Imagine… no religion too”. If only.

CofE is a Lutherian concept and faction imposed by part of the usurping Franco Norman line in the form of Henry VIII.
Anglo Saxon England converted from paganism to Catholic relatively early until that point.Call it around 1,000 years a Catholic country.