The war of Trump’s ear


The contingency of the conspiritors here was likely “Even if our shooter misses, Trump will likely cower away or perform some photogenic faux pas that reduces his polling…”

A bit like this scene about a presidential candidate being shot-at by a guy who can see the future from a handshake…

If Trump had cowered, or tried to use someone as a human shield - HE’d be finished, or at very least - he would have lost some of his so-called “Christian Right” followers over the incident.

Instead, the very opposite has happened, and “Showman” Trump has pumped it for all it’s worth.
It is the Democrats that are now “Finished”.

You can’t make a Tinker’s Cuss out of a Trump Ear.

The Visual Message is that we’re fighting the wrong enemy in Putin.

It is the Marxist, Godless, Lying, Cheating Liberal Left that are the real villiains here, and the make-up of what even Liz Truss an ex-PM now recognizes as "Deep State.

That’s your enemy: Deep State.
Even if Trump wins a massive landslide in november, we’re now stuck with a Britain outside of US and Russian (Christian Right) influence, leaving us all for the CCP (Devout Leftist Atheists) to lick up at their leisure…

I was quite impressed that Trump got down himself rather than have to have the security jump on him, but even two days later I really don’t think he has processed what happened. He will be running on adrenaline I would have thought.

Right now you have two senior citizens with damaging hate inducing rhetoric going for the White House. Only in America as they say.

People probably will vote for Trump because he was shot, but that doesn’t mean he will govern any better. The stupidity is beyond belief.

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His future vice president in a speech says about the UK and it’s Labour Govt…
The UK will be the first ISLAMIST country to have nuclear weapons. :flushed:
The way they (secretly) see us, or just a good soh?

That anyone has to ask that question is very worrying in itself.
And I do agree it needs to be asked!

It means it is believable that a possible VP of the USA might see the UK that way, be that crazy.
And as VP he would be talking to and giving advice to (nodding along as he agrees) Trump…

So now you’re agreed see see pee is pulling the strings.Just like Kruschev wasn’t going to shoot JFK after the Cuba v Turkey missiles deal.
But JFK then going into Vietnam obviously upset a ‘different’ Commy firm.

Labour have been “Allowed” a big majority, RUK have been “Allowed” a token five seats, and “Vietnam” - wouldn’t have happened if JFK had lived.
Attempts to rubbish him as some nasty piece of work in the recent gutter press - are wasted column inches.
Kennedy was killed as an inside job to stop him from wielding real popular power, like the attempt on Trump has just demonstrated “cannot be tolerated under any circumstances”…

“Gunman Acted Alone” - My Arse!

Referring to Liz Truss as an apparent support to your argument… :joy:

How many layers of foil are required to make one of your anti-Deep-state thought-reading-protection helmets? Will one roll of Tesco’s finest be enough to do the job?


There are two sides: One is based on belief, and the other is based on what?? Non-Belief?

Those who’ve just blindly voted for Labour when the rest of the world is clearly shifting Right - hopefully have a better plan for the future than they think they’ve just voted against… Or have they?

In any case, David Lammy is on the case, at least HE is trying to be sensible on behalf of Labour in the face of UK’s future relationship with a Right-Ruled America.

We’re picking the wrong enemies here.
Trump, Orban, Putin, and the other “Autocratic” leaders are less danger than those who would provoke WWIII by continuing to fund a country that has actual nazis fighting as an ongoing faction in what should have been a very private, and localized civil war.

Liz Truss was stitched up.
There was an incoming Bond Market crash already in play, and she then gets blamed for that, because the vast majority of ordinary people believe too much in what they get told by the corrupt media.
Even this past week, this same corrupt media announces that “Trump falls down at Rally” to presumably make him look as bumbling as Biden, and therefore justified in their fiddled “Neck and Neck in the polls” we keep hearing about.

There is a huge power shift going on in the world, and instead of it being “Communist vs Capitalist” or “East vs West” it is merely Left vs Right.
The Deep State on behalf of the CCP that funds it - want to make sure that no right wing leader with an autocratic style can ever remain in power, even if they eventually gain it for a short period.

Boris succumbed, after what looks like a threat to his family.
Sunak deliberately calls an election to “smoothly hand over power to Labour” rather than leave it until the Autumn, by which point RUK would have been rather better-prepared, not believing that Sunak would ever go for an early election, guaranteed to lose it as he was…

Now we have Starmer who’s going to simply not have enough money to keep any of his promises, leaving him with two choices: Bust everything woke, and upset the Far Left OR simply “not keep his promises” and raise taxes…

Right now, expected increases in taxation are:

Council Tax Bands being updated
This will have the effect of doubling or even tripling the council taxes of anyone who’s been in the same property for more than five years, including tenents of course, who will pay a higher rent should the landlord be currently paying the council tax for a property.
New Houses will be instantly unaffordable. So much for Labour’s policy on social housing…
Listed Buildings will mysteriously burn down overnight, making way for cheaply and shoddily built “Sink Estates” that all these recently released prisoners can then be moved to, along with the unfettered and ongoing illegal immigrant crisis, pushing the rest of us mere taxpayer out of the reach of NHS treatments forever.

Bank of England interest rate rises - supposed to bring down house prices, but will more likely cause a market crash, or at least an economy stagnation for a prolonged period.
People spending all their spare cash on mortgage payments - will be giving up “Luxuries” to make ends meet. Middle class people rather than already-poor people will be much poorer as a result.

No expanded Public Sector this time around with Labour.
Plenty of Labour-voting areas - got flooded with new cash under Blair and Brown.
You can forget that THIS time around, as the CCP won’t be lending more money to Western Central Banks ALL OVER until and unless a better accord is made on the international stage between the West collectively and the new Russia/China alliance. So much for “Sanctions” which have shot OUR economies in the foot, rather than Putin’s!

Keir Starmer will be a five year caretaker PM, if that.
Either he goes quietly after that time, the public disappointed that nothing of significance ever happened, OR his own back benchers will revolt, and replace him whilst they still have enough of a majority to purge 60-80 blairites from Westminster, including Starmaggeddon himself.

We have a future where we can either be friends with the rest of the Right-Shifted world, or be idiots and go to war WITH that.

Deep State - check
CCP - check
WWIII - check

What was the thread about again? Oh yeah.

Acolytes worshipping at the temple of Winseer
Winseer battle group


The future VP seems off to a great start, not being able to use Google to find the first Islamist country to have nukes (Pakistan btw)

Quite so.

Next he will saying that the USA is a christian nation or some such stuff.

It’s been said before that the US get involved in wars purely to teach their citizens some geography

Hasn’t worked yet.

Of course not, they haven’t finished having oversees wars yet :smile:

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I think that US senator can be forgiven for his ‘Britain is an Islamist country’ routine when you see stuff like this.:roll_eyes:

But hey ! …We must not upset the liberal lefty ruling the roost minority, with this sort of talk, seeing as we are all ‘racists’ for daring to speak the truth.
We need to follow their lead, be in denial, make excuses,.and put our blinkers on

And they are still coming over by the boat load.
I would not mind them as much if they were all secular non religious types, at least you know where you are with rational ‘normal’ people, and they would not be spreading all this dog sh around our country
I personally hate religion of any type.

Anyhow…clock this, agree with it or deny it, I aint fussed.

^^^^ import a stone age civilisation and you become a stone age civilisation. Simple as that.