The war of Trump’s ear

How long will it last? Will it last longer than the War of Jenkins’ ear 1739 - 1748 between Britain and Spain?

Love him or hate him, you’ve got to admire the old ■■■■…
Another couple of mm.s to the left…dead, end of.
One guy killed, 2 more critically injured, so whoever took the shots was not ■■■■ ing about.
Did he cower in fear, did he squeal like a baby?
No, he jumped up from his bodyguards pumping his fist in defiance. :sunglasses:
From my personal pov…Respect !
My type of guy whatever his character or politics, you always discover the measure of a man when faced with altercation and danger I have found in life.

This is maybe the type of… ‘‘I take no sh off of anybody’’ type of guy they need as a President…send a visual message to the likes of Putin.

Incidentally did you see that silly cow next to him in the white baseball cap? :roll_eyes:
Instead of taking cover, she was sat looking at the event through her phone recording it ffs head in full view.:roll_eyes: :joy:
Dont know about you lot, but I would have been on the deck taking cover and getting tf out of there asap…I aint a coward by any means, but I also aint kin stupid.:roll_eyes:

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Admire trump??

I think the bloke is a complete moron and imbecile more chance of me admiring you Robroy :joy:


Maybe so mate, up to you, not fussed tbh.
If you actually read my posts I did not say I admire him for his politics, it was the way he reacted to a severe tits up scenario where he could have been killed…irrespective of his politics, …or despite his politics even.
Anybody who shows a bit of resilience or backbone is ok by me.
I could not gaf about his political leanings tbh.

Edit…Sorry for the prickly response Simon, got up in a ■■■■■■ bad mood.:joy:

After he heard on the radio that the shooter had been neutralised.
He’s far from brave, he joined the Coast Guard to dodge Military Service, until finally after multiple efforts he got a medical exemption.


Ok…maybe it’s not just his reaction to that particular scenario after all, maybe it’s just me being me, and the fact that most people hate him appeals to me …
I like to be different.:sunglasses: :grinning:

A bit like Farage and Tommy Robinson
They bring out the non conformist and natural defiance and rebellion to convention in me.
I have always had a soft spot for maverick non beige types.:grin:
And the fact that my stance on it, and that the individuals in question annoy a certain ‘type’ of person (not referring to you btw SDU) makes them even MORE ‘attractive’ to me.:joy:

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Bidens team must be thinking “oh ffs!” after this. Just take a look at Trumps popularity after this incident.

As an aside, having someone deliberately attempt to kill you with a firearm, yes, you personally, not just random shooting is a life changing experience. I have no horse in the Trump v Biden race, but to stand up afterwards whether or not the shooter had been neutralised takes a lot of cojones. How did he know it was a solitary shooter?

Shakiing its fist with a look of sheer hatred on its face. It’s a pity it wasn’t shot in its fat mouth. The tragedy is that others were injured and someone killed, who sadly will not be the last once its lunatic supporters get on the whiskey and rye.

No bother Rob, just stating I dont admire him in any way, not specifically politics related just can’t stand the man. I actually prefer you much more to trump :joy::joy:

I just think the bloke is a dim witted ■■■■ wit tbh but I’d still not wish harm on him and it’s terrible that one person is dead and 2 badly injured.

At least somebody gets it.

But that is me! :rofl: However, I’m nott goingg to fall out with anyone, just because they have a different opinion to me.
I find Donny to be a spoiled, little rich brat, with no real backbone, but an ego bigger than New York. He uses his money to buy his way out of trouble and bully people. Apart from that, he’s probably an alright bloke.

Have you noticed how OLD king charles bodyguards look? , and i mean OLD old , grey haired beer bellied too.Pushing 60? Surely charles would get the very best of the best not someone who was special forces yrs back ?

Umm. Guess you missed the part where Trump said in regards to Putins invasion of Ukraine “do whatever the hell you want” then?

Trump openly admires Putin and has said so publicly and on record, so what exactly is the “visual message” then robroy?

Yeah I must have…I thought his ‘Do whatever the hell you like’ routine, was aimed at Putin concerning the NATO members who were contributing less than the US, in order to propmt them to get their acts together, …rather than giving Putin carte blanche against Ukraine to do whst the hell HE likes.
He’s entitled to admire (or respect) Putin as an adversary, that does not necessarily mean he supports his actions, and admiration is better than under estimation.

Latest pic from Trump’s office.
Making the best of a bad job.:joy:

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Plus the obligatory 10 characters

Memes, the gift that keeps on giving

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Shame it wasn’t shot in your mouth.