The UK Proffesional drivers forum (flip-flops)

What a sad lot of trolls we seem to attract to a forum for ‘professional truck drivers’ :unamused: :sunglasses:

Dave Penn;

Exactly my point davepenn54.
Why would professional truck drivers be against certain other drivers and exclude them. Then name them flip-flops.
Beggars belief doesn’t it.
Could you imaganine any other industry forum doing it.
NHS forums
Education forums
Student forums

Etc get my point

Flip Flop !!.. I dont get it I have never heard that term befor, but then I left the UK in 2003 then I hung my truck keys up in 2007 so am a little out of touch now.
Over here I get called a (Jävla Engelsk Man) but that only every comes from work mates and its not very often it happens and when it does its in fun only. Translated that means (Fue kin English Man) a little more aggresive/harsh than Flip Flop me thinks.

I did hear that the name Flip Flop originates from France as the guy that came up with the idea for the beach shoe/sandle was called Phillipe Phlop :laughing:

Every ‘flake should be strapped to a chair and made to watch Mel Brookes’ Blazin’ Saddles.

You know, just to help them get over themselves.

Mel takes a pop at most - gays, blacks, the Irish, Chinese and the Jews although the great man himself is Jewish.

Nobody took offence - it was just a very funny and somewhat insightful parody. (And so was the History of the World Part One)

Such a shame those days have gone now - virtue signalling professional standard offence takers are everywhere - sometimes they even take offence on behalf of others.

I can remember rocking up to security at Covent Garden in the early hours one day and have the black guard call me Whitey - I drove off to the drop point laughing.