The UK Proffesional drivers forum (flip-flops)

It appears that there’s some stereotyping haracterisations here

The best thing is that every foreign person in UK is Polish. Does not matter if it is French, German, Romanian, Lithuanian or any other country. First thought is always “must be Polish”. Feels like all this trouble and there are only Poles because they only buying drivers licenses or something to that extent. As much as term “flip flop” does not bother me I found kind of funny that every lorry “bad story” must be Stobart or flip flop never “best of the best”

I am sorry for my command of English and spelling but I am foreign. The rest is autocorrect fault:)

Learner driver…

A manager says “Go,” a leader says “Let’s Go” - John Maxwell

Could well be uk tramp having another crack at us.

The best thing is that every foreign person in UK is Polish. Does not matter if it is French, German, Romanian, Lithuanian or any other country. First thought is always “must be Polish”. Feels like all this trouble and there are only Poles because they only buying drivers licenses or something to that extent. As much as term “flip flop” does not bother me I found kind of funny that every lorry “bad story” must be Stobart or flip flop never “best of the best”

I am sorry for my command of English and spelling but I am foreign. The rest is autocorrect fault:)

Learner driver…

A manager says “Go,” a leader says “Let’s Go” - John Maxwell

Ha ha, I agree with you on this.

Sent from my HUAWEI LYO-L01 using Tapatalk

Where have you been living oh bare chested ■■■■■■ person (see no sexism here, we’re PC to a fault).

This is Britain, and one thing the British have always done (and most of those who came here in years gone by joined in without a problem) is we have taken the ■■■■ out of ourselves and each other.
You weren’t accepted at school until you earned and were given a nick name, and that carries on long after when school-chums who haven’t laid eyes on each for decades shake hands and abuse each other with their nick names.

Stop taking yourself and life so seriously, honestly you’ll find living is much more fun when you can laugh at yourself and your own faults and failings, this is something so many of the snowflake generation will miss out on, sense of humour bypass and the inability of seeing just how ludicrous you yourself can be.

I’ve already screen shot the offending posts, before the mods delete and pretend it didn’t happen.

You are what’s wrong with our country nowadays. You get offended on someone elses behalf, and probably feel offended when you have nothing to get offended about


I’ve already screen shot the offending posts, before the mods delete and pretend it didn’t happen.

What do you call a French trucker driving a Romanian truck?

Phillipe Fellloppe…
Thank you very much. :smiley:

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Its all pc gone mad. Like the people who complain get adverts banned etc . They have nothing else better to do with there lives.
Am sure we all know when to take the pee make fun and we know where the line is.
And am sure 99% of us will never cross that line.

Can’t say it upsets me too much to be honest.

That being said… I’d like to speak to people on here how I’d speak to them in person. I certainly would have no problem throwing a bit of abuse back if I was spoken to the way I am on here sometimes. And I’d expect some back vice versa.

However, I don’t see many blokes on here saying this sort of stuff in person. I’d not dream of calling an EE driver that to his face. So I wouldn’t say it on here. In fact in many ways I prefer EE drivers to UK ones. It was an EE driver who took the time to let me charge from my Anderson lead when I was flat. The UK drivers I asked were either too lazy/selfish or too scared of losing their job. AKA a punch of little girls.

Let us not forget - there is real life and the internet. I’d wager good money some of the most vocal internet hard men on here are total wimps in real life. This is their outlet to be the person they want to be. For what it’s worth, I’m a rubbish driver, overweight, and totally soft - that’s my internet persona, and I’m sticking with it.

On a professional truck drivers forum, why do you constantly post inane drivel?

How do you get away with it?


You can screen shot as much as you like the term flip flop is not a direct racist Slur, maybe you should look up under the Racially Aggravated offence act RAO to determine what is a racist and non racist comment… sadly it is snowflakes like you who waste police resources on a Whim … I am in Australia and called a Pomme, am I a criminal no way … just man up ( sorry Person up I do not wish to offend you by using the word man).

I’d stop trying to be clever.

The most common cause of death for men aged 20-34 is suicide. It’s more dangerous than cancer, road traffic accidents, or going to war, or drink driving.

And it’s significantly caused due to a culture where young guys are told to ‘man up’. We encourage people to ignore their feelings and shame them for speaking out. With sayings like that we stop young blokes going to the doctor or confiding in their friends. Even the Army have realised this… And are doing things to change the culture.

Road haulage is in many ways backwards and ludicrous. But let’s not encourage practices then end the lives of a large number of young blokes a year - all so we can be macho. Especially when many/most on here are only macho on the internet.

I won’t have a bad word said against the flip flops, sorry, Eastern European’s. If it wasn’t for them, Mike Ashley wouldn’t have had the money to save House of Fraser

Where have you been living oh bare chested ■■■■■■ person (see no sexism here, we’re PC to a fault).

This is Britain, and one thing the British have always done (and most of those who came here in years gone by joined in without a problem) is we have taken the ■■■■ out of ourselves and each other.
You weren’t accepted at school until you earned and were given a nick name, and that carries on long after when school-chums who haven’t laid eyes on each for decades shake hands and abuse each other with their nick names.

Stop taking yourself and life so seriously, honestly you’ll find living is much more fun when you can laugh at yourself and your own faults and failings, this is something so many of the snowflake generation will miss out on, sense of humour bypass and the inability of seeing just how ludicrous you yourself can be.

Where have you been living oh bare chested ■■■■■■ person (see no sexism here, we’re PC to a fault).

This is Britain, and one thing the British have always done (and most of those who came here in years gone by joined in without a problem) is we have taken the ■■■■ out of ourselves and each other.
You weren’t accepted at school until you earned and were given a nick name, and that carries on long after when school-chums who haven’t laid eyes on each for decades shake hands and abuse each other with their nick names.

Stop taking yourself and life so seriously, honestly you’ll find living is much more fun when you can laugh at yourself and your own faults and failings, this is something so many of the snowflake generation will miss out on, sense of humour bypass and the inability of seeing just how ludicrous you yourself can be.

It’s not in Britain only, it’s humans nature to take ■■■■ out of each other and British are not different.

Sent from my HUAWEI LYO-L01 using Tapatalk

I’ve always thought that the term “flipflops” had been picked up or transferred from the shipping industry, where there are, world wide , many ships crewed by Phillipinos. They have always been known as “Flipflops”
They are, as are most of the eastern European truck drivers, tough and resourceful people who are simply trying to make a better living for their families in whatever way they can.
Personally , I have considerable respect for the European drivers. Many of them are working a long long way from home, in countries where they cannot speak the language and driving a large vehicle with the steering wheel on the wrong side. I’m sure many of the Gods on here would find it a walk in the park, but it wouldn’t be for me.

Old John:
I’ve always thought that the term “flipflops” had been picked up or transferred from the shipping industry, where there are, world wide , many ships crewed by Phillipinos. They have always been known as “Flipflops”
They are, as are most of the eastern European truck drivers, tough and resourceful people who are simply trying to make a better living for their families in whatever way they can.
Personally , I have considerable respect for the European drivers. Many of them are working a long long way from home, in countries where they cannot speak the language and driving a large vehicle with the steering wheel on the wrong side. I’m sure many of the Gods on here would find it a walk in the park, but it wouldn’t be for me.

Exactly John, and the EE lads i speak to (put it this way, their English is a bloody sight better than my command of their lingo :blush: ) are almost always thoroughly decent blokes, the Turks especially are a right bloody good crack when they realise you ain’t the stand offish type of Brit.

I don’t think flip flop is meant in any way derogatory as a term, in some ways it’s their nick name if you like, a sort of acceptance as in nick names most of us end up with.

Like you i think most of us know that they do a lot better over here than i/we would over there.
How they cope with the traffic here amazes me, i’m only surprised there arn’t far more collisions involving left hookers in the cut and thrust, maybe cos they take more room on roundabouts than we do…stupidly trying to keep to our own lanes thereby giving them an opening to force into…and Audi man who simply must be in front but hasn’t a clue about lane or vehicle control doesn’t try cutting them up to quite the same extent.

Captain clipboard: “Oi driver those better be steel toe capped flipflops”!!

EE driver: “Of course”…


How utterly distasteful calling someone a flip flop…never get me doing that!,

as for sheep shaggers, well! :laughing:

How utterly distasteful calling someone a flip flop…never get me doing that!,

as for sheep shaggers, well! :laughing:

I should say “my point exactly”

As foreign “flip flop” national I can leave with this with no issue what so ever. Despite that I only wear flip flops when I drive, sorry I meant when I drive … heh bloody autocorrect. :slight_smile:

On the serious note. Every country has its own nick name in the eyes of another country.

Same like in my current job everyone calls us ambulance drivers etc. Despite few years in schools to become actual paramedic lol. Should I be offended ? No, why? (believe me some people do get offended) People do like simple lives and sometimes that simplicity become lack of knowledge. And probably as everyone knows lack of knowledge can cause (in extreme) road rage or accidents. Also you need only one bad apple to be treated like everyone is “bad apples” as unfortunately human nature is to remember bad things and never remember good things.

As we all known foreign drivers do drive in flip flops quite often that is why I assume ( should not assume) that op treat flip flop wording as racist as unfortunately most likely will be and it is as description of bad road behaviour inflicted by foreign drivers.

In my opinion UK become little over kill with word racist.

As British (yes whole country :slight_smile:) person cannot use work foreign or foreigner very freely because it might me taken wrong way. I have been told off many times by my management to be very careful of using his words as I may upset someone.
In my head there is always one thought. People do not get upset so easily but they will to a lot to get … compensation.

“Oooo police officer he was racist because I did not like it.

Dear Sir you cannot use work “ice cream” in front of this person. Compensation 500£. Thank you”

I am starting to think if any of this I have typed has any sense to anyone. ?

Learner driver…

A manager says “Go,” a leader says “Let’s Go” - John Maxwell



You can screen shot as much as you like the term flip flop is not a direct racist Slur, maybe you should look up under the Racially Aggravated offence act RAO to determine what is a racist and non racist comment… sadly it is snowflakes like you who waste police resources on a Whim … I am in Australia and called a Pomme, am I a criminal no way … just man up ( sorry Person up I do not wish to offend you by using the word man).

I’d stop trying to be clever.

The most common cause of death for men aged 20-34 is suicide. It’s more dangerous than cancer, road traffic accidents, or going to war, or drink driving.

And it’s significantly caused due to a culture where young guys are told to ‘man up’. We encourage people to ignore their feelings and shame them for speaking out. With sayings like that we stop young blokes going to the doctor or confiding in their friends. Even the Army have realised this… And are doing things to change the culture.

Road haulage is in many ways backwards and ludicrous. But let’s not encourage practices then end the lives of a large number of young blokes a year - all so we can be macho. Especially when many/most on here are only macho on the internet.

Interesting post sammy, but I would think you should take some of your own advice from your opening line.
You say a culture of telling guys to “man up” is an issue yet in your last post on this topic earlier this afternoon you were happy to label grown men as “little girls” so it seems even the clever among us have their faults?
Don’t get me wrong Sammy, I’m not really having a go, just pointing out that throw away comments are everywhere, it’s just a curse of modern times that offence is exploited when need…
In my very humble opinion, I think flip flop is in no way offensive, the only ones who seem to be offended are those doing it on behalf of others, I guess it makes them feel good or something, I think they are tragic dimwits.
I shudder to think how the OP would cope if he suddenly realised that other countries have labels for us brits, and some of them aren’t very nice, any chance he could be offended on my behalf…nope, thought not as it wouldn’t be on trend, liberal muppet…

How utterly distasteful calling someone a flip flop…never get me doing that!,

as for sheep shaggers, well! :laughing:

Exactly, I’m from Leeds, I could fill a couple of pages with slang names for people from other areas, many starting in West Yorkshire. Not even 20 miles away never mind the other side of Europe.
Sadly this whole topic is a reflection of this pathetic compensation driven, social media ■■■■■■■ snowflake generation. The only commmon sense and perspective they have is whatever Twitter/Facebook tells them. :unamused:
I have two young kids, I’m more bothered about what kind of dull, grey thought controlled world they will live in when the current crop of mid twenties hypocritical liberal scum end up in charge of the country than any environmental issues or global warming, I shudder at the thought of some of these students and student union leaders ending up in a position of political influence…