The TruckNet "Do" the aftermath

To all those who say ‘I’ll be there next year’ , or ’ I’m a … Would I be welcome?’

Stop talking the talk. Walk the walk instead.
No-one has ever been turned away, that I know of.

If you want to party, just be there.

provided mums motorhome is available I’ll be there

jessicas dad:

I will be attending next year, that’s if you guys will allow a copper to come

I’m going to truckfest on the Sunday if your going mick.

You talking about Peterborough Fest? if so, i am going as i have no choice as it is right on my doorstep lol

I was there in body, but my memory of the ‘do’ is somewhat hazy.

No, it’s nothing to do with drink, but following the surgery I had last Monday, my blood readings are all over the place.

I have to take yet more pills for a while to get the levels correct.

I only took one pic, so here’s shuttlespanker crawling out from under a table after Lucy caught him with an overweight wallet:


I missed it :frowning:

All coz of work. Hope everyone had fun tho and hope to be able to attend the next one.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

I missed it :frowning:

All coz of work. Hope everyone had fun tho and hope to be able to attend the next one.

+1, had to work all over Easter weekend + beyond, fingers crossed for next year though.
Hope youre feeling better DD

Yeh, yeh, yeh.
Excuses for the next one already and it was only a week ago. :wink:

It’s a party. You can meet people from any of the UK Truckers forums. You drink, make merry, spend money and have a good time.
I’ve found that it’s the good people, the ones you’d be happy to meet n chat with anywhere, who make the effort to attend an evening like this.
Stop making excuses n just turn up in party mood, ok ? :smiley:

Got a next years date sorted on the calender yet :bulb: so i can book time off well in advance :smiley:

bonnie lass:
Got a next years date sorted on the calender yet :bulb: so i can book time off well in advance :smiley:

seconded i had a blast so i’ve been told although i’ll regret it the morning after you could not keep me away :laughing:

Did any sworn enemies from the forums actually meet up at the do? :stuck_out_tongue:

It amuses me when abusive members of another forum I use are actually best friends at the race track!

I did this instead :slight_smile:

a good driver would have got it round the corner without losing the back end :blush: :blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

a good driver also wouldnt have slammed the side of it into a set of tyres at 50mph…note the dents in front wing/doors lol.

mind you, your probably glad i dont work for you, your tyre bill would be rediculous, this was after 5 laps

even managed to fold a tyre in half…while still on the rim :S

I’m having the official ex-pats forum annual ■■■■ up at my place on the 28th of this month, any chance of a donation so we can have a free bar too :question: :laughing:

I’m having the official ex-pats forum annual ■■■■ up at my place on the 28th of this month, any chance of a donation so we can have a free bar too :question: :laughing:

I`ll be there, and like the sound of the free bar :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If any UK forum members fancy it let us know, you`ll be more than welcome to stop over at ours save the taxi fair home :laughing:

gutted i got my dates all wrong, had a great time the other year, hopefully next year ill make it again