The TruckNet "Do" the aftermath

Was a great night,really enjoyed myself I tried and failed to get to the 700 bucks limit but I gave it a good go as gonz will testify too :smiley:

Looking forward to the next one as each and every person there was as good as gold…

It was a pleasure meeting you all…

Nice to meet Rikki and Lucy after all these years of taking the pee outta them. I take my hat off to Shuttle … the poor guy had his wallet totally raped and never complained once. Top bloke!! (Thank God Lucy never saw inide my wallet LOLOL)
All in all, a cracking good night and one I shall look forward to next year.

Here’s to another 12 months of abuse and insults from “over there”, Bear! raises glass :wink:

A good time, was indeed had by all…I gather there will be photos from the PDF contingent, who’ll be back from an extended weekend’s holiday later…Be scared, be very scared… :open_mouth:

As for Mr “Spanky” Colliver, you’re quite right Bear, seriously fair play to him. He’s done nothing but gloat about how he wasn’t going to get wallet-raped again this time ever since the last one, so he knew what was coming, and he was a very good sport when the bankrupting began. Credit where it’s due, for all we like to take the ■■■■ out of him, he’s a very good man, so Rob, here’s a special thanks from us. (((HUGS FOR THE PERVERTED ONE))) :wink:

Now this year, p’raps keep your gob shut? snigger :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Ps. Bear, as you may have noticed, “■■■■” is allowed, as are “crap”, “bugger”, “arse” and “■■■■■■”. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


The only dissappointment was despite my best efforts we didnt manage to drink the full free bar tab…

WHAT !!! Right , that settles it , I’m coming next year .

Distressing news :open_mouth:

you better come to the next one shade be good to have a beer or ten :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i feel i must now thank every one who helped me buy my new man watch :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
all for a very good cause :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

somebody actually managed to extract money from spanky…and a wallet ■■■■■■ at that?

HOW? i thought he just carried around dust in his wallet

and we did try to sort the free bar out :blush:

how the hell did you fail this■■? ive never ONCE SEEN YOU AT A BAR WITH MONEY!! EVER :smiley: :smiley:


and we did try to sort the free bar out :blush:

how the hell did you fail this■■? ive never ONCE SEEN YOU AT A BAR WITH MONEY!! EVER :smiley: :smiley:

and he did have plenty of help from jd & taff :laughing:

the flying foden:


and we did try to sort the free bar out :blush:

how the hell did you fail this■■? ive never ONCE SEEN YOU AT A BAR WITH MONEY!! EVER :smiley: :smiley:

and he did have plenty of help from jd & taff :laughing:

Well I normally don’t drink but even I felt guilty and gave it a good go :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


the flying foden:


and we did try to sort the free bar out :blush:

how the hell did you fail this■■? ive never ONCE SEEN YOU AT A BAR WITH MONEY!! EVER :smiley: :smiley:

and he did have plenty of help from jd & taff :laughing:

Well I normally don’t drink but even I felt guilty and gave it a good go :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

was good to meet you Trev :smiley:



the flying foden:


and we did try to sort the free bar out :blush:

how the hell did you fail this■■? ive never ONCE SEEN YOU AT A BAR WITH MONEY!! EVER :smiley: :smiley:

and he did have plenty of help from jd & taff :laughing:

Well I normally don’t drink but even I felt guilty and gave it a good go :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

was good to meet you Trev :smiley:

Yes same here, I had a good night and had some laughs with decent folk !


and we did try to sort the free bar out :blush:

how the hell did you fail this■■? ive never ONCE SEEN YOU AT A BAR WITH MONEY!! EVER :smiley: :smiley:

hold on hold on he didnt have any money on him kay had it :wink: and when things got a bit carried away with rob being lumbered with everything kay shouted out " enough is enough there are some people here who havent bought anything yet lets see somebody else have a turn " and that was the wallet shut for another year. :laughing: :grimacing:

Here is the official version.

TrucknetUK’s annual get together at Cannock this year chose to direct its fundraising efforts to The Professional Drivers Foundation.

Rikki Chequer, Community Manager for Road Transport Media, once again presided over the informal auction of donated goods all from within the Industry.
The atmosphere and bidding rules were informal but the total raised was a serious amount for PDF funds.

A total well in excess of £1700 was raised from lorry drivers who attended from

The whole ethos of the PDF is to help lorry drivers in need and to revive the old type camaraderie there used to be where we all helped each other.

The tremendous amount of auction items and services were all donated from within the Industry.

The whole evening is organised by who provide a free bar for the night. Of course, this helped all who attended to make some fantastic donations which saw a MAN holdall being sold for £100 and a watch going for £280!

The Professional Drivers Foundation would like to thank everyone who helped to make this possible and will ensure that every penny goes to lorry drivers who need help and support.

PDF Trustees

Here’s my personal version :smiley:

Thanks so much to Rikki and Lucy for organising this and choosing the PDF again :smiley:

Thanks so much to those who paid so much for so little :smiley:

Thanks for uniting members from all forums together for a good cause :smiley:

I was just so surprised to finally find us all in a room together enjoying the hospitality and no animosity.

Rikki and I worked out that it was 12 years ago that we first went to Truckfest and TN had a small green gazebo, the PDA hadn’t even been born then :unamused:

So much water has gone under the bridge since then, we’ve all grown up and after all this, we’re all still mates :smiley:

Thanks to people like Lug, Shuttlespanker and the lads from the LDF, everyone who attended and everyone who made Saturday night possible the PDF will always be there when/if you need it.

I really don’t know how you ALL managed to find so much money…well done :smiley:

There’s a few pics, I hope on Facebook but I don’t know how to get them on here :blush: :blush:


Some of the assembled throng

Rikki and Lucy hard at work, geordie helper elf in the backround :laughing:

Lucy giving Capn Spanky a shake to check for loose change

Lug’s air guitar brings on Rikki’s indigestion :smiley:

Nobody believed John’s description of the one which got away

Animal models the Humber Bridge :open_mouth:

I will be attending next year, that’s if you guys will allow a copper to come

I will be attending next year, that’s if you guys will allow a copper to come

I’m going to truckfest on the Sunday if your going mick.

I will be attending next year, that’s if you guys will allow a copper to come

Only if you leave the handcuffs at home


I will be attending next year, that’s if you guys will allow a copper to come

Only if you leave the handcuffs at home

Why? Could make for an interesting evening, and possibly raise even more for the chosen charity. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



I will be attending next year, that’s if you guys will allow a copper to come

Only if you leave the handcuffs at home

Why? Could make for an interesting evening, and possibly raise even more for the chosen charity. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This is quite true :laughing: :laughing: as long as he wear the rest of it for us to auction :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: