The sat nav made me do it!

the maoster:

I do think that later on they may develop a stiff neck though.

That’s fine if they do cos it’ll be coming off their insurance not yours. No chance of yours paying out with them cutting across in front of you and them then hitting the brakes. I take it you noticed their brake lights coming on very soon after they got in L1 in the video?

I’m sorry mate,you are at fault here.
You weren’t wearing a Hi-Viz,so how can the car driver possibly have seen you :unamused:

Another reason that all drivers / riders should have a medical to get a licence and at least have an eye test every 10 years as a condition of holding a licence of any category

I’m sorry mate,you are at fault here.
You weren’t wearing a Hi-Viz,so how can the car driver possibly have seen you :unamused:

He’s full time not Agency no Hi Viz required :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Joking apart glad everybody’s ok :smiley:

Pity night time rules weren’t in operation I suppose.

Another reason that all drivers / riders should have a medical to get a licence and at least have an eye test every 10 years as a condition of holding a licence of any category

I don’t think it’s a eye problem Nick,it’s just plain old stupidity.
I had an almost identical thing happen to me yesterday,but fortunately,the other lane was free,so I was able to pull out and overtake.
I’ve also got my own dashcam fitted,and for a few glorious milliseconds,I was seriously tempted to just run into the back of the dozy mare :laughing: :laughing: but my innate professionalism kicked in just in time :wink: :wink:

Where as some of these car drivers only drive for a total of a couple of hours a day maybe, back and forward to work etc.

It’s not even that much. I think I read somewhere that 80% of car journeys are less than 5 mile.

Plus you get people that only ever drive to work and back and maybe some family members and back. And Asda. Then once a year they jump on the motorway (at 35mph :unamused: ) and things like this happen coz they’re like a fish out of water.

First off well done for slowing down enough to reduce the impact speed within safeish levels, a lot of buggers would have expected the car to stay in the outside lane and cracked on full beans.

Also well done for hanging back thus offering further protection after the collision.

Slightly poor form to check ones own motor before the health of the occupants but this can be excused.

Staying calm is what seperates the pro’s from the rest, no one was seriously injured which is the main thing.

I have to ask if the female occupant was pregnant as this was my initial thoughts.

Oh and also you look nice and hunky in your jeans and red shirt ensemble.

Pity night time rules weren’t in operation I suppose.

I did not say a word

Terry T:

Where as some of these car drivers only drive for a total of a couple of hours a day maybe, back and forward to work etc.

It’s not even that much. I think I read somewhere that 80% of car journeys are less than 5 mile.

Plus you get people that only ever drive to work and back and maybe some family members and back. And Asda. Then once a year they jump on the motorway (at 35mph :unamused: ) and things like this happen coz they’re like a fish out of water.

Yeh, that’s exactly my point mate, fish out of water.
Stuff like joining a Mway, I aint an arse like some truck drivers, I try and give way to these amateurs, you see them panicking when they reach the end of a slip road, so they either pull out and if you are lucky you dont arse ram or sidewsipe them, or they do an emergency stop and the following cars have to avoid him, or whatever other common sense deficient action.
It is what is SUPPOSED to seperate us from them :bulb: a lot of the ‘professionals’ would do well to remember that.
Btw…not a pop at Maoster, he done absolutely nothing wrong.

I have to ask if the female occupant was pregnant as this was my initial thoughts.

At last…someone thinking of the children :wink:

I can’t make my mind up about this one.

Shirt in or shirt out?

I can’t make my mind up about this one.

Shirt in or shirt out?

Out everytime…hides the beer gut. (So I’m told)

I can’t make my mind up about this one.

Shirt in or shirt out?

It depends on what he was doing just before impact :laughing:

I can fairly confidently predict that Maoster will have his phone records scrutinised by the Fiesta drivers insurance company.

Happened to one of our lads, driver failed to stop coming out of a country lane and drove into the side of him amidships and their insurance crowd wanted to see if he’d been on the blower at the point of impact. :open_mouth:

I can fairly confidently predict that Maoster will have his phone records scrutinised by the Fiesta drivers insurance company.

Happened to one of our lads, driver failed to stop coming out of a country lane and drove into the side of him amidships and their insurance crowd wanted to see if he’d been on the blower at the point of impact. :open_mouth:

ffs :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Someone commented earlier that this could be a “crash-for-cash” attempt it might be wise to involve the police even though it’s a non-injury accident.

Someone commented earlier that this could be a “crash-for-cash” attempt it might be wise to invlove the police even though it’s a non-injury accident.

Nah look at the guys hands at the moment of impact, he wasn’t bracing (prepared) for the impact at all, the body language just from seeing his right hand tells you he didn’t know what the ■■■■ was going on.

0/10 for failing to shunt the twunt into the ditch

Bluey Circles:
I have your speed at 52.5 - 52.9 before you hit the brakes, what would you have been doing ?

Pretty sure that he’s hobbled to 53 by the company.