The sat nav made me do it!

Well that’s what he told me after I’d ruined his holiday! Btw the Audi that passed me was overtaking me when the car pulled out, so lane 2 wasn’t an option. At least it got me an early finish as I had to return to the yard to get 26 pallets restacked … zux9Cj-Yhk

Edit to add; I especially liked the part where he braked just as I was about to hit him. That made everything so much better!

Good shunt, no doubt he’ll say it wasn’t his fault. Also thanks to the dash cam, it caught him braking whilst in front of you which I’m also sure he’ll deny.

It’s that moment when you know there’s nothing you can do but grip the wheel tighter :open_mouth:

Glad everyone was OK.

That’ll be your dash cam ‘paid for’ then…?

Ive heard of sat navs getting the blame for telling people to do u turns on the motorway or drive into fields but telling them to pull out of a junction when theres traffic coming? I know its a human reaction to try to shift the blame but he’s stretching the realms of believeability with that nugget!
I’d say that was a win in the dash cam column though cause who knows what kind of killer juggernaught driving psychopath you’d have been made out to be by the time he realised his insurance would go up unless he blamed you for driving into the back of him! :laughing:
Although I expect some of the usual knobs to be posting soon about how you should have “anticipated” his actions and it is actually all your fault. :laughing:

Glad everyone was OK.

Everyone was fine thanks mate. I do think that later on they may develop a stiff neck though.

One of the witnesses remarked that I was very calm, but as I told her it was never going to hurt me!

Quality. Didn’t realise they made sat navs connected to the accelerator and the brake… :laughing:

the car driver obviously had no judgement of speed or distance,still no one hurt that’s the main thing,at least its only material objects when no ones hurt,insurance job then forget it

Good grief!!
He was lucky! Some people really shouldn’t be given licenses on the grounds of inadequate ability to perceive danger!

And that’s why I feel unprotected without a dashcam, as it DEFINITELY would have been ALL YOUR FAULT if you didn’t have it! :cry:

As for what he did, does he not have eyes■■?
I think the question has to be asked on whether he should hold a licence, as there is little mitigation for his actions there…

You big nasty truck driver you!

I bet you intimidated him into pulling out in front of you didn’t you?! :laughing:

Glad no one was hurt though, but like you say “a sore neck” or two will no doubt develop over the next few “no win no fee” adverts I mean days.

If only there had been a cyclist to cushion the blow…

I think the asda advert for the food sounds good would like to try it :stuck_out_tongue: .Back on topic glad no one was hurt and only some bent metal and a thumbs up for the dash cam you know they would have blamed you.

Well handled mate, what did the driver have to say? Did he admit fault or try to blame you?

I blame the James Martin satnav instructions :laughing:

I have your speed at 52.5 - 52.9 before you hit the brakes, what would you have been doing ?

‘Massive killer juggernaut rams poor old ■■■■■■ off the road’…can see the Daily Fail headline now…

Even if they admit at the scene, it’s a different matter when it comes to insurance. Bear in mind that a driver who runs into the rear of another vehicle is almost always held 100% to blame.

Even when the footage proves there’s nothing they could do?

Even if they admit at the scene, it’s a different matter when it comes to insurance. Bear in mind that a driver who runs into the rear of another vehicle is almost always held 100% to blame.

But this is different, the car pulled out in front of the truck leaving him no where to go, totally different to the truck running into the rear of the car which was already on the carriageway which hadnt just pulled out from a junction…

Although I expect some of the usual knobs to be posting soon about how you should have “anticipated” his actions and it is actually all your fault. :laughing:

Maoster…you should have anticipated his actions, and it is your fault ! …(hey he was right :smiley: )

You done well mate to slow it up enough not to go right over the top of him, especially as you say, when he braked. :unamused:
Things could have been a lot worse, especially if road had been wet.

Reading some of the posts on here and similar threads, it’s easy to call these car drivers ‘idiots’ and all the rest of it (and in a lot of cases they are :unamused: ) However the point is, we are looking at these cases from a pro full time driver’s perspective, to us driving is a way of life, 9 to 10 hrs per day, every day for years. Where as some of these car drivers only drive for a total of a couple of hours a day maybe, back and forward to work etc.
It is much worse when a pro truck driver displays these poor ways of driving imo.those are the types that should be looked on in contempt.