Luck does play a part, right place, right time, etc. but at the end of the day you make your own luck by getting yourself out there. Knock on doors, register with as many agencies as you can AND PHONE THEM DAILY ASKING FOR ANY WORK! If you wait for them to ring you, you’ll likely wait a long time. Calling frequently will show them your serious and also make your name stick out in their head when they suddenly need a last minute driver 'cause someone’s just dropped out.
Apply for anything and everything, even if you don’t like the sound of it, the hours, etc. any experience is good experience.
I was “lucky” I got the nod that a company in Bristol was always looking for drivers (I live 40mins away in Swindon) so went for it. I got the job even though I had I had only passed my cat C 6 weeks earlier and only done one shift on the bin wagons and two with Royal Mail (all last minute agency jobs).
After I started the job, I soon realised why they were always looking for drivers…they had a very high turnover of drivers as the hours were long, the work very physical and the organisation was a shambles!
“Luckily” another position I had applied for offered me a job. Again, it was a 45 minute commute each way and very early starts, but they where a good company to work for.
6 months later, I had my C+E and went down to the agencies (there were no class 1 jobs available where i was workmg). After I hit the seventh or eighth agency I was “lucky” enough to be talking to a guy who turned out to be mates with a mate. I kept in touch with him regularly over the following couple of week, then one morning when I popped in he said he’d just got off the phone with a client & did I fancy working nights ( I didn’t, but said no prob) I started a temp to perm the following week Class 2 with promise of Class 1 when perm). 3 months later I went perm. After a year I asked to switch to days and I’m now full time days on Artics and loving it.
So in short, exactly two years after getting my Cat C, I’m now full time driving Artics for a descent company on hours that suit me.
Easy? No, Luck? You decide…
Go for it and good “luck”