The plebs are revolting

There’s a reason one of its nicknames is “Lunatics Broth”, I don’t know what the ingredient in Brown Ale is that makes it happen, but stories of atypical agression are not anecdotal, I had a number of “incidents” courtesy of that stuff in my younger years. It’s enough to make Clark Kent into a raging homicidal maniac.

Vindicated …at last.:sunglasses:
I’m ringing the Mrs right now. :joy:

An interesting observation, we have a local beverage, Bundaberg rum, otherwise known as “cane cutters’s cordial”, with a remarkably similar reputation. I have been known to partake of this wonderful nectar and strongly disagree with the aforementioned sentiment. I have a mate who refuses to drink rum, claiming if he ever has but a single nip, he goes home with no buttons on his shirt.
I’ve always believed it is the alcohol, or excess of such, that prompts the aggression.
Is there any evidence to prove that a particular drink, rather than the actual alcohol turns mild mannered reporters into supermen?

I’m not currently aware of any research or evidence, but my own anecdotal experiences suggest it it not just the alcohol that is responsible; like most adult males I’ve been fully inebriated more times than I can count, but only when drunk on Newcastle Brown Ale have I ever engaged in behaviour that was worthy of a double-digit stretch of porridge

It was my drink of choice in the late 60’s early 70’s, Much mayhem from those days including a pub crawl ending up at the Bolton Palais whereupon my mate & I are dying for a pee came across a motorbike with two helmets locked onto the frame, We pee’d & filled both of them, Funny as heck at the time but fills me with remorse nowadays, I only touch the cider these days.

Hey !
We’ve maybe met after all years ago.
(I’d like to think on a friendly basis, not how I was on about before in my ‘Jason Statham’ mode.:joy:)
A lot of my indulgence in Newcy Broon was in The Strawberry before or after the game…or mebbys even Shearers Bar later on.

Potentially, who knows? But I was always more your Jubillee/Monkey Bar/Percy’s/Cooperage type of customer.
The thing that popularised Brown Ale amongst my crowd was that as a musician on stage, if you knocked over your bottle of “broon” you didn’t lose it all immediately, as you would with a regular pint - and you could take it with you when you left the pub/club

Bundy was a habit I picked up in Rockie, I think, on my safari to the north. But I had encountered it, 2nd hand, before in the Territory. My mentor on my first trip was George who appeared to live on a combination of that, water and little white pills.

You’d have thought that it would’ve put him out for the count so that I could take the wheel and safe sanity would get a chance, but no, it only made him more determined and I had to spend almost all the time in, only slightly, muted terror.

How times have changed, Spardo. The terror may have been alleviated had you partaken of George’s square bear.

Square, due to the shape of the bottle, bear for the polar trade mark.
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Maybe it’s just proof of the Viking genes going full berserk on weak ■■■■ because they can’t hold their drink.Anglo Saxon genes just means keep calm and carry on even with some old school Celtic whisky chasers with the 4 or 5 pints of ESB.

He wouldn’t have allowed me to touch the bottle, it was jammed between the driver’s seat and the passenger bench. The water bottle was on the floor, fresh from the bars at the last stop, and the pills in the glove box which, as you know was easily reachable in the B 61’s narrow cab, by the driver.

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There’s no such thing as “different genes” for slightly different European tribes, but hey! Don’t let actual documented science stop you from trying to rewrite it.

The plebs are revolting? They might have an equally low opinion of you. :wink:

Dont tell me you’ve JUST got it.
:wink: :joy:

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how much has khan raised from motorists ,and where has it gone ■■

At least a sizeable part of it has gone into subsidising the financial black hole predictably resulting from the bloated Tory creation of the GLC/GLA and the everything is free Communist mindset of its leadership from Livingstone to Khan.
Except it isn’t free when it has to be paid for.

WoW! Revenue from CAZ/ULEZ zones across the UK have now passed the £ 1billion mark. :scream: Low emission zones generate £1bn from fines and charges

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lancpudn wrote:
WoW! Revenue from CAZ/ULEZ zones across the UK have now passed the £ 1billion mark. :scream: Low emission zones generate £1bn from fines and charges

It would be interesting to know what the operating costs are after the initial setup of signage and cameras ec’t.

I imagine the initial setup costs are high but with comparatively low running costs, I would think the long term profits for councils would be quite high.

TfL ULEZ costs for signage, ANPR cameras & software were over £123 million the last time I read about it.

And not one penny of it has come out of my pocket: That’s my kinda taxes :sunglasses: