The plebs are revolting

This is what happens when people think they are being treated unjustly.
As one commentor says,…when people eho are normally law abiding, take to breaking the law, well the law is an ass. (pp)

They are sending a message to that repulsive supercillious little sh, Khan (the truckhater) .

Good on em I say, anarchy is usually not the answer, but in some cases it is justified.

Thanks Rob!
We can always rely on you for a laugh.

So is it OK for a destruction of public property in London?
Because a group of people don’t agree with the recently elected Mayor?
Elected with a 3.8% increase over last time by the way.
A Mayor enforcing low emissions laws, started by a former Tory Mayor as it happens, one B. Johnson.

Maybe the SPG should teach these how to behave too?

:joy::joy: Thanks Frangers !
Yep you can, that’s the type of guy I am. :sunglasses:
Same as we can always rely on you to be a tram lined serial ner do wrong conformist sat in your cardigan, who is sooo outraged (clutching his pearls) at those who aint.

I’m fairly sure you don’t live in London RR, and from your recent farm-access related posts I’m guessing you probably don’t deliver to The Smoke very often, so why are you bothered about what happens down there? Southerners sure as Hades aren’t concerned about what happens in the North east (my area) or North west (your area I believe?)

Right on both counts Zac, I aint in London, nor do I deliver there anymore (thank f) …although I used to in the days when truckers were actually made welcome down there by the provision of many truck parks in comparison to the zero amount today,.and all the petty restrictions and truck no go zones.
I used to actually love the place in those days socially in fact.

I have a mate down there who is always banging on about Franger’s latest hero, Mr Khan, and how he is hated by many.

I also have another mate who does London,.Essex, and Kent every week in an artic who does my swede in belly aching about it all the time :smile:
So those are my (tenuous) links to the situation.

As for being ‘bothered’, I’m sure you know my stance and my TN persona on all that kind of thing.

Not so much bothered, just thought I’d post the link which came up randomly on my you tube, way I see it is it may not be legal, but nice to see people finally saying enough is enough, normal people, not habitual law breakers apparentlly, to boot…

So I put it on here to fire up a bit of ‘mass debating’ and ‘social i ntercourse’ on this Sunday morning. :joy:…oh and to wind Frangers up again.:joy:

Kahn certainly did get a 3.8% higher vote.

As an aside I wonder what increase in voter eligibility came from non indigenous incomers who arrived post the previous vote?

Ooh God mate.
Don’t make him worse by going down that strasse. :joy:

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Where have I said that Khan is a hero of mine?
The resident pantomime dame getting all dramatic as per normal?

I did point out that Khan was elected and the laws enacted seem to be popular with residents of London. Much as you have pointed out that Johnson’s Brexit laws were the result of his election. In that case you suggested that those of us who vocalised our disapproval should shut up, you now suggest that expensive criminal damage is an appropriate response to disagreements! Should these persons get longer or shorter jail terms than the JSO protesters I wonder?

You know who these persons are and their records, or lack of records?
Or do you just believe what you are told blindly?
(rhetorical question of course)

‘Resident pantomime dame’ ?
C’mon Frangers dont be so hard on yourself…

Not sure, but I’ll send you a link to ‘prove’ my point when I am.:smile:
On other hand,.that is why I used the adverb…‘APPARENTLLY’.

I was about 17 when Thatcher came to power, so for a lot of my younger days I was one of those northerners hearing Norman Tebbitt telling us to “get on our bikes” if there weren’t enough jobs around our towns, while seemingly the whole south was lapping up the cream

I’m sure you’ll be able to understand why the troubles of those living in and around our capital mean this much to me:

I put that sketch up on the politics thread during the election saying how reality actually does reflect satire instead of vice versa…love it.:joy:
In fact love the pythons, us as young lads at college used to spend most of our time reciting sketches…(lightbulb moment, thinks… 'hmm maybe thats why I ended up driving ‘kin trucks’ .:smile:. )

Are you familiar with ‘The Piranah Brothers’ routine?..:
Doug and Dinsdale? :joy:
It’s a take off of the Kray twins story.

Yes, I saw that, so Live at Drury Lane was already on my radar.
At school it was compulsory to love this album, one of our lot had it so we spent hours absorbing it round his house.
When tasked by the English teacher to write a short “play”, we all seized on the opportunity to recreate The Four Yorkshiremen sketch, which had to be adapted at the last minute when one of the lads bottled it.

It has to be understood this teacher was quite vicious, he could hit a bluebottle at 50 metres with the blackboard rubber - Sgt York eat your heart out. As it turned out he thought it was hilarious, though he didn’t spot the plagiarism as he was far too posh to watch MP :smile: That was a rare fondly remembered schoolday. Didn’t stop the blackboard rubber target practice though…

Oh I get it, it’s justified in cases where their views align with your own views. Hm where have I heard this before?

Will the residents of London be happy when their Council Tax bills go up to cover the cost of the replacement ULEZ infrastucture? :thinking: Or have they simply not been thinking ahead that far?

Ok, fair enough, if that is how you wish to interpret it.

And I don’t know…:thinking:
Where have you heard it?

Laterally thinking, maybe the money they have already saved from not getting nicked by cameras every day, will cover it. :joy:

Who knows, perhaps it’s their turn to “get on their bikes”?

Until ULEZ comes to Teesside and/or Tyneside , I will sit back and think “Awwww, bless, poor wickle Londoners”, much like they did during the 1980s about the north.

Therein lies the problem though Zac. As much I have bordering on zero sympathy for anything bad befalling denizens living south of The Wash, the old adage of “divide and conquer “ is alive, well and flourishing.

FOI says the total cost including the extended ULEZ was between £145-155million. :astonished:

It was ever thus. If it’s not “divide and conquer” it’s “bread and circuses”. And controlling the populace is now easier than ever with social media.