The plebs are revolting

I’m so pleased to hear that, my heart is bleeding for them, not. :joy:

Ironically Stormer is now going to do nationally what Khant has done in the stolen parts of the Home Counties.Stolen and handed over to him and red Ken Livingstone before him.Neither having any electoral mandate there.

Ironically the whole argument is about London and its government being imposed where it doesn’t belong outside of London.
It’s not about ULEZ it’s about that ongoing hijack of local government putting the Home Counties under a Haringey and Islington mandate.There were no such protests before that expansion being a direct imposition by Khan in places where he has/should have no business or remit.
I’d bet that a lot of the so called blade runners don’t even own a car let alone a non ULEZ compliant one.

He isn’t elected in many or most of the stolen home counties boroughs affected by the ULEZ expansion.
The borough’s which were handed over to London by the Tories London Government Act of 1964.Which effectively meant much of Surrey and Kent put under a London mandate by gerrymandered London votes.
Just like Starmer isn’t elected in his 411 seats from less than 9 million votes gerrymandered regime.

Apparently (link with evidence here ULEZ compliance data - Transport for London) over 95% of vehicles in London were compliant in 2023.
So, any saving money in fines are in a 5% minority. And they are causing extra expense for all Londoners.
More votes went to Khan than anyone else.

You don’t like the London rules chosen by Londoners?
Should you as a non-Londoner tell them how to do things?
Should incomers to the UK tell us to change rules to suit them?

Looks to me like a small but active minority causing headaches for the majority in London.
They too seem to be attacking transport infrastructure and causing millions of £s of damage. I wonder what their sentences will be?
And since they seem fond of putting up videos of themselves I wonder how long until they are caught? And will some supporters start street demonstrations in support of them?

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Last bit I saw was done (unsuccessfully) by the Tories.

I think you’ll find that Johnson preceded Khan.

Oh, and that the low emissions stuff all started with Johnson.

Gerrymandering as in over 400 seats for less than 10 million votes as opposed to 5 seats for over 4 million votes.
Or Surbiton and Bexley controlled by an Islington and Haringey demographic and vote.
Red Ken Livingstone came long before Johnson.
I’ve actually said that it’s the Tory London Government Act, which handed over huge swathes of the Home Counties to London’s control and vote, which gave Livingstone and Johnson and Khan the powers to dictate what happens in Kent and Surrey.
What’s your point ?.

So you’re saying the previous government are guilty of : “an occasion when someone in authority changes the borders of an area in order to increase the number of people within that area who will vote for a particular party or person”

I don’t think so, I think you’re just " 'aving a Faaaarrage", together with failing to understand the realities of the electoral system

I imagine you’ll dislike the use of a Cambridge dictionary definition, probably too “lefty” ?

The way I see it, if you have an old petrol, scrap it. If you have a newer diesel that isn’t compliant, sell it to someone who doesn’t live in a ULEZ zone and buy a petrol.

I don’t live in the ULEZ zone and I’ll give you 30 quid for your 2015 diesel.Second thoughts make that 25 quid.

Obviously the LCC border was ‘changed’ to the current GLC/GLA border which meant that the affected home counties vote was diluted if not wiped out by by then being joined to London.So as I said Islington and Haringey dictates what happens in Surbiton and Bexley.Rather than Guildford and Canterbury.
While how do you explain over 400 seats from less than 10 million votes if not by laughable gerrymandering of constituency boundaries.

In the street I live, the votes of the residents is “diluted” by the votes of people from other streets.

My MP is sometimes out-voted by MPs from other constituencies.

If you were already running a diesel instead of a classic Jag then you would have more than £25 left in your bank account. :wink:

  1. All those places you mention are, to most of us up here, just darn sarf, which is one homogenous mass of shandy-drinkers, so I’m struggling to find any empathy (courtesy of the 1980’s economic environment).

  2. I don’t need to explain anything: we had a democratic election and the winning party has been elected.

Err not quite, one party won 30 out of a hundred votes cast, depends on your definition of democracy I suppose.

And, speaking of democracy, out of 404 Labour MPs they couldn’t find one single one with enough nouse and intelligence to be the Minister for Skills.

The person that got that job got exactly the same number of votes as I did. Zero. At least £22,000 a year after refusing to get off her arse and try and get someone to vote for her.

You call over 400 seats from less than 10 million votes v 5 seats from over 4 million votes democracy.
You think that Fullers ESB and Young’s Special is shandy compared to weak northern ditch water.
You think that Surrey and Kent are the same place as Islington and Haringey.
Says it all.

I’ve got more than 25 quid in the bank but 25 quid is all that a non ULEZ compliant diesel is worth to me.

Define ‘street’ .
There is no ULEZ or Khan in Surrey or Kent.I’m sure Hitler used exactly your logic to justify the the invasions of Sudetenland and Poland.Consider yourselves out voted by your German neighbours.

Northern ditch water? :flushed:
Have you never heard of Newcastle Brown Ale ?

My Mrs banned me from drinking it (when out with her) about 20 years ago.
After half a dozen bottles I thought I was Jason Statham and wanted to fight blokes much bigger than me…bad move btw.
Then when we got home to bed, and getting up for a pi55, half asleep, my brain through the night used to tell me that her large plant on the landing was the khazi…and on one occasion one night, unfortunately the wardrobe (hers :woozy_face: ) …not my finest moment.
Only drink it on special occasions nowadays, and no more than 3.
Anything else never bothers me funnily enough.

Its not the same as years ago, then it was a unique and special drink, its now no different to any other drink and even tastes different
Or is that just my age

Blimey Rob as a connoisseur of the malt and hops are you seriously suggesting that stuff that tastes like milky sweet tea with less than 5% alcohol beats a proper bitter with well over 5% of alcohol for the money.
About the only good thing to come out of London.