In an attempt to any a number of question in one go.

The “OLD” PDU was set up legitimately with correct procedures in place and it aimed at being far bigger than just a group to lobby drivers. As such it needed an income to pay full wages, part wages and others with expenses. A National Conference, meeting places and other expensive aims of a large organisation. Not knowing how many would join or the true cost it had to try and work out a cost that was not too much for drivers and yet still enable what it was trying to achieve.

It therefore needed interest from large numbers to provide the funds to achieve these aims and even though only £25 it brought about doubt and trust and so soon realized that it was too big at the offset to achieve its aims.

So with the major aim in uniting Drivers it was amended, So cut out the expense of some above and put the recognition of unity as its primary intention.

Without a means of recognition no one would be able to talk to drivers as a profession and so there is still a need for a unity under one name so that this recognition can be implemented.
So the “NEW” PDU was implemented

£5.00 to join so that there is a recognition of the unity under one name.

So with recognition anyone wanting to address drivers there is a name for contact and if Drivers want to address something to the Industry there is a name in which to use to do so.

£5.00 covers the cost of joining the name and recognition in doing so and it provides no income to the PDU.

With no income to the PDU then restructuring and its aims are now far more difficult as most of the work involved in achieving any improvements will need to be accomplished on a voluntary basis.

The PDU is there now as a point of contact, a recognition of a body of drivers as one within the name the PDU

As unity grows so the strength in unity grows and more are able to be involved in achieving the vital aims of improvements.

It is not about profit or income or one man.
It is a unity working together to achieve aims for the benefit of drivers in the UK

Barrie Tozer:
It is a unity working together to achieve aims for the benefit of drivers in the UK

but what exactly are your aims and what exactly are you looking to achieve say within the first year,you keep referencing these “benefits” your looking to achieve but at the same time blatantly neglecting to name what they are and purposefully ignoring anyone that asks what EXACTLY you want to achieve and how EXACTLY you are going to go about it!

Double post

And you have still not answered this question that was posted before you went shopping!

Is it or is it not free? I quote from your own forum.

100% for Truckers / Non-Profit / No Subscription / Just Unity

It does not state it is Free, it states there are no subscriptions
It cost £5 so we can have a recognition of numbers within the unity and under recognized name


Barrie Tozer:
It is a unity working together to achieve aims for the benefit of drivers in the UK

but what exactly are your aims and what exactly are you looking to achieve say within the first year,you keep referencing these “benefits” your looking to achieve but at the same time blatantly neglecting to name what they are and purposefully ignoring anyone that asks what EXACTLY you want to achieve and how EXACTLY you are going to go about it!

This why far earlier on in this topic, I asked drivers look at the website.
The issues we all know exist are what need to be addressed

Only unity will be able to address these issues and only a unity will be able to attempt in resolving them.

The work has already commenced by opening a door
So that we can address the issues we now need fact and so there are surveys in place

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
It is a unity working together to achieve aims for the benefit of drivers in the UK

but what exactly are your aims and what exactly are you looking to achieve say within the first year,you keep referencing these “benefits” your looking to achieve but at the same time blatantly neglecting to name what they are and purposefully ignoring anyone that asks what EXACTLY you want to achieve and how EXACTLY you are going to go about it!

This why far earlier on in this topic, I asked drivers look at the website.
The issues we all know exist are what need to be addressed

Only unity will be able to address these issues and only a unity will be able to attempt in resolving them.

The work has already commenced by opening a door
So that we can address the issues we now need fact and so there are surveys in place

Good lord,why so sketchy…and you wonder why people question your intentions.

Whilst myself and others STILL await answers to questions asked…

So you are a union in all but name?

Why did Truckers Moan cease to exist? How many people joined that scheme?
How many people have joined the PDU-UK in its various disguises?
Why the sudden push for more members when not too long ago you were throwing your toys out the pram (my personal opinion) and blaming named individuals for people not taking up the PDU-UK?

Barrie Tozer:
It therefore needed interest from large numbers to provide the funds to achieve these aims and even though only £25 it brought about doubt and trust and so soon realized that it was too big at the offset to achieve its aims.

But what about when you were charging £30 …

Where does the extra money go? Or are we starting to get to grips with the statement of £35000 per annum plus expenses, plus admin charge?


Barrie Tozer:
In an attempt to any a number of question in one go.

The “OLD” PDU was set up legitimately with correct procedures in place and it aimed at being far bigger than just a group to lobby drivers. As such it needed an income to pay full wages, part wages and others with expenses. A National Conference, meeting places and other expensive aims of a large organisation. Not knowing how many would join or the true cost it had to try and work out a cost that was not too much for drivers and yet still enable what it was trying to achieve.

It therefore needed interest from large numbers to provide the funds to achieve these aims and even though only £25 it brought about doubt and trust and so soon realized that it was too big at the offset to achieve its aims.

So with the major aim in uniting Drivers it was amended, So cut out the expense of some above and put the recognition of unity as its primary intention.

Without a means of recognition no one would be able to talk to drivers as a profession and so there is still a need for a unity under one name so that this recognition can be implemented.
So the “NEW” PDU was implemented

£5.00 to join so that there is a recognition of the unity under one name.

So with recognition anyone wanting to address drivers there is a name for contact and if Drivers want to address something to the Industry there is a name in which to use to do so.

£5.00 covers the cost of joining the name and recognition in doing so and it provides no income to the PDU.

With no income to the PDU then restructuring and its aims are now far more difficult as most of the work involved in achieving any improvements will need to be accomplished on a voluntary basis.

The PDU is there now as a point of contact, a recognition of a body of drivers as one within the name the PDU

As unity grows so the strength in unity grows and more are able to be involved in achieving the vital aims of improvements.

It is not about profit or income or one man.
It is a unity working together to achieve aims for the benefit of drivers in the UK

The ‘old’ PDU doesn’t seem to have ever been registered with the Certification Office as a union, so how is that set up ‘legitimately’?

Well after lying dormant for many users I am awakened from my slumbers by an old familiar smell. What could it be but nome other than the aroma of Mr Tozer. Is this old creaky geezer still on his get rich quick schemes. I waited a long time for my booking to be confirmed for the DCPC course and nodded off waiting for an answer. So I’m back now and having a quick read through of this thread and lo and behold, it’s the same old story.

  1. Ask question = Get ignored
  2. Ask again = same answer
  3. Keep asking = Get reply of those details will be finalised in coming days/weeks/months.
  4. Ask a probing question= Be called names and/or be regarded as someone who doesn’t understand or wants to derail the whole operation. Then systematically ignored unless to he named as someone who is a trouble maker and cannot see the greater good.
  5. Praise him and receive immediate answer showering you with plaudits about how you are part of the future etc…
    This bloke couldn’t sell air-conditioning to an Arab

No offence to others and I will continue to talk to you and answer questions.

I am ignoring tonka236 as he is being unwarranted and ruining a good debate for others.
So tonka236 as I am ignoring you please stop posting so others can ask warranted and respectful questions.

Many questions have been replied to in a honest nature, some very briefly as I am one and you are many.

Thank you Rikki for allowing the questions to continue.
Look on the website as more is clear and answered.

I have continuosly posted why the old pdu was closed down mainly due to big ambition that was undeliverable.

Understandable that some want the new pdu to also fail, but it will not as somehow Drivers in the UK need unity to be able to do anything and it will continue.

Some have even stated how this forum could campaign for change due to its numbers, but Rikki has always maintained its direction but it shows large numbers with in one place might influence change for the better.

Barrie Tozer:
No offence to others and I will continue to talk to you and answer questions.

I am ignoring tonka236 as he is being unwarranted and ruining a good debate for others.
So tonka236 as I am ignoring you please stop posting so others can ask warranted and respectful questions.

Many questions have been replied to in a honest nature, some very briefly as I am one and you are many.

Thank you Rikki for allowing the questions to continue.
Look on the website as more is clear and answered.

I have continuosly posted why the old pdu was closed down mainly due to big ambition that was undeliverable.

Understandable that some want the new pdu to also fail, but it will not as somehow Drivers in the UK need unity to be able to do anything and it will continue.

Some have even stated how this forum could campaign for change due to its numbers, but Rikki has always maintained its direction but it shows large numbers with in one place might influence change for the better.

Barrie you requested a "Q&A session " regarding the PDU. Questions are being put to you and continue to being put to you. Please answer the questions…

Personally this is where you miss the point completely. You want people to believe that the PDU is the way forward then you would answer any questions, show proof if requested and be safe in the knowledge that if one person is asking it then there will be others who are thinking it.

But alas, your normal MO comes out and so do the usual lines of “I’m ignoring …”
Which does contradict ignoring someone, but I’m not that pedantic :wink:

From what I can see you want a 30k+ salary for attending a few meetings a week/month and for being the “leader” of the campaign…maybe you should consider a move into politics as there are plenty in that game who do the same job as you are aiming for.

Well after lying dormant for many users I am awakened from my slumbers by an old familiar smell. What could it be but nome other than the aroma of Mr Tozer. Is this old creaky geezer still on his get rich quick schemes. I waited a long time for my booking to be confirmed for the DCPC course and nodded off waiting for an answer. So I’m back now and having a quick read through of this thread and lo and behold, it’s the same old story.

  1. Ask question = Get ignored
  2. Ask again = same answer
  3. Keep asking = Get reply of those details will be finalised in coming days/weeks/months.
  4. Ask a probing question= Be called names and/or be regarded as someone who doesn’t understand or wants to derail the whole operation. Then systematically ignored unless to he named as someone who is a trouble maker and cannot see the greater good.
  5. Praise him and receive immediate answer showering you with plaudits about how you are part of the future etc…
    This bloke couldn’t sell air-conditioning to an Arab

Might be best to go back being dormant as your post has no questions, and no relevance to the topic
thanks for waking up though :smiley:

From what I can see you want a 30k+ salary for attending a few meetings a week/month and for being the “leader” of the campaign…maybe you should consider a move into politics as there are plenty in that game who do the same job as you are aiming for.

A £30k salary on no profits is pretty difficult to achieve, in fact impossible

But hey never mind fact to try and close it down and ruin what others might want

First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Wonder if I put this here again whether it will get an answer…4th time lucky maybe.

Looking back there are 5 posters on here who do not want the PDU to succeed and will post anything to put others off.

Good on them.

It is very clear who are asking genuine questions.

The PDU is not yet perfect and one man will never make it.
It takes support, involvement, ideas and suggestions from many andthen the unity will gain the strength


First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Wonder if I put this here again whether it will get an answer…4th time lucky maybe.

It’s actually the fifth time.

You have posted it four times and I quoted it once as well :wink:

But who is counting :laughing:

The fact that you refer people to the website for answers instead of answering their questions directly on here shows that this is nothing more than being used as an advertisement tool

Give us some history.

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

Barrie Tozer:
Looking back there are 5 posters on here who do not want the PDU to succeed and will post anything to put others off.

Good on them.

It is very clear who are asking genuine questions.

The PDU is not yet perfect and one man will never make it.
It takes support, involvement, ideas and suggestions from many andthen the unity will gain the strength

You make assumptions that they don’t want you to succeed on the basis that they question what your motives are and you don’t like and refuse to answer direct questions,which in a Q&A thread seems a tad bit strange.
Your only serving to increase the doubt upon yourself from others with your constant statements that because people are questioning your motives it is because they are against you,maybe if you took a different path and addressed the concerns then people would be more convinced instead of brushing them aside,labelling them as “those that don’t want you to succeed”.