Not wages though (to hard a fight for a first one),

The problem with banging on about wages is not all of us feel hard done by.


First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:

Rikki kindly allowed it, ask him why

Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?

The aims are unity and then the unity working as one will move the direction the PDU will need to go to achieve improvements

Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.

The PDU will not be involved in any workplace disputes

From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.

To achieve aims you also make proposals on how to resolve those changes
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

All things take time, the first thing is unity so that as a group all can work on the targets to achieve

Wonder if I put this here again whether it will get an answer…4th time lucky maybe.


Not wages though (to hard a fight for a first one),

The problem with banging on about wages is not all of us feel hard done by.

Wages are a problem to some, but there are more concerning matters first


Give us some history.

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about

Barrie Tozer:


Give us some history.

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about

Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Be back later

Barrie Tozer:
Be back later

With answers?


Barrie Tozer:


Give us some history.

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about

Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Answered, The workplace is no concern for the PDU as said


Barrie Tozer:
Be back later

With answers?

:smiley: :smiley: Don’t be silly :smiley: :smiley:

OK, how about -
How many people have paid you either £30, £25 or £5?
How much do you still have outstanding on the cash that you have laid out?
Do you have a separate bank account for PDU-UK’s income and expenditure (not necessarily a business account)?

Barrie Tozer:

Well after lying dormant for many users I am awakened from my slumbers by an old familiar smell. What could it be but nome other than the aroma of Mr Tozer. Is this old creaky geezer still on his get rich quick schemes. I waited a long time for my booking to be confirmed for the DCPC course and nodded off waiting for an answer. So I’m back now and having a quick read through of this thread and lo and behold, it’s the same old story.

  1. Ask question = Get ignored
  2. Ask again = same answer
  3. Keep asking = Get reply of those details will be finalised in coming days/weeks/months.
  4. Ask a probing question= Be called names and/or be regarded as someone who doesn’t understand or wants to derail the whole operation. Then systematically ignored unless to he named as someone who is a trouble maker and cannot see the greater good.
  5. Praise him and receive immediate answer showering you with plaudits about how you are part of the future etc…
    This bloke couldn’t sell air-conditioning to an Arab

Might be best to go back being dormant as your post has no questions, and no relevance to the topic
thanks for waking up though :smiley:

Actually it has. As I pointed out you just revert to your old ways when questioned.
Tonka asks you questions that I see a lot of others want answering and you do your usual. I refuse to answer acknowledge the person or the question.
How do you ever expect to run a Union with such an attitude. Anything that is asked that could be seen as slightly deeper than a piece of paper you avoid at all costs. Speaking of which due to the “administrative” fee you must be registered somewhere so could you please show us the legally relevant information to which you have gone through these motions. Others have asked about Sole Trader, Ltd Company, Charity etc. Could you provide us with this information before asking someone to part with their earnings. How about confirming your current employment status? Are you currently employed and if not are you declaring this “income”.

I think this post should be deleted. This is not a proper Q&A session more a platform for advertising the PDU and Mr Tozer who is posting a lot but not answering the questions. I am bored with his answers they are all standard replies no depth no information in fact I know nothing more about what he is doing. Few members are posting due to lack of interest and if TN is a cross section of drivers I think it is shouting out this is a dead end group. Delete it unless he answers the relevant questions. I have no gripe with anyone but juse see someone who really has no idea of what he is going to do with this group except unity FFS drivers will never unite that is fact and if we want change so much we can start harassing our proper unions as PDU will never have power to change anything in it#s present format

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:


Give us some history.

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about

Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Answered, The workplace is no concern for the PDU as said

I want your history. Your credentials for becoming an advocate of drivers. Your past record of achievement with your own employers.

If you can’t provide that, how are we able to judge if you can do it for us?

Can you answer any of these background questions?

I want your history. Your credentials for becoming an advocate of drivers. Your past record of achievement with your own employers.

If you can’t provide that, how are we able to judge if you can do it for us?

Can you answer any of these background questions?

Eventually there will be a response of some kind forth coming.

However, to keep this at the top of the forum and therefore gain maximum exposure for his scheme then it would be best suited to allow this thread to continue for a while with spasmodic bumps back to the top.

Oh and seeing as this is a question and answer thread…

Hope that makes sense? :wink:

I asked a similar question Honked, the only answer I got was he was a tramper for 30 years. Its all a bit vague. :unamused:

I put more of a bio about myself in the short paragraph at the start of my Diary for Day thread, it’s such a basic thing, not hard to do. If he can’t provide basic details about himself, I can’t see how he can provide you with details of an organisation that has undergone several changes recently…

I think this post should be deleted. This is not a proper Q&A session more a platform for advertising the PDU and Mr Tozer who is posting a lot but not answering the questions.

Advertising other groups is against the forum guidelines, However given the nature of this “Q&A” Barrie is entitled to state his past and current positions of his organisation. However there is a fine line between explaining a position and actively promoting a group. Barrie is aware of our rules and I am sure is endeavouring not to cross them. As for Barries answers, You may not like the answers given, in the same way that Barrie may not like some of the questions asked, however as long as both stay within our rules they will remain. It is up to members/Barrie to decide for themselves whether the questions/answers are valid/reasonable.

If enough drivers think they need a voice to try to improve the industry and their lot why don’t they get an already established union with some clout to fight their corner ? Just askin !

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Still waiting for a reply to this.

The PDU will not be involved in workplace disputes, It is more the National issues we are concerned about
Still waiting for an answer not a tag line.

Answered, The workplace is no concern for the PDU as said
I want your history. Your credentials for becoming an advocate of drivers. Your past record of achievement with your own employers.

If you can’t provide that, how are we able to judge if you can do it for us?

Can you answer any of these background questions?
as expressed in an answer, within the workplace I and most sort out their own issues within their working environment, move on to better jobs or negotiate better work.

The PDU is not interested or going to be involved in work place issues.

The PDU want to tackle issues no “single” driver can do anything about at a higher level than the workplace.

This I do have some experience with:-

I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

As you will recognize, I have experience at contacting people, arranging meetings and taking your issues forward to the people who can make the changes for the better.

If enough drivers think they need a voice to try to improve the industry and their lot why don’t they get an already established union with some clout to fight their corner ? Just askin !

Most unions still have an important place in offering good “local” dispute help and looking after their members.

Unfortunately they fail to do anything about the National issues.

Where were they to speak up for Drivers with POA, WTD, CPC etc

Where were they to speak up for Drivers with POA, WTD, CPC etc ?

Thought those rules came from Brussels and as our government cant fight against those cretins what chance would any union have ?