Things to do, so will hopefully be back to answer questions later

The PDU cannot run itself

Barrie Tozer:

If this is a 'union ’ has it been registered with the Certification Office?

It is not a Union … nisations/

I thought because you had a defined structure and a committee of drivers and an income of over £5000 you needed to be registered? In essence you are running a book club then.


Barrie Tozer:
Well I can only apologize if you are unable to read what you do not want to hear.

You only read what suits your own requirement.

The Q&A is going well other than those who are unable to accept an answer that is not what they wanted.

I’ll shut up now and wait for an answer to this then…


First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Can I have a response to this please,I have asked 3 times now.

You’ll be waiting a while…I have been :smiley:

Barrie Tozer:
Things to do, so will hopefully be back to answer questions later

The PDU cannot run itself

He’s off to add up how much he has earned himself in “Administration charges” typing all these replies :laughing:

While you clearly have some old axes being ground against you Barrie, might I suggest that the only way you can distance yourself from these accusations and screenshots of “old” incarnations of your organisation, is to re-brand it totally.

You can’t blame people for being a little bit dubious, even if what you say is true, and that these things are out of date, you current incarnation is too close to the old one causing confusion.

Also I don’t feel you can’t just dismiss people’s concerns as IRRELEVENT, and then ignore it. Leaders face tough questions, not ignore them.

My thoughts as well.
As harsh as it sounds the only chance for PDU to succeed is for it to fail.

Weird logic I know but Barrie has a dream and lets face it as dreams go its a bloody good one (Driver Unity, One Voice etc) but in order for that seed to grow it needs a fertile field to plant it and then enough drivers to come along and water, nuture it into something great.

So first off the £5 needs dropping, no need to put obsticles however small in the way from the get go, secondly what you need is a place where drivers both young and old find themselves either regularly or from time to time or just passing through, a place that has a plethora of information for drivers both noobs and old hands and a place with a lite touch moderation technique that not only allows freedom of expression and topic tangents but allows drivers to do what they do best, moan.
That place is obviously here.

Perhaps some thoughts are already taking place behind the scenes at how Trucknet can make a name for itself by combining its members voices and campaigning for stuff.

By working together perhaps your dream can grow beyond even your wildest ehhhh dreams but infighting, tough questions, squabbles, girly tantrums are all part and parcel of a drivers psyche.
I can only show you the path I dont have the balls to walk it.

I also sense some frustrations creeping in Barrie which is expected due to you fighting your corner single handed which in my book deserves total respect for what you are trying to do.

Build it and they will come is often thrown about but its already built what we need to do is find a way to stop it collapsing, find something we all want to fight for and your onto a winner. Not wages though (to hard a fight for a first one), better facilities perhaps especially for ladies. After all if men cant fix things the women certainley can.

Pick your first battle wisely, one small victory is the first step on the road to recognition and media attention, both key formulae in the success of any organisation.



Barrie Tozer:
Well I can only apologize if you are unable to read what you do not want to hear.

You only read what suits your own requirement.

The Q&A is going well other than those who are unable to accept an answer that is not what they wanted.

I’ll shut up now and wait for an answer to this then…


First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Can I have a response to this please,I have asked 3 times now.

You’ll be waiting a while…I have been :smiley:

Its a good thing you didnt say you will hold your breath isnt it :wink: :wink:

Is it or is it not free? I quote from your own forum.

100% for Truckers / Non-Profit / No Subscription / Just Unity

And by the way would someone care to name someone else who is fighting for your rights to protect something about your job.
And I don’t mean your 50 pence you cant account for, god help you something’s have to start somewhere, but there’s not a hope when you have people who haven’t even given any money ask about the 50 pence difference, just goes to show how low the job has become and the people who ask must be below the minimum wage and that’s a lot.
What you people need is a bit of respect for yourselves, its not the end of the world but you will always be the bottom of the barrel because you don’t have support and respect for yourself but you can if you believe there is something better out there.
God there is some sad people out there 50 pence yes you heard me 50 pence, that would be a little below what a tramper works for per hour sleeping in a truck, but not a lot if you work it out over 24 hours work and that’s why there on here because they earn so little and have to account for every penny

It’s not the 50p from me, it’s the hundreds (possibly thousands) of 50p’s that he is going to collect - what happens to them? And the hundreds (possibly thousand) of £5 notes he is going to collect after his £1200 investment has been repaid? He says “non-profit” as if that means he will give the money away…
No,let the grown-ups talk in peace please.


Barrie Tozer:
Things to do, so will hopefully be back to answer questions later

The PDU cannot run itself

He’s off to add up how much he has earned himself in “Administration charges” typing all these replies :laughing:

Postings with no questions only insinuation and accusation

some can never accept the truth if it does not suit them and thier own agenda :unamused:


While you clearly have some old axes being ground against you Barrie, might I suggest that the only way you can distance yourself from these accusations and screenshots of “old” incarnations of your organisation, is to re-brand it totally.

You can’t blame people for being a little bit dubious, even if what you say is true, and that these things are out of date, you current incarnation is too close to the old one causing confusion.

Also I don’t feel you can’t just dismiss people’s concerns as IRRELEVENT, and then ignore it. Leaders face tough questions, not ignore them.

My thoughts as well.
As harsh as it sounds the only chance for PDU to succeed is for it to fail.

Weird logic I know but Barrie has a dream and lets face it as dreams go its a bloody good one (Driver Unity, One Voice etc) but in order for that seed to grow it needs a fertile field to plant it and then enough drivers to come along and water, nuture it into something great.

So first off the £5 needs dropping, no need to put obsticles however small in the way from the get go, secondly what you need is a place where drivers both young and old find themselves either regularly or from time to time or just passing through, a place that has a plethora of information for drivers both noobs and old hands and a place with a lite touch moderation technique that not only allows freedom of expression and topic tangents but allows drivers to do what they do best, moan.
That place is obviously here.

Perhaps some thoughts are already taking place behind the scenes at how Trucknet can make a name for itself by combining its members voices and campaigning for stuff.

By working together perhaps your dream can grow beyond even your wildest ehhhh dreams but infighting, tough questions, squabbles, girly tantrums are all part and parcel of a drivers psyche.
I can only show you the path I dont have the balls to walk it.

I also sense some frustrations creeping in Barrie which is expected due to you fighting your corner single handed which in my book deserves total respect for what you are trying to do.

Build it and they will come is often thrown about but its already built what we need to do is find a way to stop it collapsing, find something we all want to fight for and your onto a winner. Not wages though (to hard a fight for a first one), better facilities perhaps especially for ladies. After all if men cant fix things the women certainley can.

Pick your first battle wisely, one small victory is the first step on the road to recognition and media attention, both key formulae in the success of any organisation.

Thank you
The PDU can only grow with good suggestion, ideas and then work together to make it truly beneficial
Nothing is right or perfect unless many get involved so it suits all within.

Takes time for a tree to grow from a seed

Shopping now with the Mrs :frowning:

Talk more later

Dont worry I have numbered the first one for you

Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

1- Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity?
2- who are its board members?
3- what are their policies?
4- are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? You cant just say “It is not a 5- Union and in a sense it is not a Organisation” Legally it either is or isnt
6- do they have an article of memorandum and article of association?
7- do they have a constitution,
8- who sets their policies?
9- what is the membership fee for?
10- what are their responsibilities?
11- where are the accounts filed?
12- where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts?
13 -who is allowed to vote on their policies?
14- what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk?
15- who can form a committee, and what is the process?
16- how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history?
17 - who voted them in, and what are their roles?
18- are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc?
19- who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk?
20- is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join (Please see earlier comment) and if so who or what are they joining and what for?
21- who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures?
22- who pays for any expenditures?
23- who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf


First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Can I have a response to this please,I have asked 3 times now.


As said other questions have been asked already on this thread with little coming back in the way of answers.

Let’s start with a basic one, how many paid up members of the PDU-UK are there?
How many members of truckers moan were there? You know the ploy as it was back then?
Why do YOUR websites still show your name when they state that a wage of £35000 plus expenses will be the maximum paid to anyone working within the PDU-UK? Especially considering the fact that, that is the reason why you can not lower the price to less than £30 per annum.
Why did the libel shutting down post get removed from your website but not Facebook?
Why did you organise a protest of the dCPC in 2012 some three years AFTER it came into force? Numerous years after it was ever thought up off?
Oh and just how much were your dCPC training modules again?
How long is “lifetime” in the eyes of the PDU-UK?
Who gets to decide who is in what role of your Union? When can we see the results?

I assume from your earlier comment, regarding using the name “Truckersworld”, to open doors etc that you haven’t been using this recently? (Please see attached photo which you might like to explain considering you keep asking for money for your previous 14years of schemes

I’m sure there will be other questions but food is going cold in all honesty

Give us some history.

Who you work for. The challenges you faced in your own workplace.
What you have achieved within it and how.
How many of your own drivers support your actions in your workplace.
What are the next phases of changes you are discussing with your employer and how are they going.

Put some meat on the bones and I will gladly support a movement to improves conditions. But just as I wouldn’t trust my mrs to change a spare wheel, she is tip top at washing the pots.

Barrie Tozer:
Shopping now with the Mrs :frowning:

Talk more later

I’m off for a quick shop myself, if I may make a little suggestion for some relief take a look at and maybe participate in a few other threads, come and get to know us a bit we ain’t all bad, except nightline who’s barking :wink:.

Don’t be constrained to one topic, even try Bully’s for some respite from Q & A.

Barrie, I have been sat on the outside looking in, I am now out of road haulage and have been for a number of years and as such I am impartial and am looking objectively at this with no agenda, loyalty or bias.
I have spent the last 5 years contracted to the job centre as a small business mentor for new business start ups (this encompassed sole traders, Ltd companies, C.I.C’s and charities) and helped many, many unemployed successfully start a business / organisation.

You state many times your organisation is not for profit. You also state you have no need to keep accounts.

What research have you conducted into the legalities of running a not for profit organisation?

Barrie Tozer:

If you only have 30-40p left from the £5 membership fee, why the need for the initial £25 fee? What was the other £20.20 going to be used for?

Not avoiding this and will answer tomorrow

For now an old man needs his beauty sleep to try and get rid or the 100s of wrinkles

Look forward to more civil discussion tomorrow

thanks for keeping it pretty much on topic

I gave you the benefit of the doubt last night but this reply seemed to have a bit of the old “running away because I have no answer” to it since any half decent business man knows where every penny is going BEFORE asking people for money. You must have some idea but you still havn’t answered it but you keep saying you are not for profit and the its went from 40-50p left to 30-40p and now its the whole £5 that’s being spent. So what was the other £20 for? The price of stickers hasn’t fallen that much in 5 months. Im not one of the ones who grudges you a bit of profit for yourself from this but £20 at even only 1000 members is still £10,000 which is a nice amount to invest. This is where the skeptism is coming from with members who feel you just wanted them to fund your retirement and im sorry, but you need to convince people this is not the case and having a dig at everyone who voices this opinion will not convince anyone they are wrong
You havn’t really explained just HOW you are going to achieve your aims and what your plans are (unless I missed it) but you’re quick to have a go at anyone who doesnt gush with praise and thank you for setting this up.
If you DO get this off the ground and you lobby for change, do you think the powers that be, nimbys, cycling groups, motoring groups etc will just roll over straight away? You’re going to meet serious opposition to your proposals and some of it will spill over to the lowest form of their members directing hatred and name calling at you. You’re not going to get far with the attitude you’ve displayed so far.
You havn’t explained to anyone how you are going to approach the powers that be for change and what your strategy will be. At the moment it sounds like your going to paint “better conditions for truckers” on a bed sheet and stand at the side of the road waving it.

And you have still not answered this question that was posted before you went shopping!

Is it or is it not free? I quote from your own forum.

100% for Truckers / Non-Profit / No Subscription / Just Unity

How come not too long ago you were giving up the PDU-UK and closing it down?
At no point did anyone drag your family into the questions that were asked.
The same questions that were asked on here by another member, which you still havent answered.

Oh and we shall ignore the libel comments contained within the following photos for the moment

Why the sudden push for new members considering you have pushed the similar schemes since “Truckers Moan” back in 2002?

To any member asking questions which go against Mr Tozer’s point of view, then you could also have your name placed on his website as the reason it all failed, even though he admits uptake has been very low :wink:

Close 1.jpg

Close 2.jpg


Judging by that first pic in your post, Barrie must be in his 60’s going by his work record.