Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused: if it does not suit his/their requirements in putting others of in an attempt to shut the PDU even if it is aimed at helping other Drivers

He asked :arrow_right: At what point will you start taking a wage?
I answered Never, a truthful answer as with £5 going out for every £5 coming in then there will never be an income to fund a wage

Unfortunately my answer does not suit his requirement in making the PDU look bad
So he digs up past, old and dead footage to make it look like a lie which better suits his requirement in putting others off

Hold on!!! How is it ‘old and dead footage’ when it quite clearly states members paying £5 each and not £25■■? If that site had said 25 then it is obviously old BUT it doesn’t … it says £5 and therefore must have been written recently. I reiterate … you’re just trying to fund your retirement.

I will be a rich man on a retirement of non-profit

So how much will be your Admin fees? £35k a year :laughing:

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused: if it does not suit his/their requirements in putting others of in an attempt to shut the PDU even if it is aimed at helping other Drivers

He asked :arrow_right: At what point will you start taking a wage?
I answered Never, a truthful answer as with £5 going out for every £5 coming in then there will never be an income to fund a wage

Unfortunately my answer does not suit his requirement in making the PDU look bad
So he digs up past, old and dead footage to make it look like a lie which better suits his requirement in putting others off

Hold on!!! How is it ‘old and dead footage’ when it quite clearly states members paying £5 each and not £25■■? If that site had said 25 then it is obviously old BUT it doesn’t … it says £5 and therefore must have been written recently. I reiterate … you’re just trying to fund your retirement.

I will be a rich man on a retirement of non-profit

A retirement of 35k a year wages is a steady little retirement though…you keep dressing it up as “non-profit” but your looking to take 35k a year from it plus 20k for administration too,would this position be filled by a member of your family?
If so that’s 55k a year of “non-profit” coming in as a wage,that’s quite a healthy retirement plan.
Have you considered becoming a politician,I hear their expenses are quite lucrative too.

It is quite interesting that the majority of the questions are coming from those that have no intention of joining or wanting unity (their perogative)

Yet they continually dig up old quotes and snapshots to put others of and undermine its aims in trying to achieve improvements.


but will continue with a committee of like minded Drivers who want to improve things.

If you have no intention of joining then why not instead of trying to undermine or by digging up dirt of some kind leave it to those who want unity to ask questions before they consider joining it

Doing no one any favours in trying to kill of a possibly way to actually do something for the better and benefit of drivers.


Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused: if it does not suit his/their requirements in putting others of in an attempt to shut the PDU even if it is aimed at helping other Drivers

He asked :arrow_right: At what point will you start taking a wage?
I answered Never, a truthful answer as with £5 going out for every £5 coming in then there will never be an income to fund a wage

Unfortunately my answer does not suit his requirement in making the PDU look bad
So he digs up past, old and dead footage to make it look like a lie which better suits his requirement in putting others off

Hold on!!! How is it ‘old and dead footage’ when it quite clearly states members paying £5 each and not £25■■? If that site had said 25 then it is obviously old BUT it doesn’t … it says £5 and therefore must have been written recently. I reiterate … you’re just trying to fund your retirement.

I will be a rich man on a retirement of non-profit

So how much will be your Admin fees? £35k a year :laughing:

Unfortunately some will never accept the truth if it does not suit their own ambitions.


Barrie Tozer:
Hold on!!! How is it ‘old and dead footage’ when it quite clearly states members paying £5 each and not £25■■? If that site had said 25 then it is obviously old BUT it doesn’t … it says £5 and therefore must have been written recently. I reiterate … you’re just trying to fund your retirement.

Barrie,you keep saying its non-profit but your aim is to recieve a 35k salary,plus 20k for administration costs.
Also you refuse to answer certain questions because you claim they come from people that have no intention of joining the PDU but have you thought that MAYBE those people want answers before joining so why not try answering them?!

Barrie Tozer:
It is quite interesting that the majority of the questions are coming from those that have no intention of joining or wanting unity (their perogative)

Yet they continually dig up old quotes and snapshots to put others of and undermine its aims in trying to achieve improvements.


but will continue with a committee of like minded Drivers who want to improve things.

If you have no intention of joining then why not instead of trying to undermine or by digging up dirt of some kind leave it to those who want unity to ask questions before they consider joining it

Doing no one any favours in trying to kill of a possibly way to actually do something for the better and benefit of drivers.

I will think you’ll find that those speaking out against this scheme have the very best intentions towards protecting the membership from loosing even more of their hard earned on something you will never get off the ground. You have and always will have your own agenda a bit like Hitler did back in the day. :unamused:

To date I have answered all questions respectfully

The majority from those who cannot accept the past is the past and move on to better things because they prefer to try and shut down the PDU-UK or damage it

The old PDU was to ambitious and a mistake I accept

The new PDU-UK still has the same priority in trying to unite Drivers

With unity and then working together we can try to also make those improvements many want and need.

Be far more beneficial to all to ask questions about what might be possible than to continually drag up what was not.

For 20/30 years Drivers have had no say or part in this massive Industry, so maybe it is time to try and unite so you can have a say and this is the ambitious aim of the PDU

Barrie Tozer:
If you have no intention of joining then why not instead of trying to undermine or by digging up dirt of some kind leave it to those who want unity to ask questions before they consider joining it

Because its NOT a PDU-UK promotion, you asked for a Q&A session about it and you got one . How you think its going for you so far ?

From what i can see, you’ve said you get what you pay for, so you’ve reduced the price from £25 to £5, there’s no named committee so far, hard to believe after all this time that you have no comittee, and there’s no accounts either as its “Non Profit” . Thats roughly where we’re up to with the Q&A so far ?


Barrie Tozer:
It is quite interesting that the majority of the questions are coming from those that have no intention of joining or wanting unity (their perogative)

Yet they continually dig up old quotes and snapshots to put others of and undermine its aims in trying to achieve improvements.


but will continue with a committee of like minded Drivers who want to improve things.

If you have no intention of joining then why not instead of trying to undermine or by digging up dirt of some kind leave it to those who want unity to ask questions before they consider joining it

Doing no one any favours in trying to kill of a possibly way to actually do something for the better and benefit of drivers.

I will think you’ll find that those speaking out against this scheme have the very best intentions towards protecting the membership from loosing even more of their hard earned on something you will never get off the ground. You have and always will have your own agenda a bit like Hitler did back in the day. :unamused:

Some like you will simply never accept that something could actually be of benefit to Drivers in general.
It is of the ground and those who can see further than their own agenda can recognize that only with unity something can be achieved.

Most of those trying to undermine its intention have done nothing for others, at least the PDU is trying to do something

Barrie Tozer:
To date I have answered all questions respectfully

Be far more beneficial to all to ask questions about what might be possible than to continually drag up what was not.

TheBear has asked questions on an earlier page which still goes unanswered. (Don’t worry Bear, I have asked those very questions for a while now and still got no answer)
I have also asked questions, same as others.

You wanted a “Q&A” session then answer the questions put to you instead of trying to belittle the poster as is your MO

First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Can I have a response to this please,I have asked 3 times now.

While you clearly have some old axes being ground against you Barrie, might I suggest that the only way you can distance yourself from these accusations and screenshots of “old” incarnations of your organisation, is to re-brand it totally.

You can’t blame people for being a little bit dubious, even if what you say is true, and that these things are out of date, you current incarnation is too close to the old one causing confusion.

Also I don’t feel you can’t just dismiss people’s concerns as IRRELEVENT, and then ignore it. Leaders face tough questions, not ignore them.


Barrie Tozer:
If you have no intention of joining then why not instead of trying to undermine or by digging up dirt of some kind leave it to those who want unity to ask questions before they consider joining it

Because its NOT a PDU-UK promotion, you asked for a Q&A session about it and you got one . How you think its going for you so far ?

From what i can see, you’ve said you get what you pay for, so you’ve reduced the price from £25 to £5, there’s no named committee so far, hard to believe after all this time that you have no comittee, and there’s no accounts either as its “Non Profit” . Thats roughly where we’re up to with the Q&A so far ?

Well I can only apologize if you are unable to read what you do not want to hear.

You only read what suits your own requirement.

The Q&A is going well other than those who are unable to accept an answer that is not what they wanted.

You state that you are a not for profit therefore do not need accounts, however my understanding is that if there is an income in excess of £5000 you need to be registered with the charity commision. Is the PDU registered as such?

You seem to be very wary regarding any financial questions which brings anything you are trying to achieve into the realms of a profit for yourself entity.

Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity, who are its board members, what are their policies, are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? do they have an article of memorandum and article of association, do they have a constitution, who sets their policies, what is the membership fee for, what are their responsibilities, where are the accounts filed, where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts, who is allowed to vote on their policies, what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk, who can form a committee, and what is the process, how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history, who voted them in, and what are their roles, are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc, who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk, is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join, and if so who or what are they joining and what for, who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures, who pays for any expenditures, who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf

None of this has been answered

The questions I posed, still go unanswered, the questions others have posed still go without answer

I’m starting to spot a theme here

Barrie Tozer:
Well I can only apologize if you are unable to read what you do not want to hear.

You only read what suits your own requirement.

The Q&A is going well other than those who are unable to accept an answer that is not what they wanted.

I’ll shut up now and wait for an answer to this then…


First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Can I have a response to this please,I have asked 3 times now.

If this is a 'union ’ has it been registered with the Certification Office?

While you clearly have some old axes being ground against you Barrie, might I suggest that the only way you can distance yourself from these accusations and screenshots of “old” incarnations of your organisation, is to re-brand it totally.

You can’t blame people for being a little bit dubious, even if what you say is true, and that these things are out of date, you current incarnation is too close to the old one causing confusion.

Also I don’t feel you can’t just dismiss people’s concerns as IRRELEVENT, and then ignore it. Leaders face tough questions, not ignore them.

Whatever name me or someone else comes up with it does not really matter

The importance is in trying to unite Drivers so something can be done in the future.

I will continue to answer questions even of no irrelevant, but some are just not able to accept an answer that does not suit them and continually bring up a other twisted way of asking the same one.

Their one aim is to make the PDU look bad


Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity, who are its board members, what are their policies, are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? do they have an article of memorandum and article of association, do they have a constitution, who sets their policies, what is the membership fee for, what are their responsibilities, where are the accounts filed, where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts, who is allowed to vote on their policies, what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk, who can form a committee, and what is the process, how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history, who voted them in, and what are their roles, are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc, who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk, is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join, and if so who or what are they joining and what for, who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures, who pays for any expenditures, who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf

None of this has been answered

The questions I posed, still go unanswered, the questions others have posed still go without answer

I’m starting to spot a theme here

If you care to look it was answered not long ago

If this is a 'union ’ has it been registered with the Certification Office?

It is not a Union