So I return after just over four hours and find Mr Tozer has answered just ONE question and even that answer is very contradictory.

Barrie Tozer:

Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?


Then further down, someone reposts a statement from his website where he states he will never take more than £35,000!!! That is pretty big hearted of you, Mr Tozer!

I’m going to be so bold as to suggest that Mr Tozer, having got bored or finding himself incapable, of driving a truck any longer is, in fact, looking to get his fellow truck drivers to fund his retirement.

There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused: if it does not suit his/their requirements in putting others of in an attempt to shut the PDU even if it is aimed at helping other Drivers

He asked :arrow_right: At what point will you start taking a wage?
I answered Never, a truthful answer as with £5 going out for every £5 coming in then there will never be an income to fund a wage

Unfortunately my answer does not suit his requirement in making the PDU look bad

So he digs up past, old and dead footage to make it look like a lie which better suits his requirement in putting others off

If I was asked high old I am and I answered 60
Some on here would say it is a lie as I was 59 If it better suits their own agenda

If I am asked a question, I will answer it, but those who want the PDU to fail for their own reason will do anything to undermine, put others off and shut the PDU down. (their perogative)

Th old format of the PDU was shut down as it was too ambitious for what drivers wanted and the format was amended so the PDU can still try and create unity and then try to improve conditions.

You can dig up what was to try and make my answers look a lie to suit your requirements.

Unfortunately due to your actions you could damage what might be a unity beneficial to the many if it can move forward and improve conditions.

Consider others and not just your own aim to put others off, if it is not for you then fair enough but it might help others.

Questions will be answered honestly so on we go


Barrie Tozer:

Barrie i understand why you wanted to unite drivers, I can see it as a good idea, BUT you used the name union or unite most of us dont want to have anything to do with unions, Also Ive never understood WHY you and Rikki havent got in a room and battered this out to do something together , Yes Rikki i know its just a forum and you dont want to get involved.

You guys have so much say within the industry together is ther ever a chance of you getting your heads together and working side by side to give the industry a voice ( A campaigning voice)?.

Opportunities have been missed for years forget the past …is there a future for an alliance?

Union or unite, try to forget and see it as just a group of like minded drivers working together to achieve improvements. The name or title is not important.

Rikki has always been adamant the this forum will never go into camapaigning and he has stuck to his guns to make TN the biggest so credit to him.
It is possibly this that has caused disagreements in the past.

All said he is allowing this Q&A topic about the PDU (thanks)

I would request that even those that might support me or the PDU show due respect to those who do not.
I understand and respect, suspicion, doubt or whatever, (and some hold big grudges)
This why I am willing to come on here and answer questions.
Keep it civil please.

Can you answer the questions in post 2&3 of page 3 on this thread as you seem to be deliberately avoiding any questions that ask you anything you can’t answer in a couple of words.

Quote and re quote it will it still be ignored by Mr Tozer■■?

Basically the idea is sound but unfortunately hard bitten truckers have no need for this at all. We have problems we try and sort them ourselves and usually do. As you are currently a tramper where might I ask do you or will you find the time to do all these things you say you are going to do

I have been managing for 14 years and will continue to do what I can

I had a gander at the web page and though the premise might be okay I doubt whether any government body will pay much attention a small band of people or are you going to be the sole spokesman person representing drivers. It is more like a club to me with a membership fee and I honestly believe that out of the 1000’s of drivers on the roads here you won’t get too many takers
How many have already paid and signed up to it? Have the members on the group page all signed up or are they like me just going in to have a gander and see if anything is happening to make it worth the punt to join. But I doubt I will be joining a small club with no clout.

It is and will continue as a unity and Drivers working together to try and improve conditions. As with the Meeting with the RHA, I opened the door so a group of Drivers can now meet and discuss their concerns as a “lobby”

To improve drivers wages and conditions you would need to talk to every haulage company as each one is different the jobs are different so different jobs different wages That is a mammoth task Unity in this profession is something even god couldn’t manage some of the drivers in my place don’t even talk to each other bar a good morning or see you around

I think most would agree the Industry needs to change their tactics to improve and then they can improve the drivers lot

£5 is not a lot of money but if you take money off people to join there is a legal road you have to go down It could be a business a charity a political party you still have to register with the appropriate authorities Financial transactions are a legal minefield Have you done that? The members are effectively buying their packs from you so that that makes it a business in a way It is not a charity not a union so exactly what is it? Don’t say a platform you keep repeating that as that doesn’t make sense to me

There is no legal requirement if no profit is taken although the PDU is keeping accounts in case the question is asked by HRMC or other.

People will have to take time off work to go to these meetings and suppose pay their own expenses so they lose a days pay and have to fork out money to go to meetings. Have you considered this?

This was the original reason for a Subscription so those helping others could have been reimbursed their expenses, but now there is no fund there are still some who have joined who are willing to give up their time to help other drivers

My other comment is vista do very good cards for a lot less than you paid did you shop around for the best value?

You get the quality you pay for and to date no member has complained about the cost of their Welcome package

Barrie = answers in Blue

Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused:

He’s also asked about the PDU-UK “structure” , none of this has been answered ?

Barrie Tozer:
Unfortunately due to your actions you could damage what might be a unity beneficial to the many if it can move forward and improve conditions.

Have you considered that it may infact be your own actions that damage a unity beneficial to many (bad communication)?
Maybe you’re not the right person to drive this Unity forward, who are the others who will help drive it forward at meetings and round tables and so forth ?



Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity, who are its board members, what are their policies, are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? do they have an article of memorandum and article of association, do they have a constitution, who sets their policies, what is the membership fee for, what are their responsibilities, where are the accounts filed, where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts, who is allowed to vote on their policies, what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk, who can form a committee, and what is the process, how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history, who voted them in, and what are their roles, are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc, who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk, is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join, and if so who or what are they joining and what for, who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures, who pays for any expenditures, who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf

I’m going to have a cheeky fiver on none of the above being answered fully.

Of course not . he doesn’t have the answers

As the PDU-UK is non-profit 90% of those questions have no relevance.

Although the PDU will still have a committee of Drivers so the unity can try to represent a broad and diverse workforce to the best of its ability

£5 is not a lot of money but if you take money off people to join there is a legal road you have to go down It could be a business a charity a political party you still have to register with the appropriate authorities Financial transactions are a legal minefield Have you done that? The members are effectively buying their packs from you so that that makes it a business in a way It is not a charity not a union so exactly what is it? Don’t say a platform you keep repeating that as that doesn’t make sense to me

There is no legal requirement if no profit is taken although the PDU is keeping accounts in case the question is asked by HRMC or other.

Of course there is!!!
Your providing a service in at a cost to the customer,you are selling them “a product” you need to be registered as a company.

Barrie Tozer:
You get the quality you pay for and to date no member has complained about the cost of their Welcome package

Barrie = answers in Blue

Although no complaint, it looks like many have taken/asked whatever their money back. Do you know why ?



Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused:

He’s also asked about the PDU-UK “structure” , none of this has been answered ?

Barrie Tozer:
Unfortunately due to your actions you could damage what might be a unity beneficial to the many if it can move forward and improve conditions.

Have you considered that it may infact be your own actions that damage a unity beneficial to many (bad communication)?
Maybe you’re not the right person to drive this Unity forward, who are the others who will help drive it forward at meetings and round tables and so forth ?

As just quoted, there will be a proper committee of Drivers so as to try and represent a broad and diverse workforce


Barrie Tozer:
You get the quality you pay for and to date no member has complained about the cost of their Welcome package

Barrie = answers in Blue

Although no complaint, it looks like many have taken/asked whatever their money back. Do you know why ?


Thank you, the above prove that as the “old” PDU were unable to achieve its aims drivers got full refunds.

The PDU is not about making money but trying to help Drivers

First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused:

He’s also asked about the PDU-UK “structure” , none of this has been answered ?

Barrie Tozer:
Unfortunately due to your actions you could damage what might be a unity beneficial to the many if it can move forward and improve conditions.

Have you considered that it may infact be your own actions that damage a unity beneficial to many (bad communication)?
Maybe you’re not the right person to drive this Unity forward, who are the others who will help drive it forward at meetings and round tables and so forth ?

As just quoted, there will be a proper committee of Drivers so as to try and represent a broad and diverse workforce

But no names just yet ?


Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?

You mean that wage…?

( please refer to screenshot above that Tonka posted)

Well thanks for posting that think it says it all! IT IS A UNION AS IT CLEARLY STATES IT. How can anyone join this scheme( and it clearly is a scheme) when Mr Tozzer blatantly lies about what it is. On his own figures it states a minimum wage of 35k!! Not to shabby for a start.Sorry this is a scam and I’m surprised to see trucknet being used as a vehicle to peddle it when it has clearly failed on his own site and Facebook group. :open_mouth:

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
You get the quality you pay for and to date no member has complained about the cost of their Welcome package

Barrie = answers in Blue

Although no complaint, it looks like many have taken/asked whatever their money back. Do you know why ?


Thank you, the above prove that as the “old” PDU were unable to achieve its aims drivers got full refunds.

The PDU is not about making money but trying to help Drivers

You’re missing the point. No one can complain about a cost of a welcome package if they’ve had it refunded. I’m asking, why did they accept a refund. Can you give an example of what the “old” PDU could not achieve ? What where the PDU’s limitations in this case ?


Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused:

He’s also asked about the PDU-UK “structure” , none of this has been answered ?

Barrie Tozer:
Unfortunately due to your actions you could damage what might be a unity beneficial to the many if it can move forward and improve conditions.

Have you considered that it may infact be your own actions that damage a unity beneficial to many (bad communication)?
Maybe you’re not the right person to drive this Unity forward, who are the others who will help drive it forward at meetings and round tables and so forth ?

As just quoted, there will be a proper committee of Drivers so as to try and represent a broad and diverse workforce

But no names just yet ?

No, but the committee will be in place before any meetings to discuss issues or improvements. Some members have already shown an interest, but it may help getting more driversso the committee can be from all walks in the job



Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?

You mean that wage…?

Well thanks for posting that think it says it all! IT IS A UNION AS IT CLEARLY STATES IT. How can anyone join this scheme( and it clearly is a scheme) when Mr Tozzer blatantly lies about what it is. On his own figures it states a minimum wage of 35k!! Not to shabby for a start.Sorry this is a scam and I’m surprised to see trucknet being used as a vehicle to peddle it when it has clearly failed on his own site and Facebook group. :open_mouth:

Where is the “PROFIT” if it is a scam

false accusations do no one any good

Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused: if it does not suit his/their requirements in putting others of in an attempt to shut the PDU even if it is aimed at helping other Drivers

He asked :arrow_right: At what point will you start taking a wage?
I answered Never, a truthful answer as with £5 going out for every £5 coming in then there will never be an income to fund a wage

Unfortunately my answer does not suit his requirement in making the PDU look bad
So he digs up past, old and dead footage to make it look like a lie which better suits his requirement in putting others off

Hold on!!! How is it ‘old and dead footage’ when it quite clearly states members paying £5 each and not £25■■? If that site had said 25 then it is obviously old BUT it doesn’t … it says £5 and therefore must have been written recently. I reiterate … you’re just trying to fund your retirement.


Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
You get the quality you pay for and to date no member has complained about the cost of their Welcome package

Barrie = answers in Blue

Although no complaint, it looks like many have taken/asked whatever their money back. Do you know why ?


Thank you, the above prove that as the “old” PDU were unable to achieve its aims drivers got full refunds.

The PDU is not about making money but trying to help Drivers

You’re missing the point. No one can complain about a cost of a welcome package if they’ve had it refunded. I’m asking, why did they accept a refund. Can you give an example of what the “old” PDU could not achieve ? What where the PDU’s limitations in this case ?

Also I would like to know,initially the subs were £30 per year,then £25 per year and now £5 for lifetime membership…so if this can “service” can be provided for £5 what was the need to initially charge the extra £20-£25 extra?!


Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
You get the quality you pay for and to date no member has complained about the cost of their Welcome package

Barrie = answers in Blue

Although no complaint, it looks like many have taken/asked whatever their money back. Do you know why ?


Thank you, the above prove that as the “old” PDU were unable to achieve its aims drivers got full refunds.

The PDU is not about making money but trying to help Drivers

You’re missing the point. No one can complain about a cost of a welcome package if they’ve had it refunded. I’m asking, why did they accept a refund. Can you give an example of what the “old” PDU could not achieve ? What where the PDU’s limitations in this case ?

The “old” PDU could not achieve its ambitious aims of becoming a big “organisation” as this failed in its aims it was only right to offer a full refund as some joined for a reason we could not fulfil.
The PDU would not accept any money under false pretencies and although the aims were right it proved impossible to achieve


Barrie Tozer:
There will always be some like “The Bear” who will never accept an answer :unamused: if it does not suit his/their requirements in putting others of in an attempt to shut the PDU even if it is aimed at helping other Drivers

He asked :arrow_right: At what point will you start taking a wage?
I answered Never, a truthful answer as with £5 going out for every £5 coming in then there will never be an income to fund a wage

Unfortunately my answer does not suit his requirement in making the PDU look bad
So he digs up past, old and dead footage to make it look like a lie which better suits his requirement in putting others off

Hold on!!! How is it ‘old and dead footage’ when it quite clearly states members paying £5 each and not £25■■? If that site had said 25 then it is obviously old BUT it doesn’t … it says £5 and therefore must have been written recently. I reiterate … you’re just trying to fund your retirement.

I will be a rich man on a retirement of non-profit

Just thinking back to the last time Mr Tozer tried playing this game, it was on his own website, and anyone that disagreed with any of his barmy ideas was banned lol
This time, most probably due to the inactivity on his own site, he has bought it onto here and he can’t do a thing about those of us that disagree with him.
Here is another question for you?
How do you propose getting anything done when in fact, many doors are CLOSED to you, not open■■? Your reputation precedes you
Mr Tozer, in your bid to get an easy retirement, you’ve proved to me you’re no better than a Nigerian emailer.