Barrie i understand why you wanted to unite drivers, I can see it as a good idea, BUT you used the name union or unite most of us dont want to have anything to do with unions, Also Ive never understood WHY you and Rikki havent got in a room and battered this out to do something together , Yes Rikki i know its just a forum and you dont want to get involved.

You guys have so much say within the industry together is ther ever a chance of you getting your heads together and working side by side to give the industry a voice ( A campaigning voice)?.

Opportunities have been missed for years forget the past …is there a future for an alliance?

That’s the problem, you all talk and talk and talk, and then you sort out the world problems and forget about the home problems or the ones that involves drivers and the wages and hours worked, you all have a big sign on your back saying look after number one im all right. That’s ok, just don’t come on here and knock someone who is trying to do something about it.
If you read this post you can see the mentality of most that there is never going to be a united driver in this country no matter who or what tried to do it, and that is very sad, why, no balls, selfish, looking after number one, willing to put up with anything, willing to work for buttons, willing to live like a tinker, not looking for respect, can take a lot of abuse and no need, you have one of the top powers in this country and that’s been a united driver to get better conditions and what ever else is needed in this country and what do you do NOTHING, NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL SHAME ON YOU, the French must have a great laugh at us and the rest of Europe,

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all for none

Have a read before going off on one. No one is saying they are “ok” to be doing 70+ hours a week and not interested in having someone fight their corner. What they are ACTUALLY doing is questioning whether Barrie is the man to do it. Asking him questions is entirely appropriate. Jumping in with a “Woo hoo, heres my money” without finding out what his aims are, his objectives, his plans and more importantly how he is going to do it is pointless. Answers to those questions are neccessery before any sane person considers handing over money.
Although I have to admit, its actually kind of a welcome relief to have someone post an argumentative, insult laden “im oh so superior” post. Its been dull as ditch water on here for a while now.
Any hoo, Barrie. A question.
If you only have 30-40p left from the £5 membership fee, why the need for the initial £25 fee? What was the other £20.20 going to be used for?

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all for none

Someone’s been on the shandy Bass tonight :confused:

Barrie Tozer:
If you will permit me to put one question to you as Drivers.

Over the last year we have all read the many media outlets and heard of radio and television about the looming Drivers shortage (false or true and not this topic)

Within all these relevant articles, we read so&so from the FTA stated this or so&so from the RH stated this, but how many of these media articles did any of us see comments from Drivers.

The reason for this is that both have a easy means of contact to speak on behalf of their membership.

As Drivers there is no such thing.

So when we have an opinion or a view on something it is never heard.

The main aims of the PDU is to form recognition so that there is a communication to and from Drivers.

You should be allowed to have a voice and be heard

You asked to be allowed to put one question to us…then didn’t ask a question anyway :confused:

Barrie i understand why you wanted to unite drivers, I can see it as a good idea, BUT you used the name union or unite most of us dont want to have anything to do with unions, Also Ive never understood WHY you and Rikki havent got in a room and battered this out to do something together , Yes Rikki i know its just a forum and you dont want to get involved.

You guys have so much say within the industry together is ther ever a chance of you getting your heads together and working side by side to give the industry a voice ( A campaigning voice)?.

Opportunities have been missed for years forget the past …is there a future for an alliance?

Union or unite, try to forget and see it as just a group of like minded drivers working together to achieve improvements. The name or title is not important.

Rikki has always been adamant the this forum will never go into camapaigning and he has stuck to his guns to make TN the biggest so credit to him.
It is possibly this that has caused disagreements in the past.

All said he is allowing this Q&A topic about the PDU (thanks)

I would request that even those that might support me or the PDU show due respect to those who do not.
I understand and respect, suspicion, doubt or whatever, (and some hold big grudges)
This why I am willing to come on here and answer questions.
Keep it civil please.


Barrie Tozer:
If you will permit me to put one question to you as Drivers.

Over the last year we have all read the many media outlets and heard of radio and television about the looming Drivers shortage (false or true and not this topic)

Within all these relevant articles, we read so&so from the FTA stated this or so&so from the RH stated this, but how many of these media articles did any of us see comments from Drivers.

The reason for this is that both have a easy means of contact to speak on behalf of their membership.

As Drivers there is no such thing.

So when we have an opinion or a view on something it is never heard.

The main aims of the PDU is to form recognition so that there is a communication to and from Drivers.

You should be allowed to have a voice and be heard

You asked to be allowed to put one question to us…then didn’t ask a question anyway :confused:

My apology, not so much a question but something to consider.

Who speaks the Drivers corner or is contacted when Media wants a Drivers view point?

Just out of interest how many members current are signed up to this PDU

Barrie Tozer:

Barrie i understand why you wanted to unite drivers, I can see it as a good idea, BUT you used the name union or unite most of us dont want to have anything to do with unions, Also Ive never understood WHY you and Rikki havent got in a room and battered this out to do something together , Yes Rikki i know its just a forum and you dont want to get involved.

You guys have so much say within the industry together is ther ever a chance of you getting your heads together and working side by side to give the industry a voice ( A campaigning voice)?.

Opportunities have been missed for years forget the past …is there a future for an alliance?

Union or unite, try to forget and see it as just a group of like minded drivers working together to achieve improvements. The name or title is not important.

Rikki has always been adamant the this forum will never go into camapaigning and he has stuck to his guns to make TN the biggest so credit to him.
It is possibly this that has caused disagreements in the past.

All said he is allowing this Q&A topic about the PDU (thanks)

I would request that even those that might support me or the PDU show due respect to those who do not.
I understand and respect, suspicion, doubt or whatever, (and some hold big grudges)
This why I am willing to come on here and answer questions.
Keep it civil please.

Can you answer the questions in post 2&3 of page 3 on this thread as you seem to be deliberately avoiding any questions that ask you anything you can’t answer in a couple of words.

If you only have 30-40p left from the £5 membership fee, why the need for the initial £25 fee? What was the other £20.20 going to be used for?

Not avoiding this and will answer tomorrow

For now an old man needs his beauty sleep to try and get rid or the 100s of wrinkles

Look forward to more civil discussion tomorrow

thanks for keeping it pretty much on topic

Clearly the U will never stand for Union…as bona fide trade unions have many regulations to follow, and have to account for their finances.

wasting your time barrie they don’t understand the logic of standing together, never will, lost cause, but if the people will keep on giving you money just keep on taking it and doing what you can fair play to you.

Nothing moves without trucks, shops don’t have stock, warehouses don’t have stock, people cant live without our services, we have one of the, if not the biggest tools to bring the place to a stand still and what do we do, nothing, and on top of that what do we do, well we let them put profit before us, no profit in trucks they don’t make much that’s what you hear, well then go for the profit of the supplier or the receiver, someone is making more than there fair share and its not the driver or the transport company.

the French must have a great laugh at us and the rest of Europe,

Just how much Kool-Aid did you drink? :open_mouth:

The French apparently have a €9.61 minimum wage! Which at current exchange is £7.69… Sign me up for strikes and picket lines. An extra 0.49… :unamused:


the French must have a great laugh at us and the rest of Europe,

Just how much Kool-Aid did you drink? :open_mouth:

The French apparently have a €9.61 minimum wage! Which at current exchange is £7.69… Sign me up for strikes and picket lines. An extra 0.49… :unamused:

And they will retire 5 years before you with a full pension maybe more , check before you post its about respect for a driver and paying what is due, and if I was drinking I would call you a fool

And by the way would someone care to name someone else who is fighting for your rights to protect something about your job.
And I don’t mean your 50 pence you cant account for, god help you something’s have to start somewhere, but there’s not a hope when you have people who haven’t even given any money ask about the 50 pence difference, just goes to show how low the job has become and the people who ask must be below the minimum wage and that’s a lot.
What you people need is a bit of respect for yourselves, its not the end of the world but you will always be the bottom of the barrel because you don’t have support and respect for yourself but you can if you believe there is something better out there.
God there is some sad people out there 50 pence yes you heard me 50 pence, that would be a little below what a tramper works for per hour sleeping in a truck, but not a lot if you work it out over 24 hours work and that’s why there on here because they earn so little and have to account for every penny

Basically the idea is sound but unfortunately hard bitten truckers have no need for this at all. We have problems we try and sort them ourselves and usually do. As you are currently a tramper where might I ask do you or will you find the time to do all these things you say you are going to do

I had a gander at the web page and though the premise might be okay I doubt whether any government body will pay much attention a small band of people or are you going to be the sole spokesman person representing drivers. It is more like a club to me with a membership fee and I honestly believe that out of the 1000’s of drivers on the roads here you won’t get too many takers
How many have already paid and signed up to it? Have the members on the group page all signed up or are they like me just going in to have a gander and see if anything is happening to make it worth the punt to join. But I doubt I will be joining a small club with no clout.

To improve drivers wages and conditions you would need to talk to every haulage company as each one is different the jobs are different so different jobs different wages That is a mammoth task Unity in this profession is something even god couldn’t manage some of the drivers in my place don’t even talk to each other bar a good morning or see you around

£5 is not a lot of money but if you take money off people to join there is a legal road you have to go down It could be a business a charity a political party you still have to register with the appropriate authorities Financial transactions are a legal minefield Have you done that? The members are effectively buying their packs from you so that that makes it a business in a way It is not a charity not a union so exactly what is it? Don’t say a platform you keep repeating that as that doesn’t make sense to me

People will have to take time off work to go to these meetings and suppose pay their own expenses so they lose a days pay and have to fork out money to go to meetings. Have you considered this?

My other comment is vista do very good cards for a lot less than you paid did you shop around for the best value?

Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?

You mean that wage…?

Basically the idea is sound but unfortunately hard bitten truckers have no need for this at all. We have problems we try and sort them ourselves and usually do. As you are currently a tramper where might I ask do you or will you find the time to do all these things you say you are going to do

I had a gander at the web page and though the premise might be okay I doubt whether any government body will pay much attention a small band of people or are you going to be the sole spokesman person representing drivers. It is more like a club to me with a membership fee and I honestly believe that out of the 1000’s of drivers on the roads here you won’t get too many takers
How many have already paid and signed up to it? Have the members on the group page all signed up or are they like me just going in to have a gander and see iif anything is happening to make it worthwhiel to join

To improve drivers wages and conditions you would need to talk to every haulage company as each one is different the jobs are different so different jobs different wages That is a mammoth task Unity in this profession is something even god couldn’t manage some of the drivers in my place don’t even talk to each other bar a good morning or see you around.

My other comment is vista do very good cards for a lot less than you paid did you shop around for the best value?

I rest my case, all for one, its all a joke, Point its about you not your company, you stand together, Join something, and do something that’s the way it works, this post is how most people feel, it will never change we all know that, but hay why not try.

As said other questions have been asked already on this thread with little coming back in the way of answers.

Let’s start with a basic one, how many paid up members of the PDU-UK are there?
How many members of truckers moan were there? You know the ploy as it was back then?
Why do YOUR websites still show your name when they state that a wage of £35000 plus expenses will be the maximum paid to anyone working within the PDU-UK? Especially considering the fact that, that is the reason why you can not lower the price to less than £30 per annum.
Why did the libel shutting down post get removed from your website but not Facebook?
Why did you organise a protest of the dCPC in 2012 some three years AFTER it came into force? Numerous years after it was ever thought up off?
Oh and just how much were your dCPC training modules again?
How long is “lifetime” in the eyes of the PDU-UK?
Who gets to decide who is in what role of your Union? When can we see the results?

I assume from your earlier comment, regarding using the name “Truckersworld”, to open doors etc that you haven’t been using this recently? (Please see attached photo which you might like to explain considering you keep asking for money for your previous 14years of schemes

I’m sure there will be other questions but food is going cold in all honesty

So I return after just over four hours and find Mr Tozer has answered just ONE question and even that answer is very contradictory.

Barrie Tozer:

Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?


Then further down, someone reposts a statement from his website where he states he will never take more than £35,000!!! That is pretty big hearted of you, Mr Tozer!

I’m going to be so bold as to suggest that Mr Tozer, having got bored or finding himself incapable, of driving a truck any longer is, in fact, looking to get his fellow truck drivers to fund his retirement.