Didn’t we hear all this about 5 years ago?? When Mr Tozer led yet another of his one man crusades??
It died a death then simply because anyone that didn’t agree with Mr Tozer got banned from the website … which is why the FB page is a closed group, I suspect. Agree with me or you can’t come and play.
In all honesty, I am surprised Rikki has wasted the bandwidth to allow this ‘discussion’.

Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity, who are its board members, what are their policies, are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? do they have an article of memorandum and article of association, do they have a constitution, who sets their policies, what is the membership fee for, what are their responsibilities, where are the accounts filed, where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts, who is allowed to vote on their policies, what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk, who can form a committee, and what is the process, how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history, who voted them in, and what are their roles, are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc, who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk, is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join, and if so who or what are they joining and what for, who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures, who pays for any expenditures, who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf

First question,How did you get Rikki to allow this after your views of him in your Faceache page :smiley:
Second question,
You keep claiming your trying to create a “platform” for drivers,you claim you are trying to get things better for drivers,you tell your followers on your Facebook page you have had meetings with different people but within all this you never seem to exactly explain what EXACTLY you are going/hoping to achieve its all a bit of a mystery tbh,what exactly are your aims,would you provide a list at all in order of importance to you?
Also do you accept that you will never be able become part of any workplace dispute for any of your members as 99% of companies will not let you through the door even if the employee wanted you to intervene.
From all I can see you want “better facilities” for HGV drivers which in reality no matter how big the PDU becomes you will have no legal right to challenge independent buissness to provide them and local councils are under no legal obligation to spend their budget on HGV parking areas and with most councils on the bones of its Arse financially,will never be in a position to plough hundreds of thousands into making such areas available.
I appreciate your trying to help but in reality you fail to give specific aims/targets of what your hoping to achieve.

Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity, who are its board members, what are their policies, are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? do they have an article of memorandum and article of association, do they have a constitution, who sets their policies, what is the membership fee for, what are their responsibilities, where are the accounts filed, where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts, who is allowed to vote on their policies, what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk, who can form a committee, and what is the process, how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history, who voted them in, and what are their roles, are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc, who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk, is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join, and if so who or what are they joining and what for, who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures, who pays for any expenditures, who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf

I’m going to have a cheeky fiver on none of the above being answered fully.


Some more questions for you, Mr Tozer

Is this pdu-uk a registered organisation, company, union or charity, who are its board members, what are their policies, are the pdu-uk a limited company, sole traders, self employed, a partnership or what…? do they have an article of memorandum and article of association, do they have a constitution, who sets their policies, what is the membership fee for, what are their responsibilities, where are the accounts filed, where can we view a copy of the annual audited accounts, who is allowed to vote on their policies, what committee’s do they have within the pdu-uk, who can form a committee, and what is the process, how will they represent the Drivers, their members, what are the board members experiences and history, who voted them in, and what are their roles, are they paid or do they volunteer their time on the board for free, or do they claim expenses when attending meetings and committee’s etc, who makes the rules, regs and policies for the pdu-uk, is this a business or just a one man band whom is charging a membership fee to join, and if so who or what are they joining and what for, who allocates the funds, what are the expenditures, who pays for any expenditures, who voices the members opinions for them on their behalf

I’m going to have a cheeky fiver on none of the above being answered fully.

Of course not . he doesn’t have the answers

If you will permit me to put one question to you as Drivers.

Over the last year we have all read the many media outlets and heard of radio and television about the looming Drivers shortage (false or true and not this topic)

Within all these relevant articles, we read so&so from the FTA stated this or so&so from the RH stated this, but how many of these media articles did any of us see comments from Drivers.

The reason for this is that both have a easy means of contact to speak on behalf of their membership.

As Drivers there is no such thing.

So when we have an opinion or a view on something it is never heard.

The main aims of the PDU is to form recognition so that there is a communication to and from Drivers.

You should be allowed to have a voice and be heard

As you said, F-red, no answers lol I never expected any, mind you

There has been many negative comments aimed at you on here in the past Barrie, with a hell of a lot of stick.
Whether they are justified and/or accurate I do not know, neither do I know you at all, but full marks for coming on here and facing it, especially as I am sure you are aware, there will undoubtedly be a lot more to come from one or two.
I would love to see some kind of solidarity among drivers to the point where we were not looked upon and treated as third class citizens, but I know it will never happen.
That is not defeatism it’s realism, and while you have my full support for getting off your arse, speaking up, and actually making an effort (jn complete contrast to the majority who would rather sit back while knocking those that do) I do feel mate that it is most probably a ‘■■■■■■■ against the wind’ situation.
I won’t say anymore but sit back and see how you get on, then decide what I’ll do, ( I was prepared to take a punt on it at Christmas, maybe as well that I didn’t seeing as you knocked it on the head)
A fiver is the price of a pint and a bag of crisps, so IF you can convince me some good WILL come on it, I reckon I won’t miss it.

Any stick or sarcasm aimed at me from Barrie’s ‘‘fan club’’ will be water off a duck’s arse btw, so don’t waste your typing finger. :wink: :smiley:

Edit…Jeez I started typing this on page 1, we are now on 3, :open_mouth: , he’s getting more stick than even I thought :open_mouth: :smiley:

I don’t get the stick switchlogic and radar ? I paid the full £25 and when he informed me of changes (and offered a full refund) I told him to keep it (others also did) - (call it a donation) because I know he has paid and lost quite a lot of personal money trying to get things started.

He is making an effort and needs support :unamused: without support he gets nowhere, that’s the unity bit - geddit?

I’m not giving him stick, I’m simply questioning his statement that accounting isn’t necessary. That’s all.

Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of ■■■■■■■ and tossers that have responded to this post ■■■■■■■ selfish ■■■■■■■■■ the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all for none

Next question … assuming we are still doing this Q&A
At what point will you start taking a wage?


Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all fore none

Wind your neck in! Some of the “Tossers” you speak of have seen this over and over and over again and the only winner seems to be one person .

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all fore none

Not only abusive but extremely poor grammar too … I see you went to the same school as Mr Tozer

What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post

Cheers mate, glad you liked it. :smiley: :smiley:

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all for none

:grimacing: 50 pence is a lot of money for these lads on 71/ 84 hours for less than minimum wage! :laughing: I say well done to Barrie for coming on here, no I don’t know him either! What you stand for is right but it will happen for future generations if WE make a stand NOW! :smiley: I’m nearly retired now, fully paid up member of the old TGWU/ unite and was a shop steward but the yellowbellies who talk a good fight in the brew room will not back you up NOW Barrie! They think their GAFFERS are doing them a favour by paying them £700 a week take home, so when it comes to a bit of aggro :bulb: they go missing as its only the mouthpieces like myself who are targeted as trouble makers! :open_mouth:

Fair play to the French 20 odd years ago! :grimacing: you stupid ones here will be working til you’re 70 plus years of age! :question: and if you’re a tax payer and vote? Jeez make it 80 years old! Barrie well done, I’m at three decades too, but can retire now! Good luck from sunny Manchester our kid, I wish you every success :sunglasses:

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all for none

Just because people dont agree with you is not a reason to ignore common civility, if you cant post in a civil manner I suggest you don’t post at all. If you continue to post in breach of the forum guidelines your ability to post freely will temporarily be withdrawn.

This applies to all members who post in this thread

Fair play to Barrie Tozer,
What a load of [zb] and tossers that have responded to this post [zb] selfish [zb], the man is trying to help you and all your worried about is 50 pence, [zb] [zb] deserve every thing they get, cant be right in the head when you think 70 plus hours a week is ok for the little you get for it, and then some living like tinkers is a tin can for less than minimum wage a week. Talk about letting your self down, god you must not have much respect for even yourselves, '■■■■■■■ against the wind that’s what were good at, and most of it lands back on ourselves, Good man barrie but your wasting your time most of these people are lucky to be able to dress them self’s in the morning one for one and all for none

let’s hear it for the semi-literate Barrie fan club :unamused:
now, why not go away and let the grown ups talk in peace?
EDIT who reminds you to breathe in and out?

Sorry, Rik. Going to bed now before I get meself into trouble :wink:
Still concerned over the lack of financial information being given…

Transport is like a zoo. Every animal needs a different diet and environment. There is no one size fits all “unity” solution.
The RHA is basically a business that is more interested in selling products, training and conference seats.
I’m quite sure this will therefore follow the usual routine, it has so far. That famous self deprecating, and becoming more polished each outing, “fall on the sword” speech will appear. Blame apportioned to a small determined illuminati like crowd hell bent on stopping the alleged utopian world that could of been.
Want a better world? Then grow a set of balls and ■■■■■ your fiver on a costa and some quavers.
The world is a vastly different place now and no amount of gang tactics will effectively improve things.
The key to that lies in improving the industries image and courting the public, not trying to force things.