The Sarge:
Listen, Barrie. I am not having a go, but if you want my money (and I assume lots of other people’s money) you need to be scrupulous in you accounting. If it is to cover past set up expenses - fine. If it is to cover future expected expenses - that’s fine too, just tell us.

The £5.00 is to cover the cost of “The Welcome Package”

without lookiing at the actual cost of it, I think there was about 30p left from each.

I purchased enough for 500 at the ofset so it is to recover that money, not make any profit

I don’t get the stick switchlogic and radar ? I paid the full £25 and when he informed me of changes (and offered a full refund) I told him to keep it (others also did) - (call it a donation) because I know he has paid and lost quite a lot of personal money trying to get things started.

He is making an effort and needs support :unamused: without support he gets nowhere, that’s the unity bit - geddit?

You spent £2500 on purchasing welcome packs before you knew you would shift them?? Barrie, have a think before you spend any more of your money. We’ve already confirmed that there’s not much money in lorry driving :wink:

The Sarge:
You spent £2500 on purchasing welcome packs before you knew you would shift them?? Barrie, have a think before you spend any more of your money. We’ve already confirmed that there’s not much money in lorry driving :wink:

No, I spent around £1200

Before I contemplated going ahead for this I created a form to inform Drivers what I was trying to do and asked without obligation who might back the unity.
Nearly 500 said yes and this gave me the incentive to go ahead ( I was a trusting person) expecting a percentage of them to go by their word.

So I went ahead usinf my money to purchase the merchandise required

So, have you recouped your investment?

The Sarge:
So, have you recouped your investment?


I don’t get the stick switchlogic and radar ? I paid the full £25 and when he informed me of changes (and offered a full refund) I told him to keep it (others also did) - (call it a donation) because I know he has paid and lost quite a lot of personal money trying to get things started.

He is making an effort and needs support :unamused: without support he gets nowhere, that’s the unity bit - geddit?

Just an observation but waving your pom poms is all very worthy but irrelevant to the Q & A session at hand.
Cheerleading is not needed at the moment in my opinion.

Barrie has answered the cost questions well, now although I have a question about the legal entity of PDU I will save that as its getting late and it might be worth focusing on what Barrie envisages for the future of PDU instead.

Strength in numbers is a given but Barrie I was wondering if you have picked up any good contacts in officialdom over the years and what sort of numbers of members are needed for PDU to be taken seriously by the powers that be.

Would say 10,000 be enough.


I don’t get the stick switchlogic and radar ? I paid the full £25 and when he informed me of changes (and offered a full refund) I told him to keep it (others also did) - (call it a donation) because I know he has paid and lost quite a lot of personal money trying to get things started.

He is making an effort and needs support :unamused: without support he gets nowhere, that’s the unity bit - geddit?

Just an observation but waving your pom poms is all very worthy but irrelevant to the Q & A session at hand.
Cheerleading is not needed at the moment in my opinion.

Barrie has answered the cost questions well, now although I have a question about the legal entity of PDU I will save that as its getting late and it might be worth focusing on what Barrie envisages for the future of PDU instead.

Strength in numbers is a given but Barrie I was wondering if you have picked up any good contacts in officialdom over the years and what sort of numbers of members are needed for PDU to be taken seriously by the powers that be.

Would say 10,000 be enough.

I have over the years achieved some good contacts

The PDU even at this early stage has opened a door with the RHA and they have agreed to round table talks with a group of drivers to discuss the concerns you all have (The Issues)

Obviously the more that are seen to support any unity then the more the strength in negotiations.
If the majority accept something then it is deemed as OK, some of the issues need the majority to say it is not OK

What does the “PDU” stand for ? Is it Professional Drivers Union?

What does the “PDU” stand for ? Is it Professional Drivers Union?

Professional Drivers Unity (aimed at the Haulage sector not bus drivers)

Firstly Barrie, thanks for coming on here - I have kept an eye on the pdu through Facebook and your website since the topic first arose on here, and have been sat on the fence. I was slightly put off when at one point you had stated on Facebook that you refused to come here and answer questions - as I know a few others were. I remember someone stating that it doesn’t look good if you’re aim is to unite truckers, but openly refuse to interact and segregate those on this forum. As I’ve already said - glad you’re here - so not having a dig.

As for the is it/isn’t a union debate -

Again, I came across a topic on the Calais situation, and the RHA holding talks - some were complaining that the RHA is only interested in how haulage companies are affected, and have no concern for the drivers. They lobby the government in an attempt to make life better for the company - not us.

I may be wrong, but could this not be the drivers equivalent of the RHA?

Firstly Barrie, thanks for coming on here - I have kept an eye on the pdu through Facebook and your website since the topic first arose on here, and have been sat on the fence. I was slightly put off when at one point you had stated on Facebook that you refused to come here and answer questions - as I know a few others were. I remember someone stating that it doesn’t look good if you’re aim is to unite truckers, but openly refuse to interact and segregate those on this forum. As I’ve already said - glad you’re here - so not having a dig.

As for the is it/isn’t a union debate -

Again, I came across a topic on the Calais situation, and the RHA holding talks - some were complaining that the RHA is only interested in how haulage companies are affected, and have no concern for the drivers. They lobby the government in an attempt to make life better for the company - not us.

I may be wrong, but could this not be the drivers equivalent of the RHA?

The RHA started as the PDU, small and gradually grew the respect to represent their members (The Industry)

The PDU “could” with support grow, gain the recognition and respect and represent their members “Needs” (The Drivers)

“Unity” bit of a misleading choice of words as some people would think they are paying for the backing of a Union and not a one man band who has had little to no success of making any significant changes for anyone. Can you enlighten us all to your achievements with the contacts you must have amassed over the many years,and I’m not talking a portaloo outside the gates to an rdc :laughing:

Some may well disagree with the way I see things at present :exclamation:

At present and for the last 20/30 years As Drivers we have simply been told of new legislation, new implementation, new rule and regulation without any say in any of it.
It is all decided by the Industry.

The principle reason for this is that as Drivers we do not have a means of communication as a “Body” to be involved with any talks.

The is the reasonng behind the PDU, to give Drivers an opportunity to have a say on their futures and be involved in decision making.

To be part of the Industry

Hope that explains the aims of the PDU

Barrie Tozer:
Some may well disagree with the way I see things at present :exclamation:

At present and for the last 20/30 years As Drivers we have simply been told of new legislation, new implementation, new rule and regulation without any say in any of it.
It is all decided by the Industry.

The principle reason for this is that as Drivers we do not have a means of communication as a “Body” to be involved with any talks.

The is the reasonng behind the PDU, to give Drivers an opportunity to have a say on their futures and be involved in decision making.

To be part of the Industry

Hope that explains the aims of the PDU

BUT you have no power! What are you going to do to achieve any change?

“Unity” bit of a misleading choice of words as some people would think they are paying for the backing of a Union and not a one man band who has had little to no success of making any significant changes for anyone. Can you enlighten us all to your achievements with the contacts you must have amassed over the many years,and I’m not talking a portaloo outside the gates to an rdc :laughing:

The PDU is most definately not a one man band and as stated doors are open for round table talks with a “group” of Drivers.

Passed achievements and many failures are not the point of this topic and would need far more to put it all on here. Some failures have been down to lack of support, some my fault.

I hope in some way my best achievement will be to bring Drivers together as a unity, to work enmass to improve conditions. Many say the days of old will never come back when there was far more camaraderie and Truckers were respected.

Well only “you” can achieve better things if as a majority you want to make it happen. The PDU is the platform, I am only trying to make it happen.

I don’t get the stick switchlogic and radar ? I paid the full £25 and when he informed me of changes (and offered a full refund) I told him to keep it (others also did) - (call it a donation) because I know he has paid and lost quite a lot of personal money trying to get things started.

He is making an effort and needs support :unamused: without support he gets nowhere, that’s the unity bit - geddit?

It was a reaction to Lukes comment referencing Kids Company, a charity embroiled in money issues.


Barrie Tozer:
Some may well disagree with the way I see things at present :exclamation:

At present and for the last 20/30 years As Drivers we have simply been told of new legislation, new implementation, new rule and regulation without any say in any of it.
It is all decided by the Industry.

The principle reason for this is that as Drivers we do not have a means of communication as a “Body” to be involved with any talks.

The is the reasonng behind the PDU, to give Drivers an opportunity to have a say on their futures and be involved in decision making.

To be part of the Industry

Hope that explains the aims of the PDU

BUT you have no power! What are you going to do to achieve any change?

What power has the RHA Got?

The Strength in its membership


I don’t get the stick switchlogic and radar ? I paid the full £25 and when he informed me of changes (and offered a full refund) I told him to keep it (others also did) - (call it a donation) because I know he has paid and lost quite a lot of personal money trying to get things started.

He is making an effort and needs support :unamused: without support he gets nowhere, that’s the unity bit - geddit?

It was a reaction to Lukes comment referencing Kids Company, a charity embroiled in money issues.

The PDU has no money issues.

Just an observation but waving your pom poms is all very worthy but irrelevant to the Q & A session at hand.
Cheerleading is not needed at the moment in my opinion.

They aren’t pom poms :wink: sorry but I thought my post was relevant as I felt they were nit picking negatively and unnecessarily. I know Baz personally and I know he has used personal money and is definitely not in it for profit!