Ok fair do’s it’s your barbeque I guess.

I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this question before.

What qualifies you to be the “voice” between truckers and industry? I don’t mean formal qualifications either. How many years have you been a driver? Are you currently a driver? If not why not? If not when did you last drive professionally?

Just curious about your background I guess. We have a few on this board who clearly are very very very experienced truck drivers, but haven’t been anywhere near a lorry since the Eaton Twin Split was modern, and as such are very good at sounding knowledgable, but really don’t know ■■■■ when it comes to what’s involved in the industry these days other than second hand accounts online :wink:

The Sarge:
Sorry Barry, but saying it is non-profit doesn’t absolve you from accounting for the money that you take from others. How much would the stickers and cards I may receive from you cost? £5 - I doubt it. You want my money - break it down for me.

I will have to go back to when I purchased them to inform, but I seem to recall about 30/40 pence was left from each £5.00

It could definately have been done cheaper but if anyone on here is a member they will vouch that I went for good quality merchandise.
Get back to you

Barrie Tozer:
The £5.00 is non profit and so as there is no excess there is no requirement for accounting.

You know that’s a bit of a startling statement. Have you been getting tips from Kids Company?!


Barrie Tozer:
The £5.00 is non profit and so as there is no excess there is no requirement for accounting.

You know that’s a bit of a startling statement. Have you been getting tips from Kids Company?!

Ok fair do’s it’s your barbeque I guess.

I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this question before.

What qualifies you to be the “voice” between truckers and industry? I don’t mean formal qualifications either. How many years have you been a driver? Are you currently a driver? If not why not? If not when did you last drive professionally?

Just curious about your background I guess. We have a few on this board who clearly are very very very experienced truck drivers, but haven’t been anywhere near a lorry since the Eaton Twin Split was modern, and as such are very good at sounding knowledgable, but really don’t know [zb] when it comes to what’s involved in the industry these days other than second hand accounts online :wink:

A very good Question
I am a Tramper, with 30 years in the Industry and so know the problems many face.
I am not the voice of Drivers, The unity working together as one will be, already on the website are 3 surveys to ensure the PDU gets from Drivers the “facts” and their opinions, Then the PDU will attend meetings as a committee to represent you.

As for experience in campaigning:-
I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

Barrie Tozer:



Barrie Tozer:
The PDU-UK is about unity of UK Truckers.

Good luck with that. I’m off to herd some cats… :wink:

I’m going to be chuckling at that for hours…

Anyway welcome Barrie! :smiley:

Thanks for the welcome
I laughed as well, but in all reality unless you can form some unity you will never be heard within this Industry as there is no communication portal to do so.

OK, I’ll try and kick off with a sensible question! :smiley:
What are your thoughts about “Industry leaders” asking government to solve a supposed “Impending” driver shortage. Is it fair to say that industry needs to solve it’s own problems, and natural economics through higher wage to attract drivers is the answer?


Barrie Tozer:
The £5.00 is non profit and so as there is no excess there is no requirement for accounting.

You know that’s a bit of a startling statement. Have you been getting tips from Kids Company?!

I thought that too, Luke. Those 50p pieces add up…



Barrie Tozer:
The £5.00 is non profit and so as there is no excess there is no requirement for accounting.

You know that’s a bit of a startling statement. Have you been getting tips from Kids Company?!

If you and others have no interest in a form of unity then why post on this topic.

Please respect others and allow them to ask questions without having to go through post that have no relevance.

A good debate is to respect others, thanks

Barrie Tozer:

The Sarge:
Sorry Barry, but saying it is non-profit doesn’t absolve you from accounting for the money that you take from others. How much would the stickers and cards I may receive from you cost? £5 - I doubt it. You want my money - break it down for me.

I will have to go back to when I purchased them to inform, but I seem to recall about 30/40 pence was left from each £5.00

It could definately have been done cheaper but if anyone on here is a member they will vouch that I went for good quality merchandise.
Get back to you

How far back would you need to go, Barrie? I thought this fiver lifetime offer was recent - or were you overcharging on the subscriptions?

What are your thoughts about “Industry leaders” asking government to solve a supposed “Impending” driver shortage. Is it fair to say that industry needs to solve it’s own problems, and natural economics through higher wage to attract drivers is the answer?

Without wanting to link to the website, might I ask you have a look at the “Issues” as what you have posted is a massive problem and only if the Industry can change and achieve a proper profit can Drivers be rewarded what they truly deserve

The Sarge:

Barrie Tozer:

The Sarge:
Sorry Barry, but saying it is non-profit doesn’t absolve you from accounting for the money that you take from others. How much would the stickers and cards I may receive from you cost? £5 - I doubt it. You want my money - break it down for me.

I will have to go back to when I purchased them to inform, but I seem to recall about 30/40 pence was left from each £5.00

It could definately have been done cheaper but if anyone on here is a member they will vouch that I went for good quality merchandise.
Get back to you

How far back would you need to go, Barrie? I thought this fiver lifetime offer was recent - or were you overcharging on the subscriptions?

I purchased the goods about 4 months ago so do not have at hand a breakdown of the cost

Barrie Tozer:



Barrie Tozer:
The £5.00 is non profit and so as there is no excess there is no requirement for accounting.

You know that’s a bit of a startling statement. Have you been getting tips from Kids Company?!

If you and others have no interest in a form of unity then why post on this topic.

Please respect others and allow them to ask questions without having to go through post that have no relevance.

A good debate is to respect others, thanks

Is that aimed at Switchlogic, Radar 19 or me? Or everyone who seems to disagree with you?

Barrie Tozer:

What are your thoughts about “Industry leaders” asking government to solve a supposed “Impending” driver shortage. Is it fair to say that industry needs to solve it’s own problems, and natural economics through higher wage to attract drivers is the answer?

Without wanting to link to the website, might I ask you have a look at the “Issues” as what you have posted is a massive problem and only if the Industry can change and achieve a proper profit can Drivers be rewarded what they truly deserve

And instead of making an introduction statement here, you referenced me to the website!
Good luck pal! :unamused:

Barrie Tozer:

Ok fair do’s it’s your barbeque I guess.

I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this question before.

What qualifies you to be the “voice” between truckers and industry? I don’t mean formal qualifications either. How many years have you been a driver? Are you currently a driver? If not why not? If not when did you last drive professionally?

Just curious about your background I guess. We have a few on this board who clearly are very very very experienced truck drivers, but haven’t been anywhere near a lorry since the Eaton Twin Split was modern, and as such are very good at sounding knowledgable, but really don’t know [zb] when it comes to what’s involved in the industry these days other than second hand accounts online :wink:

A very good Question
I am a Tramper, with 30 years in the Industry and so know the problems many face.
I am not the voice of Drivers, The unity working together as one will be, already on the website are 3 surveys to ensure the PDU gets from Drivers the “facts” and their opinions, Then the PDU will attend meetings as a committee to represent you.

As for experience in campaigning:-
I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

I commend you for standing up for drivers or at least trying to but it won’t change the fact that we are seen by the general public as slow, overly intimidating sizewise, dirty, rude, etc. Yes I do understand that we as drivers have only ourselves to blame for this image problem but no-one wants trucks on the road. They are closing parking areas in town centres down, jacking up prices at MSA’s whilst offering zero security, the ever increasing lorry ban moving across towns and cities.

All these meetings you’ve had have brought not a great deal for the general driver population. We are still treated like animals at RDC’s, shunned at MSA’s, restricted to what roads and routes we can take, the list goes on.

I’ve only been driving 18 months but even in that short time I’ve seen more than enough evidence to show that Britain hates the lorry and will do anything to get them off the roads.

Actually Barrie, a good debate is one that embraces other views, even if they are opposite to yours. This is the point I was I guess I was trying to make when I asked about the closed group.

You seem to want an autocracy, rather than democracy.

Also might I suggest that your average trucker has a sense of humour. If you don’t, you won’t garner much in the way of support.

The fella you are turning your nose up at there has a YouTube channel that gets thousands of hits a month. Just saying.

The Sarge:
Is that aimed at Switchlogic, Radar 19 or me? Or everyone who seems to disagree with you?

Aimed at no one particular (and no offence intended)
Just a polite request to keep it within topic and allow others to ask questions.


Barrie Tozer:

Ok fair do’s it’s your barbeque I guess.

I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this question before.

What qualifies you to be the “voice” between truckers and industry? I don’t mean formal qualifications either. How many years have you been a driver? Are you currently a driver? If not why not? If not when did you last drive professionally?

Just curious about your background I guess. We have a few on this board who clearly are very very very experienced truck drivers, but haven’t been anywhere near a lorry since the Eaton Twin Split was modern, and as such are very good at sounding knowledgable, but really don’t know [zb] when it comes to what’s involved in the industry these days other than second hand accounts online :wink:

A very good Question
I am a Tramper, with 30 years in the Industry and so know the problems many face.
I am not the voice of Drivers, The unity working together as one will be, already on the website are 3 surveys to ensure the PDU gets from Drivers the “facts” and their opinions, Then the PDU will attend meetings as a committee to represent you.

As for experience in campaigning:-
I have been campaigning and given a voice forward for Drivers for many years using the name of Truckersworld, but it has been difficult without a unity of our profession. Even so I have had many meetings with Government Ministers, was a member of the RHA security forum where leading figures met 3 times a year and I voiced the drivers opinions. I have also had meetings with most RDC and MSA Directors, bringing about improvements for Drivers. Plus I have been a guest speaker for drivers at Industry level seminars. I have also managed to get money back for drivers in difficult circumstances and also made Companies open better toilet facilities.
I brought about a joint venture between the RHA/FTA and Truckersworld to obtain better overnight lorry parking leading to a Government consultation and the “Lorry Parking Strategy” (on-going but needs to be pushed)

I commend you for standing up for drivers or at least trying to but it won’t change the fact that we are seen by the general public as slow, overly intimidating sizewise, dirty, rude, etc. Yes I do understand that we as drivers have only ourselves to blame for this image problem but no-one wants trucks on the road. They are closing parking areas in town centres down, jacking up prices at MSA’s whilst offering zero security, the ever increasing lorry ban moving across towns and cities.

All these meetings you’ve had have brought not a great deal for the general driver population. We are still treated like animals at RDC’s, shunned at MSA’s, restricted to what roads and routes we can take, the list goes on.

I’ve only been driving 18 months but even in that short time I’ve seen more than enough evidence to show that Britain hates the lorry and will do anything to get them off the roads.

Agree and all correct which is why as Drivers we must “try” to change things and it will only ever happen with unity

Listen, Barrie. I am not having a go, but if you want my money (and I assume lots of other people’s money) you need to be scrupulous in you accounting. If it is to cover past set up expenses - fine. If it is to cover future expected expenses - that’s fine too, just tell us.

Barrie Tozer:



Barrie Tozer:
The £5.00 is non profit and so as there is no excess there is no requirement for accounting.

You know that’s a bit of a startling statement. Have you been getting tips from Kids Company?!

If you and others have no interest in a form of unity then why post on this topic.

Please respect others and allow them to ask questions without having to go through post that have no relevance.

A good debate is to respect others, thanks

If you think the issue of accounting for money people have entrusted to you has ‘No relevance’ you’re doomed to failure. Not to mention a tax investigation.

The fella you are turning your nose up at there has a YouTube channel that gets thousands of hits a month.

Are we talking about Luke on YouTube or are we talking about Jay the pretend trucker…lmao