Jesus, are you Grade A bell-end or what…
In reply to your non rely to my question, I set out why I’m asking about your membership numbers, you said if I gave a good reason why I’m asking, you might reconsider your refusal to provide the figures.
So I gave you good reasons, and politely & constructively explained why I’m asking and how the figure, either low or high could be used to your advantage to further your cause - I threw you a massive bone… yet once again, in your typical childish manner, you spat it right back at me; you are a knob.
In your reply, you state you have had ONE meeting… one meeting in a year - hardly productive, and you’ve opened the door to the RHA - the email from the RHA didn’t come across as very constructive, basically, it says, Thanks for the meeting, and the list of complaints, go away and get me more info and proof, bring a few of your members to the table and maybe we can help you - so thats not being “taken seriously” as you state. As for the DFT open door - anyone can write to them and they will respond and say yes we’d love to meet you - so somehow a convenient time will never appear, unless they think you are a big organisation with massive membership - one look at your website and Facebook page will tell them otherwise.
You then admit you have lied to the RHA about your membership size, to appear stronger than you actually are… in previous answers you said you wouldn’t divulge membership numbers in case the Q&A was being monitored by people you want to meet with - well, you’ve blown that right out the window now, if they are monitoring this Q&A (seriously, don’t flatter yourself) then they now know you’re lying and your open door has just closed. Plus what will you do if you told them you have 5,000 members, and they ask for proof…
You then suggest that instead of asking questions, maybe I should join PDU and tell my friends about it - how can I join something that I have no trust or faith in as it’s leader doesn’t answer questions, and admits to fabricating truths to potential partners & agencies.
I genuinely hope you learn something from this Q&A session… if you open yourself up to scrutiny, asking people to send you questions to debate - then be prepared to give open, honest answers, if you think its not what people want to hear then spin it in your favour, if someone says something you don’t like just accept it or counter with a professional counter-arguement, not some childish “my dad’s bigger than your dad” type stance, or report them to the Mods, or refuse to answer - you claim to front a professional organisation that you want to lead, expand, gain members and represent them at national level, yet you’ve acted like a complete ■■■■■ Maybe you should re-read this entire 22+ page posting and then realise how badly you have presented yourself and your organisation, and why so many people have turned on you, and only one or two have shown the slightest support.