14 pages of pish! What a shambles, only reason Rikki gave this guy the nod isn’t to give him a soapbox for Q&A, it was to give him a length eh rope.

Quite astonished how this thread has survived, lot of usernames you only see in a blue moon come out the woodwork aswell.

The Sarge:
Which comments on here have you taken exception to, Barrie? You asked for questions, I asked questions. I think you replied to three out of six or seven? I know it hasn’t gone how you would have liked, but where have I insulted you?

I have never once said you have insulted me.

just questions asked are then twisted into another format and asked again over 107 questions answered and a lot just twisted to a different format because some could not accept and answer that did not suit them

14 pages of pish! What a shambles, only reason Rikki gave this guy the nod isn’t to give him a soapbox for Q&A, it was to give him a length eh rope.

Quite astonished how this thread has survived, lot of usernames you only see in a blue moon come out the woodwork aswell.

Yep, just to stick the knife in.

Barrie Tozer:

Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

As usual with no facts. :smiling_imp:

It had to close because I was using my own money as the outgoings were bigger than incomings.

Look at what it did, then work out the income.
Of course no apology for being wrong,
then it takes a man to apologize :imp:

So you didn’t learn any lessons from this and ploughed yet more of your own money into this “new” one? Obviously what you do with your own money is your business but any sensible person would have called it quits right then.Just an observation but if you are that loose with your own money do you think that gives any confidence to anyone when your taking theirs?

A reminder to everyone to please keep it civil. If a question or answer is not liked then try rephrasing it to be more acceptable or ask for clarification. If an answer to your satisfaction is obviously not going to be given, then draw your own conclusions/inferences from that and move on.

I’m running out of popcorn :imp:

Keep it going ladies.

I’ll be back :slight_smile:

Barrie - you didn’t “answer over 107 questions” - you posted over 107 times. That is different. I asked how many people have paid money to you - ignored. I asked who instigated this thread, you or Rikki - ignored. I asked who accounted for the cash - ignored.
Many other questions were asked and ignored - not reworded, just re-asked after being ignored.
Sorry mate, I don’t think you have filled many on here with confidence - just sayin’

Barrie Tozer:

Where were they to speak up for Drivers with POA, WTD, CPC etc ?

Thought those rules came from Brussels and as our government cant fight against those cretins what chance would any union have ?

The next answer since my last reply so on we go :smiley:

POA is only UK,
CPC is a EU Directive “Implemented” by UK Government.
So could be amended

Just as a side line if we come out of the EU and talks take place to implement new rules for Drivers

Who will be in place to ensure Drivers have a say? or do we just leave it to the RHA/FTA to tell us without asking

If you are going to answer Barrie at least get things right first!

Poa is defined in Article 3(b) of directive 2002/15/EC
Now that is directive direct from Brussels and is applicable to ever E.U. State not just the U.K.

You are correct in that the U.K. Government had to implement the drivers cpc or risk fines of millions of pounds for non compliance.

At the time of the introduction the E.U. States where given 3 options if my memory serves me correct on how to do it.
The U.K. Chose the simplist option that would comply, unlike other states who went for an exam bases system for all drivers, that’s why some entered earlier than others.

No disrespect but if you are going to want to represent drivers on complex issues like this please please get your facts right.

This is not intended to pick holes but you are doing yourself no favours.

Barrie Tozer:

I am gonna sign up to this pdu. I doubt pdu will change anything for drivers but what the hell is £5? It’s worth a gamble and if pdu fails to unite drivers or fails to change anything for drivers I won’t lose any sleep over £5. However let’s not slate those drivers that have decided not to join up as it’s not everyone that can afford to risk a fiver. I don’t have a question to contribute but my suggestion to you Barrie is to start off with transparency mate ie promise monies will be accounted for and audited etc, that will give a lot of people confidence to sign up. Well done for your effort mate.

If and when you give your support, you will have access to the private forum.

In here you will see how many members, the balance and accounts

So you started this with, quote, THE PDU-UK Q&A. That’s PDU QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.
The answers are available for a small fee of £5. Is that what your saying?
Are you taking the P##S?

Noo there’s a question, will you answer? Not holding my breath cause I’ve been ignored up till now.


Barrie Tozer:

Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

As usual with no facts. :smiling_imp:

It had to close because I was using my own money as the outgoings were bigger than incomings.

Look at what it did, then work out the income.
Of course no apology for being wrong,
then it takes a man to apologize :imp:

So you didn’t learn any lessons from this and ploughed yet more of your own money into this “new” one? Obviously what you do with your own money is your business but any sensible person would have called it quits right then.Just an observation but if you are that loose with your own money do you think that gives any confidence to anyone when your taking theirs?

Actually the proof is I like to give more back than I take.

Welcome Barrie to T/N as you know i am very supportive of your long campaign for better conditions for drivers, i must agree that i have yet to read the whole 14 pages, but i truly know what you are trying to achieve, and i support 100%. Sadly there are a great many drivers who shout and scream everyday, how they cannot wait to retire, how bad the money and conditions are,yet sit back and watch whilst others do the dirty work as it were. I have seen on this post alone how negative some drivers are, one in particular is more interested in where the money has gone !
I have spoken to many drivers throughout my very long career, and almost everyone, has agreed that the French have got it right, how they take no nonsense, yet they dont realise that its because they are united, they all stick together and get what they want…no 15 hour days for them, wonderful truckstops, and a police force that backs them…yet i see on different sites, the opposite in UK drivers, so i dont have any questions, i have lots of answers though, and i want to know why we fought for our rights many years ago…yet todays drivers couldnt care less, but can still moan about the industry. We are treated abysmally, and need someone to shout for us, so once again i applaud you for what you are doing.

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:

Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

As usual with no facts. :smiling_imp:

It had to close because I was using my own money as the outgoings were bigger than incomings.

Look at what it did, then work out the income.
Of course no apology for being wrong,
then it takes a man to apologize :imp:

So you didn’t learn any lessons from this and ploughed yet more of your own money into this “new” one? Obviously what you do with your own money is your business but any sensible person would have called it quits right then.Just an observation but if you are that loose with your own money do you think that gives any confidence to anyone when your taking theirs?

Actually the proof is I like to give more back than I take.

Actually I think it’s called bad money management and accounting :unamused:


Barrie Tozer:

I am gonna sign up to this pdu. I doubt pdu will change anything for drivers but what the hell is £5? It’s worth a gamble and if pdu fails to unite drivers or fails to change anything for drivers I won’t lose any sleep over £5. However let’s not slate those drivers that have decided not to join up as it’s not everyone that can afford to risk a fiver. I don’t have a question to contribute but my suggestion to you Barrie is to start off with transparency mate ie promise monies will be accounted for and audited etc, that will give a lot of people confidence to sign up. Well done for your effort mate.

If and when you give your support, you will have access to the private forum.

In here you will see how many members, the balance and accounts

So you started this with, quote, THE PDU-UK Q&A. That’s PDU QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.
The answers are available for a small fee of £5. Is that what your saying?
Are you taking the P##S?

Noo there’s a question, will you answer? Not holding my breath cause I’ve been ignored up till now.

You might not like my many answers on the subject of membership which has been said a dozen times.
that is your call

Ask a question, get and answer,
I do not like that answer so will ask again and again and again

The answer will still be the same

For good reason

Welcome Barrie to T/N as you know i am very supportive of your long campaign for better conditions for drivers, i must agree that i have yet to read the whole 14 pages, but i truly know what you are trying to achieve, and i support 100%. Sadly there are a great many drivers who shout and scream everyday, how they cannot wait to retire, how bad the money and conditions are,yet sit back and watch whilst others do the dirty work as it were. I have seen on this post alone how negative some drivers are, one in particular is more interested in where the money has gone !
I have spoken to many drivers throughout my very long career, and almost everyone, has agreed that the French have got it right, how they take no nonsense, yet they dont realise that its because they are united, they all stick together and get what they want…no 15 hour days for them, wonderful truckstops, and a police force that backs them…yet i see on different sites, the opposite in UK drivers, so i dont have any questions, i have lots of answers though, and i want to know why we fought for our rights many years ago…yet todays drivers couldnt care less, but can still moan about the industry. We are treated abysmally, and need someone to shout for us, so once again i applaud you for what you are doing.

they will soon be turning on you for offering a word of support


Barrie Tozer:
Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

As usual with no facts. :smiling_imp:

It had to close because I was using my own money as the outgoings were bigger than incomings.

Look at what it did, then work out the income.
Of course no apology for being wrong,
then it takes a man to apologize :imp:

So you didn’t learn any lessons from this and ploughed yet more of your own money into this “new” one? Obviously what you do with your own money is your business but any sensible person would have called it quits right then.Just an observation but if you are that loose with your own money do you think that gives any confidence to anyone when your taking theirs?

Barrie Tozer:
Actually the proof is I like to give more back than I take.

Actually I think it’s called bad money management and accounting :unamused:

As long as those joining get more back than they put in is actually good management.
Maybe unlike you I do not aim to rip anyone off but give back more

The majority on here are not attacking you Barrie, just watching, but what we are NOT seeing are any real answers…
We are not interested in raffle prizes, a slap up dinner, or a cuddly toy. We want to know and see what plans you have and how you are think you are going to achieve them. But all we have is 15 pages of nothing…

Welcome Barrie to T/N as you know i am very supportive of your long campaign for better conditions for drivers, i must agree that i have yet to read the whole 14 pages, but i truly know what you are trying to achieve, and i support 100%. Sadly there are a great many drivers who shout and scream everyday, how they cannot wait to retire, how bad the money and conditions are,yet sit back and watch whilst others do the dirty work as it were. I have seen on this post alone how negative some drivers are, one in particular is more interested in where the money has gone !
I have spoken to many drivers throughout my very long career, and almost everyone, has agreed that the French have got it right, how they take no nonsense, yet they dont realise that its because they are united, they all stick together and get what they want…no 15 hour days for them, wonderful truckstops, and a police force that backs them…yet i see on different sites, the opposite in UK drivers, so i dont have any questions, i have lots of answers though, and i want to know why we fought for our rights many years ago…yet todays drivers couldnt care less, but can still moan about the industry. We are treated abysmally, and need someone to shout for us, so once again i applaud you for what you are doing.

If you are an ardent supporter of Barrie, and you profess to have lots of answers, could you answer the ones that Barrie has neglected to provide?

The majority on here are not attacking you Barrie, just watching, but what we are NOT seeing are any real answers…
We are not interested in raffle prizes, a slap up dinner, or a cuddly toy. We want to know and see what plans you have and how you are think you are going to achieve them. But all we have is 15 pages of nothing…

107 answers is not nothing and like the bold it has been answered on numerous occasions but some do not read the answers given.

The plan is to unite and then work as one to bring about improvements

Nothing is in cement bacause until more get involved the PDU cannot be sure what needs to be addressed at higher level
unity means ensuring we address the correct issues and work together to get them resolved

To plan without involving many or asking first would be wrong


Welcome Barrie to T/N as you know i am very supportive of your long campaign for better conditions for drivers, i must agree that i have yet to read the whole 14 pages, but i truly know what you are trying to achieve, and i support 100%. Sadly there are a great many drivers who shout and scream everyday, how they cannot wait to retire, how bad the money and conditions are,yet sit back and watch whilst others do the dirty work as it were. I have seen on this post alone how negative some drivers are, one in particular is more interested in where the money has gone !
I have spoken to many drivers throughout my very long career, and almost everyone, has agreed that the French have got it right, how they take no nonsense, yet they dont realise that its because they are united, they all stick together and get what they want…no 15 hour days for them, wonderful truckstops, and a police force that backs them…yet i see on different sites, the opposite in UK drivers, so i dont have any questions, i have lots of answers though, and i want to know why we fought for our rights many years ago…yet todays drivers couldnt care less, but can still moan about the industry. We are treated abysmally, and need someone to shout for us, so once again i applaud you for what you are doing.

If you are an ardent supporter of Barrie, and you profess to have lots of answers, could you answer the ones that Barrie has neglected to provide?

I warned you they would turn on you :smiley:

They hate to think I might have support

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

As usual with no facts. :smiling_imp:

It had to close because I was using my own money as the outgoings were bigger than incomings.

Look at what it did, then work out the income.
Of course no apology for being wrong,
then it takes a man to apologize :imp:

So you didn’t learn any lessons from this and ploughed yet more of your own money into this “new” one? Obviously what you do with your own money is your business but any sensible person would have called it quits right then.Just an observation but if you are that loose with your own money do you think that gives any confidence to anyone when your taking theirs?

Barrie Tozer:
Actually the proof is I like to give more back than I take.

Actually I think it’s called bad money management and accounting :unamused:

As long as those joining get more back than they put in is actually good management.
Maybe unlike you I do not aim to rip anyone off but give back more
Oh so now I’m a rip off merchant! The same man who donated to your website years back when it was in its knees to help keep it going! I feel sorry for anyone who even hands over a penny to your causes as Obviously they can’t see through you like some of us do.Oh and just so you know I won’t be joining your Unity gang just incase that wasn’t clear. :wink: