But no raffle since 2014. No more members since then?

The event alone cost over £1200 and was Free to all members and their partners
disco, buffet and a top location

I was actually out of pocket by providing this event
Now those that came enjoyed it that much it has become a regular event in Skegness

MikeC is very quick to try and show bad, criticise, insult, without knowing any facts and in honesty makes him look a prat and not a man to be a Moderator of a top forum

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
My name is Barrie Tozer.
I have asked Rikki his permission to allow this so you and I can have a “Question & Answer” session about the PDU-UK. If need be the original format with a subscription and reasons for needing a subscription and its closure, and also the new format

In a very short time there has been much comment on the PDU-UK in previous threads, and on FB, some true and some not so true, so the only way you can consider its merit or not is to answer your questions to hopefully inform you correctly, so we can achieve the aims of the PDU.

I will answer your questions about the PDU-UK with honesty and to the best of ability.

Barrie Tozer:
I gave up a weekend to talk to others. 107 replies mostly to answering questions.
I am wasting my time and will go back to where those are offering involvement, help and support, maybe the PDU will or will not continue.

You asked to come here for a Q&A and now you’re wasting your time ? From what i’m reading you are not answering many questions, infact you’re raising even more.

You say you’ll go back to where you’re offered involvement, help and support ? Just where is that ? From what i’ve seen your own forum members have left you, most if not all of your previous “comittee members” and close circle of supporters have left you ? On Facebook your group which was “open” and could of give you a positive image by doing constructive things is now closed, so potential members cannot see what you actually do .And now you say its a few visious individuals hampering your efforts to get off the ground.

Its just really strange that given your aims and intentions that you have never generated any organic growth in the form of followers and supporters. There has to be some reason for this, and i don’t think its because of a few individuals bad mouthing you, or that drivers are their own worst enemy etc… I think you should look a lot closer to home for why you have no support. I’ve no idea how you ever thought anyone was going to pay you any money given your track record.

As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

Lack of respect from a moderator? Got to admit, I don’t agree with everything that every moderator says, but I haven’t noticed any member being banned for asking questions - unlike Truckersworld where, many years ago, one of your mods ripped into me and told me to “■■■■ off back to TNUK”. Now THAT is a lack of respect, Barrie. You seem to be on a revolving door - every time you flounce out and slam it, you end up back in here…

Now insulting a moderator here? Had enough, have you, Barrie? Looking to get the thread locked so that you can scuttle off and name TNUK as being the reason that this venture failed, are you? If you want to post names to blame, mine is Mike Hinton.

Barrie Tozer:
As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

Mike may not be as diplomatic as some other folks on here, but he posted within the rules, and moderators are members too ,and entitled to their own opinion


Barrie Tozer:
As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

Mike may not be as diplomatic as some other folks on here, but he posted within the rules, and moderators are members too ,and entitled to their own opinion

I wish there was a “like” button :slight_smile:

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
My name is Barrie Tozer.
I have asked Rikki his permission to allow this so you and I can have a “Question & Answer” session about the PDU-UK. If need be the original format with a subscription and reasons for needing a subscription and its closure, and also the new format

In a very short time there has been much comment on the PDU-UK in previous threads, and on FB, some true and some not so true, so the only way you can consider its merit or not is to answer your questions to hopefully inform you correctly, so we can achieve the aims of the PDU.

I will answer your questions about the PDU-UK with honesty and to the best of ability.

Barrie Tozer:
I gave up a weekend to talk to others. 107 replies mostly to answering questions.
I am wasting my time and will go back to where those are offering involvement, help and support, maybe the PDU will or will not continue.

You asked to come here for a Q&A and now you’re wasting your time ? From what i’m reading you are not answering many questions, infact you’re raising even more.

You say you’ll go back to where you’re offered involvement, help and support ? Just where is that ? From what i’ve seen your own forum members have left you, most if not all of your previous “comittee members” and close circle of supporters have left you ? On Facebook your group which was “open” and could of give you a positive image by doing constructive things is now closed, so potential members cannot see what you actually do .And now you say its a few visious individuals hampering your efforts to get off the ground.

Its just really strange that given your aims and intentions that you have never generated any organic growth in the form of followers and supporters. There has to be some reason for this, and i don’t think its because of a few individuals bad mouthing you, or that drivers are their own worst enemy etc… I think you should look a lot closer to home for why you have no support. I’ve no idea how you ever thought anyone was going to pay you any money given your track record.

As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

I locked two posts concerning the PDU for the reason we do not promote other peoples sites without permission.
I have not insulted you on a personal level.
I do hold central and non biased views. Some stuff i like, some stuff i don’t.

You appearing to run schemes, clubs, paying membership type outfits, all with Welcome packs and stickers isn’t my cup of tea. There’s nothing to restrict me saying so. Again, me pointing out that everyone seems to be leaving you is not an insult, nor is it any bias.

And BTW, don’t tell me what to do as a Moderator. If it was you Moderating this thread wouldn’t of seen the light of day, you’d be deleting and banning like a goodun. Somethings thats not gone unoticed by many here.

So, why do you think you’re not attracting much support ? And why do you think you’ve lost any support you previously had ?

I locked two posts concerning the PDU for the reason we do not promote other peoples sites without permission.
I have not insulted you on a personal level.
I do hold central and non biased views. Some stuff i like, some stuff i don’t.

You appearing to run schemes, clubs, paying membership type outfits, all with Welcome packs and stickers isn’t my cup of tea. There’s nothing to restrict me saying so. Again, me pointing out that everyone seems to be leaving you is not an insult, nor is it any bias.

And BTW, don’t tell me what to do as a Moderator. If it was you Moderating this thread wouldn’t of seen the light of day, you’d be deleting and banning like a goodun. Somethings thats not gone unoticed by many here.

So, why do you think you’re not attracting much support ? And why do you think you’ve lost any support you previously had ?

I REALLY REALLY want a like button…


Barrie Tozer:
As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

Mike may not be as diplomatic as some other folks on here, but he posted within the rules, and moderators are members too ,and entitled to their own opinion

No problems there Rikki
but he should not add insult on closure of a topic

Then try and show me up by linking to something completely irrelevant to this topic in an attempt to make me look bad without a single fact to hand

The Club was in fact a great success and members were sorry it closed

I’d invite you guys to put into google, and look at the same welcome pack, the same unity, a raffle, etc…

and it is relevant to what he’s doing now. Its practically the same format he’s used. Same tack, asking for £25.

Well at least it’s not £30 per annum like it was recently.

But I will follow up on this with…

And the accounts for these are…?

And you can still pay through Paypal on the website. Yet you say it’s closed? :open_mouth:


Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
My name is Barrie Tozer.
I have asked Rikki his permission to allow this so you and I can have a “Question & Answer” session about the PDU-UK. If need be the original format with a subscription and reasons for needing a subscription and its closure, and also the new format

In a very short time there has been much comment on the PDU-UK in previous threads, and on FB, some true and some not so true, so the only way you can consider its merit or not is to answer your questions to hopefully inform you correctly, so we can achieve the aims of the PDU.

I will answer your questions about the PDU-UK with honesty and to the best of ability.

Barrie Tozer:
I gave up a weekend to talk to others. 107 replies mostly to answering questions.
I am wasting my time and will go back to where those are offering involvement, help and support, maybe the PDU will or will not continue.

You asked to come here for a Q&A and now you’re wasting your time ? From what i’m reading you are not answering many questions, infact you’re raising even more.

You say you’ll go back to where you’re offered involvement, help and support ? Just where is that ? From what i’ve seen your own forum members have left you, most if not all of your previous “comittee members” and close circle of supporters have left you ? On Facebook your group which was “open” and could of give you a positive image by doing constructive things is now closed, so potential members cannot see what you actually do .And now you say its a few visious individuals hampering your efforts to get off the ground.

Its just really strange that given your aims and intentions that you have never generated any organic growth in the form of followers and supporters. There has to be some reason for this, and i don’t think its because of a few individuals bad mouthing you, or that drivers are their own worst enemy etc… I think you should look a lot closer to home for why you have no support. I’ve no idea how you ever thought anyone was going to pay you any money given your track record.

As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

I locked two posts concerning the PDU for the reason we do not promote other peoples sites without permission.
I have not insulted you on a personal level.
I do hold central and non biased views. Some stuff i like, some stuff i don’t.

You appearing to run schemes, clubs, paying membership type outfits, all with Welcome packs and stickers isn’t my cup of tea. There’s nothing to restrict me saying so. Again, me pointing out that everyone seems to be leaving you is not an insult, nor is it any bias.

And BTW, don’t tell me what to do as a Moderator. If it was you Moderating this thread wouldn’t of seen the light of day, you’d be deleting and banning like a goodun. Somethings thats not gone unoticed by many here.

So, why do you think you’re not attracting much support ? And why do you think you’ve lost any support you previously had ?

The truth is you insulted me on closing the last topic down.

You then send members to a link to try and make me look foolish and bad without one fact to hand, yet the club was a great success and although the club is closed members still meet up for a annual do every year in Skegness.

You would never admit a mistake, never apologize if wrong and are most definately not unbiased.

A moderator that uses his position to undermine and have the last word with insults.

Barrie Tozer:
The truth is you insulted me on closing the last topic down.

You then send members to a link to try and make me look foolish and bad without one fact to hand, yet the club was a great success and although the club is closed members still meet up for a annual due every year in Skegness.

You would never admit a mistake, never apologize if wrong and are most definately not unbiased.

A moderator that uses his position to undermine and have the last word with insults.

Pot, kettle, black?
You don’t have to answer that one. After all, you haven’t actually answered much else in 14 pages…

Barrie Tozer:
The forward planning should rightly involve those that it involves.

We’re heading into Donald Rumsfeld territory!

The Sarge:

Barrie Tozer:


Barrie Tozer:
My name is Barrie Tozer.
I have asked Rikki his permission to allow this so you and I can have a “Question & Answer” session about the PDU-UK. If need be the original format with a subscription and reasons for needing a subscription and its closure, and also the new format

In a very short time there has been much comment on the PDU-UK in previous threads, and on FB, some true and some not so true, so the only way you can consider its merit or not is to answer your questions to hopefully inform you correctly, so we can achieve the aims of the PDU.

I will answer your questions about the PDU-UK with honesty and to the best of ability.

Barrie Tozer:
I gave up a weekend to talk to others. 107 replies mostly to answering questions.
I am wasting my time and will go back to where those are offering involvement, help and support, maybe the PDU will or will not continue.

You asked to come here for a Q&A and now you’re wasting your time ? From what i’m reading you are not answering many questions, infact you’re raising even more.

You say you’ll go back to where you’re offered involvement, help and support ? Just where is that ? From what i’ve seen your own forum members have left you, most if not all of your previous “comittee members” and close circle of supporters have left you ? On Facebook your group which was “open” and could of give you a positive image by doing constructive things is now closed, so potential members cannot see what you actually do .And now you say its a few visious individuals hampering your efforts to get off the ground.

Its just really strange that given your aims and intentions that you have never generated any organic growth in the form of followers and supporters. There has to be some reason for this, and i don’t think its because of a few individuals bad mouthing you, or that drivers are their own worst enemy etc… I think you should look a lot closer to home for why you have no support. I’ve no idea how you ever thought anyone was going to pay you any money given your track record.

As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

Lack of respect from a moderator? Got to admit, I don’t agree with everything that every moderator says, but I haven’t noticed any member being banned for asking questions - unlike Truckersworld where, many years ago, one of your mods ripped into me and told me to “[zb] off back to TNUK”. Now THAT is a lack of respect, Barrie. You seem to be on a revolving door - every time you flounce out and slam it, you end up back in here…

Going by your comments on here, the moderator was probably right in his actions, but then that was him not me.

I think at the end of this chase it appears the majority of this cross section of drivers do not want to join the PDU. That tells the story drivers aren’t going to join a group where nothing about it is clear cut. Barrie you said you were 59 if I were you I would give up. AS you stated all failed before because drivers did not give you the support you wanted and needed and nothing there will ever change. I came with an open mind here to see what the offer was and it just was not good enough. Drivers will never speak with one voice and I think you are wasting your time trying to unite them. Nobody I believe actively wanted this to fail but it is all wrong …wrong format with no clear cut strategies just a bit of pie in the sky strategy and plans. Nothing concrete whatsoever.
Maybe one day someone will come along with a clear and concise strategy and have the ability to unite the drivers in the UK but sadly it appears you are not the man to do it. No reflection on your character it is just you haven’t got what it takes. I see that there is too much suspicion of your motives and unfortunately you did nothing to address those issues in a clear way. You need to be completely open and available for all this to be checked but it is a bit like the Masonic too secret and closed. That’s what it looks like to me. A few will thank you for trying to do this but many more have seen that this is nothing but a pipe dream which cannot ever come true not in my lifetime anyway.
Go off enjoy yourself play golf or whatever floats your boat and just stop worrying about drivers. We will survive and that is a fact. We will moan and that is a fact will we do anything to change no and that is a fact. One man and a merry bunch of unknown and untried people does not inspire confidence in me or anyone else. Therein lies the biggest problem. But you gave it a good shot and missed but that is not the end of the world. Time is precious to us all and it is not worth wasting in on a project that has failure written all over it. There is an old Jewish proverb which my father used to say to me all the time 2If 6 people tell you you are sick lie down"

Possibly the most sensible post on this sorry thread

Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

Which comments on here have you taken exception to, Barrie? You asked for questions, I asked questions. I think you replied to three out of six or seven? I know it hasn’t gone how you would have liked, but where have I insulted you?

Why close one and start yet another?(ref Truckers club) If members wanted it to stay why close it? Was it that cow was fully milked as no new members joining so no more cash flow? Hence the need to start yet another with new members and new money.

As usual with no facts. :smiling_imp:

It had to close because I was using my own money as the outgoings were bigger than incomings.

Look at what it did, then work out the income.
Of course no apology for being wrong,
then it takes a man to apologize :imp:

If anyone has an ounce of sense who is considering joining any paid for membership scheme, then they would be wise to do a basic search about the person and the scheme. It will reveal more than what the individual may want to divulge in an open forum, allowing an unbiased and informed choice of options.

The person who thinks that just ‘Giving’ a £5 joining fee can do no harm is 100% correct. No harm will be done at all. On the same level that a politician who gets a modest salary can double or triple it by claiming legitimate expenses that most of use would be furious with.

The principle that Mr Tozer is aiming for is a valid one, the mechanics of doing it are somewhat dubious if not completely transparent.

I was once given a gem of how to earn a fortune. It simply said to place an advert telling people how to earn a fortune, it would only cost £5 to reveal the secret.