Sorry Barrie Tozer but you seem to have or indulge in selective participation.

I’m all for second chances and all that but you have totally ignored some on here with genuine questions any member of an organisation would ask, paying or not. You are by all accounts the head honcho so too speak yet you evade/dodge subjects close too the bone.

I asked questions several pages ago, others have asked the same and you have skitted around with waffle and others you hide the truth.
Some still remain unanswered.

I have virtually read every post and you seem to be missing a trick here. There is people on here that have a big presance who could help you and the Unity you and others crave but your just not grabbing that opportunity too unite. It’s them im believing right now not PDU-UK
They are the ones with big voices and it seems you are not helping your own cause.

Only my opinion of course.

If feel your flogging a dead horse and you are the one people don’t support. What you want they want but your not the one too UNITE the masses.

Sorry Barrie, I’m out.


Good luck though. If you succeed then I will take my hat off too you and PDU-UK, hold my hands up and other genuine apologies for the doubt.

Barrie Tozer:

Back in 2005 you met with the Transport Director Alex Laffey, from Tesco. You were worried about the conditions that the drivers were forced to endure while delivering to their sites. Can you expand on how you improved the situation for drivers with Tesco RDC’s over the past ten years?

In August 2006, you met with the leaders of the Motorway service areas along with the then Transport Minister Stephen Ladyman, the Home Secretary John Reid and other Cabinet members. These are extremely high profile members and to get your cause in front of them was a good achievement in itself. Your issues were the poor state of facilities and lack of security for HGV drivers using MSA’s, can you provide any evidence of improvement resulting from your involvement within the past ten years? Reading the topics on Trucknet, this problem has not only continued, but alas has gotten worse. This followed on from a campaign in 2004 where you stated that there were 246,000 drivers and only six (6) had made representation of support with your complaints.

It is very clear that you have been a staunch campaigner to better the conditions for drivers over many years. You have had some success in getting your message across to the relevant people, however that success can only be measured by the long term improvements that you have called for. As we are still discussing the very same issues over ten years down the line can only suggest that the high profile meetings you attended were nothing short of a PR exercise for those involved. Now it may be that if you had the backing of a large membership of like minded folk, things could well have been different today. We will never know. What is clear however, you have not managed to gather any kind of support from the very people that you want to help.

Now I am not saying that what you are trying to do wrong, in fact I think you have some extremely valid points. But I feel that your past performance and results, your obvious lack of leadership qualities, your erratic mood swings and lack of openness and accountability have pushed many people to hold you in a position of suspicion. You are in a catch 22 situation, you need members to support you in your cause and you need to prove to members that your cause can work.

In some aspects you have answered your own postings.

I managed to open the doors to these high profile meetings (and yes I did get some improvements)

What I lacked in to continue with these meetings to get those improvements was any support from Drivers who wanted them.

Am I to blame for failing or are Drivers for not helping?

I have had to answer my own postings as you have neglected to provide a qualified answer to many questions, not just mine. I asked you for your previous experience and background but had to find it for myself. It threw up some interesting results.

Opening the doors was a good deed but as you failed to provide anything other than anecdotal musings, the people you met with paid you only lip service to appear to understand your cause. Nothing of any merit has progressed from the past ten years that I can find. If you’re intent on moving things forward, and there is a real case for doing so, what can you do to improve the take up rate and retention of members? A discount on tat isn’t going to cut it, purpose, action and results may just get things moving.

There is a reason that you fail to get support from drivers, and it is the same reason that some will vote for one party and some vote for another, they need to feel that the leadership and the policies are relevant to their own ideals, it stands up to scrutiny and it can be trusted to deliver its aims.

I would say that yes, you are to blame for the failure. You had a great idea, a true belief that change was needed and even managed to get to talk to the people who could make those changes happen. Your biggest failure was to think you could do it alone, a single voice without the support needed to make it heard. Even after all these years of shouting, and although your reasons for change are valid, you have failed to gather the support required. What you must ask yourself is this:
Is it the cause that people are unwilling to follow, or the leader?

This Q&A session has provided that answer, but I don’t think you have fully grasped it.

PS, I love the resemblance of you to your old CB handle :wink:

I think at the end of this chase it appears the majority of this cross section of drivers do not want to join the PDU. That tells the story drivers aren’t going to join a group where nothing about it is clear cut. Barrie you said you were 59 if I were you I would give up. AS you stated all failed before because drivers did not give you the support you wanted and needed and nothing there will ever change. I came with an open mind here to see what the offer was and it just was not good enough. Drivers will never speak with one voice and I think you are wasting your time trying to unite them. Nobody I believe actively wanted this to fail but it is all wrong …wrong format with no clear cut strategies just a bit of pie in the sky strategy and plans. Nothing concrete whatsoever.
Maybe one day someone will come along with a clear and concise strategy and have the ability to unite the drivers in the UK but sadly it appears you are not the man to do it. No reflection on your character it is just you haven’t got what it takes. I see that there is too much suspicion of your motives and unfortunately you did nothing to address those issues in a clear way. You need to be completely open and available for all this to be checked but it is a bit like the Masonic too secret and closed. That’s what it looks like to me. A few will thank you for trying to do this but many more have seen that this is nothing but a pipe dream which cannot ever come true not in my lifetime anyway.
Go off enjoy yourself play golf or whatever floats your boat and just stop worrying about drivers. We will survive and that is a fact. We will moan and that is a fact will we do anything to change no and that is a fact. One man and a merry bunch of unknown and untried people does not inspire confidence in me or anyone else. Therein lies the biggest problem. But you gave it a good shot and missed but that is not the end of the world. Time is precious to us all and it is not worth wasting in on a project that has failure written all over it. There is an old Jewish proverb which my father used to say to me all the time 2If 6 people tell you you are sick lie down"

Barrie Tozer:
My name is Barrie Tozer.
I have asked Rikki his permission to allow this so you and I can have a “Question & Answer” session about the PDU-UK. If need be the original format with a subscription and reasons for needing a subscription and its closure, and also the new format

In a very short time there has been much comment on the PDU-UK in previous threads, and on FB, some true and some not so true, so the only way you can consider its merit or not is to answer your questions to hopefully inform you correctly, so we can achieve the aims of the PDU.

I will answer your questions about the PDU-UK with honesty and to the best of ability.

Barrie Tozer:
I gave up a weekend to talk to others. 107 replies mostly to answering questions.
I am wasting my time and will go back to where those are offering involvement, help and support, maybe the PDU will or will not continue.

You asked to come here for a Q&A and now you’re wasting your time ? From what i’m reading you are not answering many questions, infact you’re raising even more.

You say you’ll go back to where you’re offered involvement, help and support ? Just where is that ? From what i’ve seen your own forum members have left you, most if not all of your previous “comittee members” and close circle of supporters have left you ? On Facebook your group which was “open” and could of give you a positive image by doing constructive things is now closed, so potential members cannot see what you actually do .And now you say its a few visious individuals hampering your efforts to get off the ground.

Its just really strange that given your aims and intentions that you have never generated any organic growth in the form of followers and supporters. There has to be some reason for this, and i don’t think its because of a few individuals bad mouthing you, or that drivers are their own worst enemy etc… I think you should look a lot closer to home for why you have no support. I’ve no idea how you ever thought anyone was going to pay you any money given your track record.

Barrie, let’s try a different question -

How well do you think this Q&A is going for ya?

The way I see this is that Barrie’s intentions however clumsy they may or may not come across in his attempts to sell them to us, are right minded and genuine.

Most on here can not get past his previous record, many are just jumping on a band wagon and putting the boot in.

My opinion is… if he did fail at things in the past, at least he tried :bulb: , so maybe he should not be knocked for attempting things that others either could never be arsed to do, nor have the initiative or balls to do themselves. :bulb:

On the other side he does come across as a bit unclear and ambiguous on some points, to the annoyance of potential members to his scheme, he also appears to be reluctant to any suggestion of compromise, as the one I made, which in effect put him on a trial before agreeing to pay out, which would also have given him an opportunity to prove success in his scheme.

After saying that, anybody who is willing to TRY and make the job better for us, or even make public and raise awareness of all, or even some of the crap we have to put up with is ok by me.
That’s the way I see it, if that makes me appear naive to some, well so be it.

Barrie, what reason do you have for not revealing how many members you have of the PDU_UK?

I am not having a go, I would just like an answer to that question. (BTW, I know you are still online)

Looks like your wanted over on your Facebook page Barrie…

Removed - not relevant here and I am sure if the gentleman wanted his financial affairs discussed on TruckNet he would have posted here himself.

It was relevant to this thread,someone wanted a refund on their subscription and we’re still waiting for it 2 weeks after requesting it,hardly Barrie’s financial affairs more those of the PDU.

I was referring to the gentleman asking for the refund.- a simple post saying that you had seen a post on the facebook page asking for his refund would have been acceptable . Posting the name and photo of the person asking wasnt


The way I see this is that Barrie’s intentions however clumsy they may or may not come across in his attempts to sell them to us, are right minded and genuine.

Most on here can not get past his previous record, many are just jumping on a band wagon and putting the boot in.

My opinion is… if he did fail at things in the past, at least he tried :bulb: , so maybe he should not be knocked for attempting things that others either could never be arsed to do, nor have the initiative or balls to do themselves. :bulb:

On the other side he does come across as a bit unclear and ambiguous on some points, to the annoyance of potential members to his scheme, he also appears to be reluctant to any suggestion of compromise, as the one I made, which in effect put him on a trial before agreeing to pay out, which would also have given him an opportunity to prove success in his scheme.

After saying that, anybody who is willing to TRY and make the job better for us, or even make public and raise awareness of all, or even some of the crap we have to put up with is ok by me.
That’s the way I see it, if that makes me appear naive to some, well so be it.

I came here with an open mind looking forward to finding out the necessary stuff I wanted to know and to see questions answered in depth with a good explanation of everything the PDU was about. After all this I am no wiser about it. Barrie may be a good tryer. God loves a tryer but unfortunately drivers need a doer not a tryer. Someone who holds the respect of all drivers. On this post Barrie has shown he is not a good communicator that is what I found. To achieve anything you need to be able to communicate well and clearly and know your stuff inside and out and have all this at your fingertips and I am afraid Barrie did not succeed in that aspect. As I said before he is not the man to do it he does not have the necessary skills. I should be excited today about this group but I am not as it is not an exciting venture it is about as exciting as a bucket of cold pith and that is all down to Barrie. This is an idea only and it will remain an idea until someone with all the skill and charisma to lead it arrives and take the drivers with him or her alas Barrie has not got the support he craves and it appears he never will.and thus the PDU will go no further than it is today.
This was a platform for the PDU and it failed miserably. I will not be joining it it is not the right way to go. Barrie alone made a complete balls of this opportunity he blew it. Would I trust him to negotiate on my behalf after that performance absolutely NO. He cannot blame the awkward posters he should have been ready for them and answered honestly but he ignored most of them so the blame has got to be all his nobody else’s

I am gonna sign up to this pdu. I doubt pdu will change anything for drivers but what the hell is £5? It’s worth a gamble and if pdu fails to unite drivers or fails to change anything for drivers I won’t lose any sleep over £5. However let’s not slate those drivers that have decided not to join up as it’s not everyone that can afford to risk a fiver. I don’t have a question to contribute but my suggestion to you Barrie is to start off with transparency mate ie promise monies will be accounted for and audited etc, that will give a lot of people confidence to sign up. Well done for your effort mate.

If enough drivers think they need a voice to try to improve the industry and their lot why don’t they get an already established union with some clout to fight their corner ? Just askin !

unite :grimacing: chocolate fireguards :laughing: Len mccluskey £120,000? A year :sunglasses:


Barrie, can you honestly ever see the DVLA working with anyone?

And here we have the mentally of the typical driver.
Who thinks the DVLA is out to screw everyone.

DVLA and DSA Are businesses and are there to make money hence all the fees they charge, they also make money from selling our personal data yo other private companies and we don’t get any say in that
They may not be there to screw people over, but the are a money making business And some of their rules are questionable but because they are owned by UKPLC they appear to be beyond reproach I would not say that they are on anyone’s side certainly not the drivers take the fascicle medical we have to endure
The Free NHS 5 yr health check and a NHS eye test are far more conclusive but they count for nothing ■■?

I am gonna sign up to this pdu. I doubt pdu will change anything for drivers but what the hell is £5? It’s worth a gamble and if pdu fails to unite drivers or fails to change anything for drivers I won’t lose any sleep over £5. However let’s not slate those drivers that have decided not to join up as it’s not everyone that can afford to risk a fiver. I don’t have a question to contribute but my suggestion to you Barrie is to start off with transparency mate ie promise monies will be accounted for and audited etc, that will give a lot of people confidence to sign up. Well done for your effort mate.

If and when you give your support, you will have access to the private forum.

In here you will see how many members, the balance and accounts

I’d invite you guys to put into google, and look at the same welcome pack, the same unity, a raffle, etc…

and it is relevant to what he’s doing now. Its practically the same format he’s used. Same tack, asking for £25.


Barrie Tozer:
My name is Barrie Tozer.
I have asked Rikki his permission to allow this so you and I can have a “Question & Answer” session about the PDU-UK. If need be the original format with a subscription and reasons for needing a subscription and its closure, and also the new format

In a very short time there has been much comment on the PDU-UK in previous threads, and on FB, some true and some not so true, so the only way you can consider its merit or not is to answer your questions to hopefully inform you correctly, so we can achieve the aims of the PDU.

I will answer your questions about the PDU-UK with honesty and to the best of ability.

Barrie Tozer:
I gave up a weekend to talk to others. 107 replies mostly to answering questions.
I am wasting my time and will go back to where those are offering involvement, help and support, maybe the PDU will or will not continue.

You asked to come here for a Q&A and now you’re wasting your time ? From what i’m reading you are not answering many questions, infact you’re raising even more.

You say you’ll go back to where you’re offered involvement, help and support ? Just where is that ? From what i’ve seen your own forum members have left you, most if not all of your previous “comittee members” and close circle of supporters have left you ? On Facebook your group which was “open” and could of give you a positive image by doing constructive things is now closed, so potential members cannot see what you actually do .And now you say its a few visious individuals hampering your efforts to get off the ground.

Its just really strange that given your aims and intentions that you have never generated any organic growth in the form of followers and supporters. There has to be some reason for this, and i don’t think its because of a few individuals bad mouthing you, or that drivers are their own worst enemy etc… I think you should look a lot closer to home for why you have no support. I’ve no idea how you ever thought anyone was going to pay you any money given your track record.

As a Moderator of a major forum you should as such hold a central and non bias view to do the job

You closed the last post down ref the PDU with an insult to me on a personnel level.

That is a lack of respect and I think will show more giving you any respect as a Moderator

I’d invite you guys to put into google, and look at the same welcome pack, the same unity, a raffle, etc…

and it is relevant to what he’s doing now. Its practically the same format he’s used. Same tack, asking for £25.

MMM i see what you mean

The Club was launched in March 2013 by a Trucker (still a tramper) with 30 yrs experience.

Sound familiar ? A quick whois on that domain confirms any suspicions

So then Barry would you like to enlighten us further on this perhaps? that’s the thing with the internet it doesn’t forget easily As for the subject matter of this thread having read most of it , it all seems not very well thought out , Why do members need cards window stickers at this stage you need some recognition before you can ask drivers to part with their wonga regardless of the amount , Petitions and signatures ,maybe the way to start off

I’d invite you guys to put into google, and look at the same welcome pack, the same unity, a raffle, etc…

and it is relevant to what he’s doing now. Its practically the same format he’s used. Same tack, asking for £25.

Please do :smiley:

Also look at what the members received for their £25

Many Competitions with top prizes including a snooper £395 Satnav
A raffle including return flights to anywhere in the world
A event that alone cost over £1200

Plus a cash raffle where every penny of £10 from their subscription came back to them

Less than 70 members and yet look at what they got back, work the sums out and see who benefitted from it

I’d invite you guys to put into google, and look at the same welcome pack, the same unity, a raffle, etc…

and it is relevant to what he’s doing now. Its practically the same format he’s used. Same tack, asking for £25.

Oh…kay. Is that also Barrie? I make no assumptions, beyond the wording and the fact it links to a forum that I believe he has (or had) interest in…

edit Thanks Barrie. I just spotted your straight answer. And realised that I am actually registered on the forum…

I’d invite you guys to put into google, and look at the same welcome pack, the same unity, a raffle, etc…

and it is relevant to what he’s doing now. Its practically the same format he’s used. Same tack, asking for £25.

Of course it is the same person, one of a few websites owned by…

Domain name:

Barrie Tozer

Registrant type:
UK Individual

Registrant’s address:
Address removed - if people are desperate enough to find out Barries address I am sure they are capable of finding it out themselves