Barrie Tozer:

There are unions already (I know you say you are not a union,but let’s be honest that’s what it will be) that have millions of members,who’s gonna listen to the PDU even if you amass 5k members which I can’t see as I believe at the last count you had less that 100 paid members and that’s from it being launched back in September.

The PDU will not become a union.
Unions do have a place but fail to do anything for Drivers.

It was actually launched in December 2015

Our union has just got us a 5% pay rise over the next 2 years,2.5% per year…
So they do actually do things,it just seems you have an issue with them on the whole.
What exactly you are going to do apart from “open doors” is very unclear and certainly doesn’t justify the salary you are looking for.


So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

He won’t like that question lol It requires answers

2 post by TheBear
none relevant, one insulting

Why, simply to stop others having a good discussion


Barrie Tozer:

There are unions already (I know you say you are not a union,but let’s be honest that’s what it will be) that have millions of members,who’s gonna listen to the PDU even if you amass 5k members which I can’t see as I believe at the last count you had less that 100 paid members and that’s from it being launched back in September.

The PDU will not become a union.
Unions do have a place but fail to do anything for Drivers.

It was actually launched in December 2015

Our union has just got us a 5% pay rise over the next 2 years,2.5% per year…
So they do actually do things,it just seems you have an issue with them on the whole.

I have alwayssaid unions have a place in the worklace and do a good job locally, but fail to do anything on the bigger issues at a higher level

Barrie Tozer:

So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

Some unity is the first priority as without it then further progress is more difficult.
Then to open the doors of communication with those in Authority
This then allows for a lobby of Drivers to address the many issues.

Time scale is unsure, but the first door is now open with te RHA

I agree with your first point.
You have achieved the second point if you previous claims are real.
Your third point will fail as you have been unable to demonstrate factual evidence of your issues.

I don’t know you Barrie nor do I have any gripes with you but yesterday I learned absolutely nothing more about the PDU than I had known from reading the web and group page. I think basically the idea is a good one but you need to sell it to us drivers in a way we can understand. This is your passion someone said well the passion did not jump out yesterday from these pages.
Here is a few questions for you and please take time to put the answer together and inform the readers.

Drivers conditions what is your plan for this how are you going to achieve this. Who are you going to talk to to discuss this. What are the conditions you are going to try to change. Every driver works in different and with different conditions some worse than others.

Respect for drivers. Nobody can do that for a driver. Each and every driver on the road are the only ones that can earn respect for ourselves but if you have a plan to achieve this please tell us in depth what ou are going to do to get the result needed. People talk about the respect in the olden times but that was the last century and there were fewer lorries on the roads in those days and fewer drivers and fewer cars and bicycles.Times have changed since then.

Unity that is another thing only drivers can do if they really want unity they will go for it but if you can sell it to us do and let us know how you can achieve this.This has been tried many times before but drivers never were interested. What can you do to change the mind set of drivers in depth answer would be good .Is there a way you can manage this.


Barrie Tozer:

There are unions already (I know you say you are not a union,but let’s be honest that’s what it will be) that have millions of members,who’s gonna listen to the PDU even if you amass 5k members which I can’t see as I believe at the last count you had less that 100 paid members and that’s from it being launched back in September.

The PDU will not become a union.
Unions do have a place but fail to do anything for Drivers.

It was actually launched in December 2015

Our union has just got us a 5% pay rise over the next 2 years,2.5% per year…
So they do actually do things,it just seems you have an issue with them on the whole.

Totally missing the point.
Your union secured a pay only YOUR work place NOT for everyone that’s in the same union as YOU.

The PDU is trying to secure across the board for ALL drivers so that ALL drivers get the same.
Its trying to get things regulated


Barrie Tozer:

So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

Some unity is the first priority as without it then further progress is more difficult.
Then to open the doors of communication with those in Authority
This then allows for a lobby of Drivers to address the many issues.

Time scale is unsure, but the first door is now open with te RHA

I agree with your first point.
You have achieved the second point if you previous claims are real.

You can see Mr Burnetts CEO RHA reply to the PDU on here or in the news on the website

Your third point will fail as you have been unable to demonstrate factual evidence of your issues.

There are surveys in place to receive the factual evidence before going ahead with further meetings



Barrie Tozer:

There are unions already (I know you say you are not a union,but let’s be honest that’s what it will be) that have millions of members,who’s gonna listen to the PDU even if you amass 5k members which I can’t see as I believe at the last count you had less that 100 paid members and that’s from it being launched back in September.

The PDU will not become a union.
Unions do have a place but fail to do anything for Drivers.

It was actually launched in December 2015

Our union has just got us a 5% pay rise over the next 2 years,2.5% per year…
So they do actually do things,it just seems you have an issue with them on the whole.

Totally missing the point.
Your union secured a pay only YOUR work place NOT for everyone that’s in the same union as YOU.

The PDU is trying to secure across the board for ALL drivers so that ALL drivers get the same.
Its trying to get things regulated

Totally wrong I’m afraid Nick. The differences in jobs and skill levels of each individual depot or contract, not to mention localised cost of living issues, mean there is no “across the board” solution.

Barrie Tozer:


So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

He won’t like that question lol It requires answers

2 post by TheBear
none relevant, one insulting

Why, simply to stop others having a good discussion

Neither relevant?? How so?? You’re the one that compared yourself to Rikki … not me. .
The other one is insulting? How so? You’re the one that has tried all this before and made a pigs ear of it.
You never answered ANY question last night that was near the knuckle. You STILL haven’t answered how you warranted awarding yourself a £35k wage.
I find this whole Q&A thread laughable as there have been lots of controversial (in your eyes, anyway) questions asked and not one of them answered. We all know that if this had gone on on your webshite, then a good few of us would have been banned.

A lot on here seem to be confusing the word ‘union’ with a small ‘u’ …with a Trade Union.
A union is a group of two or more people with a common interest, even a marriage is a union.
A Trade Union is a group of workers with a political agenda, it is also a dirty word to a lot on here.
That is where the confusion is setting in. The PDU is a union with a small ‘u’ not a Trade Union in the true sense of the word (s)
I’m sure Barrie can speak for himself (so I’m sorry to stick my neb in Barrie :blush: ) but I think that is what he means when he says it is not a ‘Union’ .
Here endeth the English lesson for today. :laughing:

A lot on here seem to be confusing the word ‘union’ with a small ‘u’ …with a Trade Union.
A union is a group of two or more people with a common interest, even a marriage is a union.
A Trade Union is a group of workers with a political agenda, it is also a dirty word to a lot on here.
That is where the confusion is setting in. The PDU is a union with a small ‘u’ not a Trade Union in the true sense of the word (s)
I’m sure Barrie can speak for himself (so I’m sorry to stick my neb in Barrie :blush: ) but I think that is what he means when he says it is not a ‘Union’ .
Here endeth the English lesson for today. :laughing:

Just what is needed for a beautiful Sunday morning, good Sir :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I managed to read to page 7/8 before starting to lose track of which questions were being asked and answered, and therefore losing interest!!!

You state you have had various meetings with bodies, MSA Directors, RDC owners etc - could you please post copies of the formal minutes of these meetings or a link to where they can be read. This would allow potential & existing members to see what discussions have taken place, the quality of those discussions, the next steps / actions to be taken & by whom.

Plus even though you have stated this is a non-profit organisation, could you post or provide a link too a set of audited accounts. This would show potential & existing members where their money has been spent, what surplus is currently available for future development & reinvestment. It maybe non-profit, but you still need to justify & evidence the financial side of your organisation.

Thank you

Hi, third time now of asking these two questions this morning - would appreciate a response. If you expect drivers to join you, you need to be open & transparent so informed decisions can be made.

I don’t know you Barrie nor do I have any gripes with you but yesterday I learned absolutely nothing more about the PDU than I had known from reading the web and group page. I think basically the idea is a good one but you need to sell it to us drivers in a way we can understand. This is your passion someone said well the passion did not jump out yesterday from these pages.
Here is a few questions for you and please take time to put the answer together and inform the readers.

Drivers conditions what is your plan for this how are you going to achieve this. Who are you going to talk to to discuss this. What are the conditions you are going to try to change. Every driver works in different and with different conditions some worse than others.

I have tried to put the main issues together and they are stated on the website on the “issues” page and also some possible solutions to resolve them, At the moment they have only been suggested and it needs far more discussion from many other drivers in the job to ensure the moving forward with them is “what they want” once they are in place then talks can begin with the Authorities that can bring about those changes. No quick solutions and a long way to achieve any of them

Respect for drivers. Nobody can do that for a driver. Each and every driver on the road are the only ones that can earn respect for ourselves but if you have a plan to achieve this please tell us in depth what ou are going to do to get the result needed. People talk about the respect in the olden times but that was the last century and there were fewer lorries on the roads in those days and fewer drivers and fewer cars and bicycles.Times have changed since then.

Respect can only be earned and it is something everyone would like, Hopefully the pdu by bringing drivers together can start to bring it about by bring recognition, working on ways to earn it and then only if everyone wants it can it slowly be earned.

Unity that is another thing only drivers can do if they really want unity they will go for it but if you can sell it to us do and let us know how you can achieve this.This has been tried many times before but drivers never were interested. What can you do to change the mind set of drivers in depth answer would be good .Is there a way you can manage this.

On this forum and many other media outlets you always read it will never happen, Well Why? It is a long progress of apathy mis-trust and a basic acknowledgement that it wont happen. Only each individual can make it happen but there needs to be somewhere they can go and join to bring it about. Is the PDU the place only time will tell, but I hope by talking to you and many others we can show it can be done


A lot on here seem to be confusing the word ‘union’ with a small ‘u’ …with a Trade Union.
A union is a group of two or more people with a common interest, even a marriage is a union.
A Trade Union is a group of workers with a political agenda, it is also a dirty word to a lot on here.
That is where the confusion is setting in. The PDU is a union with a small ‘u’ not a Trade Union in the true sense of the word (s)
I’m sure Barrie can speak for himself (so I’m sorry to stick my neb in Barrie :blush: ) but I think that is what he means when he says it is not a ‘Union’ .
Here endeth the English lesson for today. :laughing:

Just what is needed for a beautiful Sunday morning, good Sir :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

God Bless you my child.
Reverend Rob. :laughing:

A lot on here seem to be confusing the word ‘union’ with a small ‘u’ …with a Trade Union.
A union is a group of two or more people with a common interest, even a marriage is a union.
A Trade Union is a group of workers with a political agenda, it is also a dirty word to a lot on here.
That is where the confusion is setting in. The PDU is a union with a small ‘u’ not a Trade Union in the true sense of the word (s)
I’m sure Barrie can speak for himself (so I’m sorry to stick my neb in Barrie :blush: ) but I think that is what he means when he says it is not a ‘Union’ .
Here endeth the English lesson for today. :laughing:

Thanks for clearing that up so it is agreed it is not a Union, so then it is an Organisation! It can’t be anything else as by its very nature of having a committee or body of members that is an Organisation and must be accountable in regards to accounts and such like surely?

So let me ask… who so far have you approached, who have already opened up lines of communication with

OK, a serious question …
Do you intend taking this up full time, Mr Tozer? Or just when you are home from your tramping job?


I managed to read to page 7/8 before starting to lose track of which questions were being asked and answered, and therefore losing interest!!!

You state you have had various meetings with bodies, MSA Directors, RDC owners etc - could you please post copies of the formal minutes of these meetings or a link to where they can be read. This would allow potential & existing members to see what discussions have taken place, the quality of those discussions, the next steps / actions to be taken & by whom.

Many of these meetings go back a long way so It would take a long time to produce all that it entailed, lets just say achievements were obtained for Drivers, like £3m spent on new showers at Welcome Break Services, Some MSAs changing the priority for truckes on exits due to blind spots, Tesco opening up their waiting rooms from a little slot in a window. The past achievements are not important. We now need to work on changing future improvements and it takes time from opening the door to presenting a good proposal.

Plus even though you have stated this is a non-profit organisation, could you post or provide a link too a set of audited accounts. This would show potential & existing members where their money has been spent, what surplus is currently available for future development & reinvestment. It maybe non-profit, but you still need to justify & evidence the financial side of your organisation.

Accounts are in place,but a with any organisation nothing is available for audit until after its first year

Thank you

Hi, third time now of asking these two questions this morning - would appreciate a response. If you expect drivers to join you, you need to be open & transparent so informed decisions can be made.

PS, 10 or more are posting questions and I am answering as fast as I can

The only way I can see this working is the whole PDU name being dropped, remove the £5 subscription although theres no doubt been a fair bit of cost to date both financial and time in this already.

Strength in numbers is best acheivable if Rikki allows you to plant your PDU seed in his Trucknet field. Formation of any unity can then grow from there.

No need to be a card carrying member just yet the seed needs nuturing and fertilising from a firm foundation. Membership is automatic once one becomes a professional driver.

Issues affecting the majority can be voted on, discussed, epetitions / contact with official bodies can begin once the points issues have been thrashed out.

Take laybys for instance they should be wider longer safer and it should be part of any new road build that suitable laybys with litter bins are installed. Fines for littering and cctv installation is another consideration. Even a good drainage chsnnel and monthly jetwashing because its a reality most of the population ■■■■ in them anyway. Current laybys should be revamped and improved as and where possible.

Better facilities for women, lets get the Sheilas involved. Im sure if male truckers have experienced poor facilities ladies must be in the same boat when they want to lather up.

[Due to high thread scrutiny I have had to avoid ■■■■■■ innuendo in this post, think I managed it]

OK, a serious question …
Do you intend taking this up full time, Mr Tozer? Or just when you are home from your tramping job?

Non-Profit, no income, no wage

I have been working on this for over a year, attended one meeting and not taken a penny from any “old” subscription.

For15 years I have done most of my own back and while still working to provide a living for my family