One thing struck me as very strange eezeer said he had paid his fiver and Barry (spelt wrong by eezeer) wa a great lad but Barry appeared not to know him at all. How do you not know who your members are that is odd indeed Itis not as if there are thousands of them. He should know his members

Barrie Tozer:
I did not want to overstay the offer Rikki has allowed and considered maybe the Q&As were starting to lead no where.

Some have said questions still need answering even after 10 pages of trying too.

So I will return tomorrow to annoy some of you.

Again I will try but please try to ask questions unanswered and not those answered but you do not like.

some keep coming back to me making a profit, paying for my retirement etc
As much as I say I will not make money some cannot simply believe in honesty.

Even those who might not like me or I them, lets please keep it civil so that the real intentions and aims of the PDU can be seen.

Like or not I will try my best to answer

See you tomorrow and have a good night

YOUR website

Which is brilliant when you do go to…

Again YOUR website contradicts what you write on here.

You say its non profit yet you readily admit that there will be excess change from the latest charges, but these dont have to be accounted for?
You say it is non profit yet your own website states the wages of anyone working within the PDU of being £35000 plus expenses.

OK it cost £5 but this is to get a recognition within a name

This is down the same line as your previous guise.
Pay me £25 and you can have your comment put forward for consideration.

Then again, who knows what tomorrow brings and therefore who knows how high the subs might be then.

Of course this might explain your reluctance to answer such basic questions of…

Barrie Tozer:

How many members are in the PDU in its current form ?

For very good reason that is something I will not answer. (end of)

Just to say not enough “YET”

How many member have paid up since you started to “campaign for better” way back in 2002 with truckers moan?
How many people havent received a refund for the latest change in charges?

Dont worry, as previously stated, I currently expect a dragged out thread whilst you keep bumping this back to the top and ignore questions that you dont like :wink:

One thing struck me as very strange eezeer said he had paid his fiver and Barry (spelt wrong by eezeer) wa a great lad but Barry appeared not to know him at all. How do you not know who your members are that is odd indeed Itis not as if there are thousands of them. He should know his members

One thing struck me as very strange eezeer posted, got called on being a second account and suddenly posts no more

FTFY :grimacing:

I am all for positive solutions to issues.

But this Barrie fella seems to have previous form on not delivering on things. Couple that with a very bizarre belief that he has the correct contacts in order to address all the issues that affect us all most days.

This chap wont say how many members he has. His only achievement so far is something to do with toilets. Considering the [zb] holes that I am expected to use at various RDC’s, I would question that too.

Until drivers start driving more considerately, stop throwing crap everywhere, and generally improve their professionalism, we will continue to be hated by most of the public, and I cannot see how Mr Tozer can help in any way.

Wages are something way beyond his control. So is the DCPC. And increasing parking is out of his reach. Accounting appears to be a no go area too.

The influx of cheap labour into the driving game has had an irreversible affect on haulage, and giving this chap £5 will not solve anything IMO.


What do you think of my idea of an ‘either/or’ option for membership fee until you prove the doubters wrong.■■

Fair idea.


I’m a bit worried you do not say how many people signed up to the PDU-UK. What is there to hide?
I can’t think of any sound reason not too really. You are a open platform for drivers yet you hide your membership. As a voice for others you need to be open and transparent.

If your taking money for the fight so too speak you need too be held accountable for that money. Where it goes?
For all we know it could be going in your pocket.
Accounts need to published.

You say you are the voice amongst others across the table so you are the representative but then who are you accountable too as your not elected?

Who sets your agenda? Us? If you have one then it needs to be published.
You can’t go away on your own crusade you need the members ideas then you have backing.

I pay £13 a month for a union membership. Now that gets me plenty(I work for the UK’S biggest plaster manufacturer and by christ they’re sneeky so I need it)I’m a casual driver for a large chilled haulier. Why should I pay you?
Persuade me.

A Unity is a Union. Yet you say your not a union. I just don’t get it mate
I’m not having a go at you, im not judging you. I don’t know you from Adam but I have sat and read every post (square eyeballs now trust me) and you seem to have been around a fair bit and are also well knowen in some quarter’s so here’s a greenhorn of who you are asking questions.

I managed to read to page 7/8 before starting to lose track of which questions were being asked and answered, and therefore losing interest!!!

You state you have had various meetings with bodies, MSA Directors, RDC owners etc - could you please post copies of the formal minutes of these meetings or a link to where they can be read. This would allow potential & existing members to see what discussions have taken place, the quality of those discussions, the next steps / actions to be taken & by whom.

Plus even though you have stated this is a non-profit organisation, could you post or provide a link too a set of audited accounts. This would show potential & existing members where their money has been spent, what surplus is currently available for future development & reinvestment. It maybe non-profit, but you still need to justify & evidence the financial side of your organisation.

Thank you

I’ve not yet partaken in this thread, preferring instead to sit back, watch it develop, then decide where I stand. My impressions are that Barrie is passionate about his “baby”, he genuinely wants change within the industry and sees this as the way forward. I believe that there’s a huge amount of negativity towards him some of which is justified, some of which is merely jumping on the bandwagon.

I personally believe that sadly he is on a hiding to nothing simply because of the mindset of drivers who by their very nature are quite solitary individuals who although they occasionally like to gather together (ie this forum) they generally prefer to fight their own battles (something I freely admit applies to me). Yes of course we stand more of a chance of change if we are united, but let’s face it; it’ll never happen.

Barrie seems a nice, well intentioned guy, but unfortunately for me whenever I read his posts I get a mental image of this fella…

Good Morning to all, a nice bright Sunday Morning here.

I said my goodbyes yesterday in the thought that it had gone on and in some posters eye’s was going nowhere. Then one or 2 have said keep going.

Let’s try and make clear a couple of things from the word go to try and make this more readable and possibly interesting rather than bringing up old news of which has been made perfectly clear by some.

I have and will openly admit on here and other places that I have made mistakes, some big mistakes and done some things in the past I am not proud of. (at least I admit it)

For about 15 years now my one (let’s say) passion is to try and bring drivers together in unity so we have some means of being seen as a body of professionals and a means of communication to others in the Industry.

To bring about unity I have tried to show that together things can be done if we work as one. Some on here will say I have never achieved anything in 15 years and that is their belief but sometimes achievements are not seen but just happen without noticing. I could go ahead and list those but I am not here to say what I have done but more what I want to do in the future.

I would challenge any Drivers to say there are no problems in this job wherever you work and ask what can you do about it if there is no means of addressing them to higher Authority?

The PDU-UK is new and is only in the first stage of what it might or could become.

It can only improve, as more join and get involved by putting their suggestions and idea’s on the table. It is just like anything else new one person puts the idea forward and then it grows in strength with the membership.

It has been in a process for over a year, started by suggestion to drivers a “union” and it was a no go as drivers did not want another union. So it changed its spots and suggested a unity with a subscription to become a large organisation. The subscription brought about suspicion and doubt and after a few months it was realized it was also a no go. So again we changed the spots and made it a unity with just a membership within for £5

The PDU started and still is about unity, it has changed as it talked to drivers and put forward those changes to them.

This TN Forum started out about 20 years ago on an idea Rikki had, it started with one man’s passion and idea. It has changed a lot over the years and is now respected as the best in the UK for Drivers. Many of the changes took place by him listening to those joining and improving along with them. It took time!

The PDU-UK is in some ways no different other than a differing objective and starts somewhere.

To those of you posting to continually bring up past mistakes, of which I admit then try to stop so we can have a decent discussion without me having to constantly admit to them with explanation.
The PDU-UK “could” be a good thing for Drivers and offer something many of us want, it will need to continually change and improve as we grow in strength and your contribution will bring about those changes.

Nothing is perfect from day one.

I have and will answer your questions, but admittedly I get frustrated and angry at some who continually ask the same question in a different format because they do not like the answer I have given.
Some asked how many members? I answered I cannot say due to “good reason”.

Accept the answer instead of 20 more post of insinuations because you did not like the answer, because the answer has been given and will not be changed however much you do not like it.
We do not always like the answer given, but get on with it.

The PDU-UK is £5.00 to join so it can form recognition. It is non-profit, I have lost money and not made money, it is about unity not a scam, it is working together, not one man, it is not perfect and will change; it is accountable not ■■■■■■■ in the wind.

Drivers Need unity. Drivers want improved conditions. Drivers want respect.

“Maybe” The PDU-UK can help to bring it about.

How can it change to do as it says?

Questions please?

It can’t and never will Baz.

The TGWU was the union for drivers but never really fought for drivers which as I understood was the reason the URTU was born and that failed.
You will never get drivers to work together unless you have s body that drivers need to be registered with much like Dr’s with the BMC etc.
As I see it the closest thing we ( drivers) have is DVLA that actually regulates drivers and we know how drivers feel about them.
The DVLA is in no way the drivers enemy it’s a body put into place to protect by enforcing regulations and as such until drivers can accept that and work with that organisation things will never change.

It can’t and never will Baz.

The TGWU was the union for drivers but never really fought for drivers which as I understood was the reason the URTU was born and that failed.
You will never get drivers to work together unless you have s body that drivers need to be registered with much like Dr’s with the BMC etc.
As I see it the closest thing we ( drivers) have is DVLA that actually regulates drivers and we know how drivers feel about them.
The DVLA is in no way the drivers enemy it’s a body put into place to protect by enforcing regulations and as such until drivers can accept that and work with that organisation things will never change.

Could the PDU over time work with the DVLA? better to work together and communicate together

Barrie, can you honestly ever see the DVLA working with anyone?

How the hell can you even begin to compare yourself to Rikki Chequer?? You’re even more in cuckoo land then I thought

Barrie Tozer:

It can’t and never will Baz.

The TGWU was the union for drivers but never really fought for drivers which as I understood was the reason the URTU was born and that failed.
You will never get drivers to work together unless you have s body that drivers need to be registered with much like Dr’s with the BMC etc.
As I see it the closest thing we ( drivers) have is DVLA that actually regulates drivers and we know how drivers feel about them.
The DVLA is in no way the drivers enemy it’s a body put into place to protect by enforcing regulations and as such until drivers can accept that and work with that organisation things will never change.

Could the PDU over time work with the DVLA? better to work together and communicate together

If the PDU are for drivers rights / views the only way I can see any way of changing anything is to have the regulation enforcement body on your side.
With out them you ■■■■■■■ in the wind.

Sorry Baz but without them you can’t unite anyone

There are unions already (I know you say you are not a union,but let’s be honest that’s what it will be) that have millions of members,who’s gonna listen to the PDU even if you amass 5k members which I can’t see as I believe at the last count you had less that 100 paid members and that’s from it being launched back in September.

I managed to read to page 7/8 before starting to lose track of which questions were being asked and answered, and therefore losing interest!!!

You state you have had various meetings with bodies, MSA Directors, RDC owners etc - could you please post copies of the formal minutes of these meetings or a link to where they can be read. This would allow potential & existing members to see what discussions have taken place, the quality of those discussions, the next steps / actions to be taken & by whom.

Plus even though you have stated this is a non-profit organisation, could you post or provide a link too a set of audited accounts. This would show potential & existing members where their money has been spent, what surplus is currently available for future development & reinvestment. It maybe non-profit, but you still need to justify & evidence the financial side of your organisation.

Thank you

So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

There are unions already (I know you say you are not a union,but let’s be honest that’s what it will be) that have millions of members,who’s gonna listen to the PDU even if you amass 5k members which I can’t see as I believe at the last count you had less that 100 paid members and that’s from it being launched back in September.

The PDU will not become a union.
Unions do have a place but fail to do anything for Drivers.

It was actually launched in December 2015

Barrie, can you honestly ever see the DVLA working with anyone?

And here we have the mentally of the typical driver.
Who thinks the DVLA is out to screw everyone. Much like any motorway plod is always out to get the driver.

The drivers answer will always be it’s not my fault, my boss gives me tight times or I had to go over my hrs or I would be weekend etc it’s never the drivers fault is it :unamused:

So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

He won’t like that question lol It requires answers

So we start again.

Can you inform us of what your top 3 priorities are, what you intend to do to address them and in what time frame you expect to see progress?

Some unity is the first priority as without it then further progress is more difficult.
Then to open the doors of communication with those in Authority
This then allows for a lobby of Drivers to address the many issues.

Time scale is unsure, but the first door is now open with te RHA